
Last night, as Nathan was taking the rubbish out, Seven (the puppy, for anyone that is new here) ran onto the road and was hit by a car. We are very lucky, in that the guy who hit her, immediately brought her to the door.

She was limp. She was completely unresponsive. She was bleeding from her nose.

We thought that she was going to die.

After laying her down and checking her over, she was still breathing and nothing seemed to be broken. She was just….limp. And unresponsive.

So, we bit the bullet, went bugger the cost and took her to the vet. Somewhere between here and the vet, she actually started to lift her head and move a a little, so we were hopeful, that maybe she wouldn’t die.

The vet was honest and said that she was in a great deal of shock, she had bleeding in her lungs and she was in pain. They suspected a possible broken pelvis and maybe a fractured leg.

We left her there and the vet promised to ring in the morning (this morning).

9.30am came and went and I couldn’t wait any longer, so I rang the vet.

Seven had a good night, her lungs are now clear, she is awake and happy and amazingly, there is nothing broken. We can pick her up this afternoon, she is fine.

I am thinking, maybe we should change her name to Lucky?

So that is why there was no blog post last night. By the time we got back from the vet, I was so tired, all I wanted to do was sleep. So I did.


27 responses to “Seven”

  1. witchypoo Avatar

    I’d say Seven is a lucky name.
    And? Glad you got some sleep.

    witchypoos last blog post..The Little Professor

  2. Bettina Avatar

    Lucky Seven!

    I wouldn’t change her name, just expand it a little 😉

    I’m so glad for you that Seven is ok.

    Bettinas last blog post..A Chopping Good Time

  3. anja Avatar

    Oh hell, the poor little thing.

    That’s one of my worst nightmares. If anything happened to one of my hounds I would be a mess.

    Don’t change her name. It’s a beautiful name.

    anjas last blog post..Here we go again. Child exploitation.

  4. Suze Avatar

    Poor puppy. It’s heartbreaking when something like that happens. Did you know you can now take out health insurance for pets now? Not that I’m suggesting you do, but you know, it’s just kinda interesting.
    Glad Seven is oK and htat you got some sleep!

  5. Ree Avatar

    Well, Seven is supposed to be a lucky number, right?

    When I was growing up, we had a Great Dane. She was everything to me. I let her in one morning right before I went to school and she was standing by the door, bloody.

    I went to work after school, (I worked in our vets office) and she was in the back, 273 stitches. Such a trooper.

    And she lived to the grand old age of 13 (nearly unheard of for a ‘giant’ breed) –

    I’m so glad Seven is going to be okay.

    Rees last blog post..Going to the Chapel

  6. lceel Avatar

    occupation: puppy
    first name: seven
    last name: eleven
    salary: incalculable

    lceels last blog post..Friday – the weekend cometh

  7. Leslie Avatar

    I’m so glad she’s going to be okay. That’s one lucky puppy!

  8. jessica @pianomomsicle Avatar

    i’m really glad she’s ok! It’s so hard to lose animals. They’re like family members!

    jessica @pianomomsicles last blog post..It’s a….

  9. Kristen Avatar

    I am so glad that your puppy is okay!
    And congratulations on your pregnancy. I kind of understand what you mean about not being sure being a pregnancy blogger. I kind of feel the same way because of all my other dead baby mommy friends. I remember how hard it was to hear about other pregnancies when my child had died in my womb.
    But I know that friends are happy for other friends who have good news and I am sure they will all support you in this.
    Take care.

    Kristens last blog post..As an add-on to yesterday’s post…

  10. Tracey Avatar

    aaawwwwwww….poor Seven! I don’t think you should change her name. I’m so glad she’s all good. Damn pets, and that annoying way they have of making you love them…

  11. river Avatar

    Bettina read my mind and said it first. That’ll teach me to put things off.

  12. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    7 is a lucky number.

    Get a good bloody fence up before Amy gets curious!

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Patience Patients

  13. tiff Avatar

    sounds as though young seven has seven lives!
    glad she is ok.

    tiffs last blog post..In Noah’s world.

  14. Marylin Avatar

    I’m so glad she’s ok!

    Marylins last blog post..Hai kudn’t think of a title…

  15. Katie Avatar

    Did she run out when the door was opened? It’s so frustrating when they do that – Puddy often does it and I always worry she’s going to disappear or run onto the road and get hurt!

    It’s good to hear that Seven is okay – I hope she has a full and fast recovery!

  16. Jenty Avatar

    I’m so glad that Seven is ok!

    Jentys last blog post..The web and my photos

  17. Taz Avatar


    poor Seven..

    that great she is going to be ok..

    Tazs last blog post..A special for the week.. i call it friends.. 🙂

  18. zoe Avatar

    holy cow! what a lucky ducky..i mean doggy

    zoes last blog post..Never Surrender

  19. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    I’m so glad she’s okay! Everybody in my house heard me gasp when I read that she was hit by a car. Poor puppy! If something happened to my 4 legged children I’d be devastated.

    And thank you for giving me my morning belly laugh with your comment about driving on the wrong side of the road. You are the BEST!

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..A Day in Photos

  20. Jenn Avatar

    That’s good ,glad she’s ok!

  21. Kat Avatar

    Seven is apparently her lucky number. Wouldn’t change a thing. =)

    Kats last blog post..The Rules, According to Colin

  22. Tara Avatar

    OMG I was holding my breath the whole time I was reading this! I’m so glad Lucky Seven is OK!

  23. Angela Avatar

    Oh my goodness! Poor little Seven!

    I am so glad that she hung in there! May she have a speedy recovery!

  24. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    OMG! Poor thing! I’m so glad to hear Seven is alright 🙁 I would have been a wreck! Hope you are all catching up on some rest.

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..Gotta Dance

  25. katef Avatar

    oh wow that is one lucky puppy! So glad Seven is ok!

    katefs last blog post..Here Chook Chook Chook….

  26. Talina Avatar

    Awe, poor seven! I think her name fits her well. Seven is a lucky number you know and she is a very lucky doggie!

    Talinas last blog post..Baby chicks, a video!

  27. Trish Avatar

    how is Seven now ?
    hope she is on the mend – how scary!

    Trishs last blog post..Weekly Winners – Blogoversary edition