Tomorrow, I am getting on a plane and flying to Sydney, to attend a brand event with my sponsors for the Blogopolis, Kellogg’s. I’m pretty excited about this, but excitement seems to manifest in weird ways for me. Namely, procrastination.
You see, I’m always so worried that something will go wrong at the Very Last Minute, leaving me unable to attend an event – so I try hard not to think about it, not to look forward to it and finally (the worst one) not to plan for it.
I am good at procrastination. In fact, I think it’s probably likely to be my secret superpower.
“Able to run around screaming like a headless chicken AT THE VERY LAST SECOND. Can ignore jobs that need doing up until an HOUR BEFORE. Forgets to plan everything and then FREAKS OUT.”
I’m sure that would look perfect on my resume.
Procrastination is why, this morning, you could have found me in the garden pulling weeds, transplanting strawberry plants and planting peas and beans. Not, say, doing something sensible like making a list and packing my bags.
It is also what left me running around like an idiot this afternoon, trying to work out where my grey skivvy was, whether my skinny jeans would be okay for the plane and what on earth was I going to wear on Thurday for the actual Event.
I suppose everyone has to have a skill and this is mine. I only wish that it could have been a better skill, like organisation, or the ability to knit three jumpers at once, or even better, turn lead into gold.
Now those would have been skills to be proud of.
9 responses to “Should be sleeping”
adrenaline (also fear + panic) always invokes a fit of efficiency in me I find, hopefully you get all you need to get done as well as a lovely amount of procrastination….
the weather forecast for Sydney on Thursday is rainy and cold, so bring something warm – does that help with your list?!
Rainy again? REALLY SYDNEY, you could at least TRY for me. Sigh.
I’ve got a jacket and a scarf packed. Being a Tassie girl, I’m used to packing for all weather at once!
Sleepless – I once had a woman in one of my workshops, and she was a terrible procrastinator. She was home with baby no. 2, and instead of cooking dinner she would procrastinate. So her husband cooked dinner when he got home (not bad you may say!) But she felt bad about it. But she just didn’t know how to *not* procrastinate. She then turned it all around by realising that one of her strengths is kindness. And instead of trying to *not* procrastinate, she cooked dinner out of kindness for her hubby! All good!
Hahaha, I like that. I don’t normally procrastinate over things like dinner, or actual work – it’s more filming vlogs and tidying my bookshelves and digging my garden beds. And then when I have something else to procrastinate over (packing), I get all industrious and absolutely HAVE TO get the garden in order, RIGHT NOW.
Hey gorgeous. I will wave to you from Lithgow.
Any good university student, well at least in America, will tell you procrastination makes for the best papers, at least that is what I have found as well as many of my friends, they always seem to get you a better grade then the ones you actually plan for. So maybe so forms of procrastination are good.
I tend to do that too and have been known to pack a suitcase in the last half hour before leaving the house.
The fear of something going wrong mainly relates to any activities I have planned for the kids. I always tell them about exciting things at the very last minute, just in case something goes wrong to prevent them happening and they end up disappointed. Oh, well, they are getting more resilient with age, so maybe I can start giving them a day’s notice…
Have fun in Sydney!
I think you and I are very similar in a lot of ways… this is just yet another example of why!!
Have a great time in Sydney, sweety! MWAH! xxx
I used to be so organised and now I leave everything to the last minute because doing even one extra thing out of our usual routine seems so hard and like a wall I just can’t climb. Need to turn that around somehow.