Showcase Tasmania: Boks Bacon

by Veronica on November 22, 2011

in Showcase Tasmania

A few weeks ago, before my wedding preparations got derailed by a very sick little boy, I did a factory tour at Boks Bacon, to check out how their products are made and to talk to Marcus and Sean about the business and what they’re doing with it.

Boks Bacon used to be a tiny little business based at Cygnet, run from the back of the family butcher. When people discovered the bacon however, word spread fast and Marcus expanded and moved the business out to Glenorchy.

Boks make a range of products now, not just bacon. From schinken and gourmet sausages, to hams and pancetta, it was great to walk through their coolroom and sticky beak at the products, as well as getting to check out the actual factory and smoke rooms.

I was lucky enough to get to try a few products as well.

The bush honey smoked bacon was divine and in my opinion, nicer than the leatherwood honey smoked bacon. That could be because I find leatherwood honey in itself too strong. I grilled the bush honey bacon and served it with salad.

And it was delicious.

The leatherwood honey smoked bacon was nicer grilled, crumbled and sprinked over canneloni – it wasn’t as strong of a flavour that way. If you like leatherwood honey though, you’d love the bacon plain.

I also got to try two different types of sausage – a thai spiced salmon sausage, that Nathan loved the flavour of and a chicken, rocket and parmesan sausage that Nathan wasn’t a fan of (he doesn’t like parmesan) but the kids and I loved. No photos, because I wasn’t that organised.

Boks is a relatively small business, without a huge budget for marketing or advertising, instead choosing to rely on word of mouth and recommendations from customers. This is, of course the entire point to Showcase Tasmania – to show off some of our smaller businesses.

Boks Bacon can be found at 39 Chapel Street, Glenorchy TAS 7010 Phone: 03 6273 8325 for direct factory outlet sales.

river November 22, 2011 at 9:52 pm

I don’t eat bacon much anymore, I find it’s much too salty. I’ve tried different brands, but maybe I need to try a honey bacon. Maybe start with a thick slice of honey ham and fry it up like bacon…

Marita November 23, 2011 at 7:50 am

Mmmmm bacon, so good.

Annie is almost vegetarian, except for bacon, can’t say I blame her that decision, bacon is delicious.

Kellie @ Three Li'l Princesses November 25, 2011 at 9:48 pm

We’ve just spent three days at Strahan with breakfast included each day. We indulge in bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning… as you do! Would be interested to try the leatherwood honey smoked bacon! Sounds fabulous! 🙂

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