Amy is sick.
Which would be very sad, was it not for the fact that she is so damn adorable when she is sick (aside from the copious amounts of snot and whining).
She needs a blanket. But not any blanket, no, she needs one of the wraps that we were given for the new baby. She needs to snuggle under one wrap, with another draped over her head for hiding under when the snot gets too much.
She wants oranges. But not to eat, no, she just wants me to peel and segment them so she can hold them while she hides under the blankets.
She needs a book. Banana’s in Pajama’s is good, as is any of the books from ‘In The Night Garden’ or her Bedtime Stories book. None of her other 1000 books will do. Not today.
She needs to be sitting next to me, but I’m not allowed to touch her blankets. The world will end if I touch them, unless she specifically crawls into my lap with them. The world will also end if I actually move from sitting next to her. Or out of sight.
She is so cute, even with a face full of snot and swollen weepy eyes.
Poor little pet.
She is now very sadly telling me that ‘Daddy is at work…sigh’ and requesting pumpkin soup. Weran out of pumpkin soup 2 days ago (I had made a big pot of it).
I’m thinking that this might get very old very soon. Cross fingers I can hold onto the cute and my sanity.
Oh and if you are that way inclined, you can win a handbag over at Handbag Planet. They are giving away one handbag an hour for their launch and honestly? I am not a handbag girl, but these are nice bags. You can enter here.
22 responses to “Sick”
C’mon, you know it’s a rest for you when she isn’t tearing all over the house! Bless your heart.
Poor Amy, but don’t kiss her! You don’t want to be sick!!
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Homeschooling. On a Footboard.
Awwww, poor Amy. Hope she feels better soon.
Hang onto the cute, the cute will get you through.
tiffs last blog post..Was I spoiled?
Hope she feels better soon!!!
It’s so hard when your kid is sick. I hate it!!!
I always found that there was an upside to having a sick kid – generally they stay in one place much of the time! When not required to read stories out loud, I could sew, knit or even read a book or magazine in relative safety. However it also nice to see them get well again 😉 Hope Amy’s all better soon and that you don’t catch whatever bug she has picked up.
Poor Amy! I hope she feels better soon.
Leslies last blog post..I Love Days Like This
Hope she gets better soon
Megans last blog post..ACL
Awwwwww, poor baby. Enjoy the quiet babe and keep your feet up!
Kelleys last blog post..I rock. You rock. We totally rock!
*doesn’t bother with a comment, reaches for the telephone instead*
frogpondsrocks last blog post..To rock or not to rock, etc. etc. etc…
I have a touch of the sniffles myself ;0)
Which is 100 times worse that what you are facing because I am a man.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Exasperated Ellie
hope sweet pea Amy is better soon .I know the faceful of shot look and isn’t it sweet NOT.
Need any extra tissues or just hugs.
Trishs last blog post..Weekly Winners
now that is very odd – it is me or you showing my last post as four posts ago ?
Doesn’t matter … take care of yourself too honey.
Trishs last blog post..Weekly Winners
poor Amy..
hoping she feels better soon.. 🙂
hows the bump going?
Tazs last blog post..49 Weeks Old
Aaarrgh! Snot!
Confession…I didn’t mind havng sick toddlers. They’re so cute and they stay in one place, and well, they’re just snuggly and cute.
Aren’t I eloquent?
Debs last blog post..Friends and family
Oh, my, poor thing. Oscar’s got quite the cold as well, with all the snot and whining to go along with it. AND he’s cutting his one year molars.
I hope your wee one feels better soon! And, I have to agree with her, pumpkin soup does sound delicious right about now.
Jennis last blog post..Da-Dee, Someone Misses You!
Aw, poor Amy. I hope she feels better soon.
How do you make pumpkin soup? It sounds like she likes it!
Jenn FLs last blog post..Rainy Days and Mondays
Poor thing. I agree, sick family members are adorable in their pathetic-ness. At first. Let’s hope she gets better before the cutes pass.
Oh, poor Amy. And POOR YOU. I hope you can hold onto the cute.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Just Call Me Blanch
I hope that Amy is on the mend soon and that “it” avoids you completely. Thanks for the handbag link… I put an entry in for one and made the post for the extra entries.
maiden53s last blog post..New Arrival
Aww. Poor little thing! I hope she feels better soon!
And thanks for the link. 🙂
Kats last blog post..Becoming Mom
Aww bless, they’re so cute when they’re sick eh? 🙂
Marylins last blog post..Hai, I’m busy!!