Susan from Momabetes (she also can be found at James and the Giant Moose) tagged me for a meme.
I know, I know, you hate me. I hardly ever do memes.
1) Write your own six word memoir;
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like;
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere;
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links; and
5) Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
Lets see, a 6 word memoir.
Needs more sleep to function normally.
Or we could try…
May explode under stressful circumstances. Avoid.
Or or or!
Needs chocolate and hugs to function.
But the one that seems to fit me best is…
Amazing cook, indifferent housewife, fantastic mother.
You can find examples of my amazing cooking here.
My terrible housekeeping here.
And my mothering skills here. (Okay so that link? Is more like my negotiation skills, but you know. Negotiation is a big part of motherhood, right?)
So there! I am not going to tag anyone for this (heh, you know I just can’t be bothered doing all the links and all the comments right?), however I invite you to share your six word memoir in my comments. Or not. As you see fit.
As a side note, Nathan and I just finished watching the movie Planet of Terror.
There is alot (a freaking lot!) of gore and I watched a good portion of the movie with my eyes covered, but if you can cope with that kind of thing I highly recommend the movie.
It is so fucking funny. I pissed myself laughing through most of it.
Have you seen it? What did you think?
11 responses to “Six Words”
Hi. I am a long time reader. I wanted to say that I like your blog and the layout.
Peter Quinn
Peter Quinn’s last blog post..Nearly All the Billionaire on the Forbes List Had Experience in Negotiation, Sales or Deal Making
Whenever I think of my parenting technique I think f that movie devils advocate where one good looking guy says are we negotiating and the other guy says always. Yep thet’s me
Suzie’s last blog post..A Letter To Share Holders
nope i havent seen the movie..
i can not brain today..
i have the dumb.. 🙂
Taz’s last blog post..23 Weeks Old
Haven’t seen the movie. I haven’t sat down for 2 hours in 2 years, lol 🙂
Loved all of your 6 word memoirs 🙂 Here’s mine:
“Perpetually in front of a computer.”
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Short
I did that memoir thing via a Yank, I think one of the several I submitted was: The Greatest Blogger In The World
Old Knudsen’s last blog post..Can You Hear Me Now ?
I will add that one to my netfix movie list… Sounds good!
talina’s last blog post..Did we conceive? My NFP-FAM charting and ovulation.
new blogger most tired may sob
Barbara’s last blog post..95/366 – Babes in the Hood
Love the explodes one. 😉 That would be me.
Ree’s last blog post..Guest Haiku and Other Random Stuff
Oh God, the SLEEP memoir…how could I forget that one? Mine is something like…
Years without sleep… crazy empty brain!
I love that we can write different pieces that showcase different aspects of our lives. And I loved yours, all of them! Thanks for playing.
Oh, and P.S. If you get bored…my husband said I should try to write a six-word HAIKU memoir next. That’s six pretty long words…
Can’t wait to see what you end up blogging about next! 😉
SusanB’s last blog post..Silly Sleepy Goose
All are good. Very inventive. Have a restful weekend.
Linda’s last blog post..2008 Day Ninety Six
” Ironmongers do it with door handles ” haha
sorry i could not resist
6 words to some my job up !!
i’m so glad you make cheese and rosemary scones…. i have made simular for ages,,, people look at me strange !!