So, I’ve been watching all my friends strip their makeup off and show themselves bare for everyone to see.
And I wanted to do it, but I canNOT take photos of my face with my DSLR, I end up photographing the curtain behind me or focusing on the lightbulb. Not great. So I thought some more and wondered what I could photograph instead.
But you know, no one wants to see my post baby belly, nor a photo of my naked feet. Promise, you don’t.
I realised, you know my avatar photo? Guess what? That was taken after dinner on a day when we’d not left the house, so not only have I not got any makeup on, but I probably haven’t brushed my hair either. (I do run my fingers through it and tie it back, but meh)
So, here I am, naked of makeup. Thanks to Nathan for the photo, taken while I was sitting at this very computer.
Obviously I was having a ‘good skin day’.
So that’s me, naked of makeup.
Thanks to Mummy Mayhem for coming up with the idea! (and yes, I know I’m a day late. Shush in the back)
22 responses to “Sleepless Nights goes naked.”
Hello Sweety. I went naked today as well.
woo! nekkid!
I only put makeup on if I am going in to town. The rest of the time I am in my PJ’s and a robe. Hair is always piled on top of my head. Sometimes face is washed and teeth get brushed if E lets me. It’s always naked time around her. LOL.
Well I was waiting for your naked face. You look as beautiful as ever!
That’s you being a gorgeous 21 year old!
gorgeous! 🙂 xx
Perfection! That is all!
Gorgeous as always, both inside and out.
Well good for you, you were doing it already and hadn’t even given it a second thought! You’re already a shining example. (And that is great skin!)
you look great!
Make up? What is this stuff called make up lol!
Glad you are ‘enjoying’ The Book Depository, it is a bit addictive though 😉 And Rivers is good too. Hope you joined their loyalty scheme as well.
You are beautiful Veronica, you don’t need makeup at all. I wore a little mascara and lipstick the day I married L. That’s the entire limit of my makeup. At all other times my face is as naked as the day I was born. I’m just not comfortable in makeup.
Absolutely gorgeous, as always! 🙂 I never wear much make up either to be honest. Occasionally a lil mascara and eyeshadow and that’s about it!
I wonder how bad it would look if I took a ‘looking after baby with gastro while having gastro myself’ photo? I’m glad no one can see me right now!
Lovely pic,
I only wish I looked as good without makeup : )
I kind of hate you for having perfect skin. I have unblemished skin, but it’s a crappy color (a charming mix of magnolia and grey). Your skin colour is so prettty.
I don’t even have an UNbare picture of my face on my blog, so I refuse to post one with no make-up on either. Maybe I should just describe my face instead…
You are so beautiful, and you see – Nathan can take a good photo!
Your photo is absolutely beautiful!
You look beautiful. And I feel your pain on the selfies – I’m horrible at them, too.
The thing I love about you is that you don’t seem to realise that you are beautiful.
Your hair, eyes – nose and mouth bare such a resemblance to my daughter it is incredible. Perhaps long ago before time began there was a special bendy planet!
YAY! Have always thought this shot was so nice – and now I find out it’s makeup free too!
Look at you… with your perfect skin and gorgeous face!! I’d bare my face on the internet, too, if it looked like yours! You are one beautiful girl, Veronica!