…that I use to keep my house clean. *SNORT*
Have you seen my house lately? No? Well, lets just say that the tips probably aren’t working.
Anyway, Witchypoo tagged me with her meme that she came up with all by herself and honestly, it is a great meme.
Write your tip(s) with a link to who sent the meme to you, along with the instructions. They are better if they are your own discovery, or not widely known. Still, tips that make a difference to you are all good. After your tips, you will want to tag some friends who may even be hard up for blog fodder.
1- Bi-carb soda will shift any amount of grot. Caked on muck inside your oven? Make a paste of bi-carb and water, smear it on, leave for 10 or so mins, come back and wipe off. With a small amount of scrubbing everything will be like new.
Magic stuff. Buy some now.
I use bi-carb for those pesky stains that develop around oven hot plates and for the butter that burns onto baking pans.
So now that I have told you about my huge bi-carb fetish secret, I find I am out of ideas. At least household ideas. So onwards and upwards I say.
2- To keep toddlers clean while eating? Serve all food in the bath tub. Bread swells substantially when wet, so make sure you serve plenty of sandwiches. Toddler will end up fuller and everyone will be happier. Of course, you need internet access in the bathroom so that you don’t miss out on blogging while Toddler is silent and eating.
If you can’t get internet access in the bathroom, I highly suggest setting up a tub full of water somewhere you do have internet access. Either that or a set of intricately arranged mirrors so you can see around corners.
3- To quell The Shriek? Duct tape is your friend. Either that or buy yourself some earplugs.
4- We all want those pre-child pre-aging perky boobs don’t we. Now, I have come up with a revolutionary way to make your boobs perk back up to where they used to be.
The answer is simple. Just put on a breast hugging t-shirt and no bra, then hang upside down. Your breasts will instantly end up back where they used to be. Simple really. We should really all embrace walking on our hands.
WARNING: Do not attempt to do this anywhere near a boob obsessed toddler when your t-shirt is NOT breast hugging. You WILL end up with a toddler attempting to feed while your boobs fall out of your top. Toddler will find it hilarious and you will be stuck upside down.
I am tagging –
I tagged some of my newer commenters as well as some old friends. Thanks guys for coming over and visiting me.
25 responses to “Sneaky Tricks…”
hehehehe I am giggling … Right I am off now to practice walking on my hands. hehehehe
cheers mum xxx
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..One hundred!
oooo I like the way you think!! lol
Bettina’s last blog post..Who is wanton now?
I like the way you think, too. but for obviously different reasons. Now I’ve got to spend the rest of the day getting my mind back where it belongs.
Lou’s last blog post..Friday or firday or whatever
You know, ducktape can be used to keep boobs perked up too…I’m just sayin’ 😉
Thanks for the tag! I’ll let you know when I post it.
Nikki’s last blog post..Tagged
Is there anything you cannot do with duct tape? I know a young lady who made her prom dress out of it.
She was very proud.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Don’t Touch Him
Well, I love the baking soda trick. Will be using it asap on my oven!
Stacey’s last blog post..Periods
if I hung upside dow I’d suffocate myself.
Dawn’s last blog post..High-ku Friday
I was already tagged for this today, and you totally did what I was going to do! ARGH!
Great minds. *wink, wink*
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Haik’ewww…
LMAO! I love the perky boobs suggestion!
Jenty’s last blog post..My album cover
If you’re up for another meme (or save it!) I just tagged you.
Ree’s last blog post..First Meme of 2008
Awesome! I’m going out to buy a roll of duct tape right now. Thanks for the tips!
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..This is a Thumb, This is an Index Finger, and This is a Pinky–Wrap Him Around That One
Okay – that perky breast tip is something I need to try! Have a good weekend – Kellan
Kellan’s last blog post..She’s A Girl After My Own Heart
LMAO!! I love the boob trick – must try it! My boobs almost sag to my waist now unless I stand up straight with a bra on 🙂
Tara’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Through the lens of a 3-year-old
i can’t brain today..
i have the dumb..
sorry chick.. brain is not working at all.. :S
Veronica, you are hilarious! Great post.
Leslie’s last blog post..I Think All The Blood Has Gone To My Belly Because My Brain Doesn’t Want To Work Anymore
Hey this was a fantastic post. You funny.
I needed a good laugh today! I’m so glad I came here first.
Tiffany’s last blog post..When you relax Murphy comes a knockin’
lmao! at the image of you nursing Amy while doing a handstand! Seriously…Where do you come up with this stuff? Are you taking something? I want some….lol!
badness jones’s last blog post..The Universe is having a laugh at my expense…..
Thanks Veronica! And that bathtub idea is gold 😉
Bee’s last blog post..17 More Things About Me
Duct tape ~smacks forehead~ D’oh!
That’s what I’ve needed all these years!
Alli ~Mrs. Fussypants’s last blog post..Fussy Fights the Frump- The Eyes Have It!
ROFL!!! The upside down thing..no way! My toddler will run over and try to turn them like oven switches!
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Photohunt 93: Important
D’oh! A tag… grumble grumble. Well, at least I have a topic now for Saturday!
Amos has a case of cradle cap. I read that baking soda will get of that as well. Crazy!
imaginary sarah’s last blog post..Into the Mystic
hmmmm, little known tips eh? I think I can come up with some….
And add this to my meme backlog. Shit I gotta do them!
I will do it while hanging from the ceiling K?
Kelley’s last blog post..The sorry tale of a little girl and Vodka/girls night out
I try to avoid looking in my oven, the walls are black enamel, the baked on gunk is black, I just pretend I can’t see it.
Pre-baby boobs? I can’t remember what they looked like, although I do remember they fitted into an A cup bra. Damn these C cup monsters, they weigh a ton.
we all know i lurve me some duct tape!
zoe’s last blog post..TFT: One, Two Freddy’s coming for you…
ooooh i need to go to the gym and build some arm muscles so i can walk on my hands all day long.
Cinn’s last blog post..Showing Off On Saturday – 2