Seven? Stop eating my goddamned underwear! If I get out of bed in the morning again and find all my underwear chewed I swear I will shove it down your throat. (Yes, it would probably help if I had folded and put away the clean washing, but whatever). At least they were clean.
Amy, I love you, but can you please help me evict the Two that has suddenly taken hold of your toddler body? I want my non tantrumming, non squealing, TALKING toddler back. Also, not climbing for a while would be nice. Mummy’s heart can’t take anymore climbing and leaping ‘Tatch Me!-s’.
I bought my first article of Maternity stuff today. A pair of knee high boots with no heel. Oh so gorgeous and oh so comfortable. Also some tights so that I can get through winter on a song and a prayer while wearing my stretchy material skirts (that are so much sexier than the stretchy material pants).
I also bought more underwear (Seven, you keep away from it you hear me!) because I was getting to the point where I was going to have to go commando. And honestly with all the increased *ahem* (TMI) mucus you get in pregnancy, I really didn’t want to be going commando. Especially not in winter.
Winter? You can fuck off. I am sick of being cold and depressed and sunlight deprived. Thanks.
Dear my Freezer, I would love if you could magically make things appear inside yourself that I felt like eating. IE: Frozen strawberries (that are too expensive to buy) and yogurt. Yes, I KNOW this would make you a magical freezer and it would mean that I would have to pet you a little each day, but honestly, I am good with that.
My skin has gone to shit. I look like a teenage pizza face again and nothing I am doing is fixing it. Sigh. Time to bump up the Vitamin C and fish oil I think. Also, I need to stop being lazy and wash my face more. With CLEANSER.
Dear Nightmares. Go away.
Dear blood pressure. Please rise, I am sick of feeling dead. (Yes, the doctor did check my blood pressure yesterday and he did say it was low, but he didn’t seem too concerned. Hmmmph). I am drinking a metric ton of water/cordial a day and it seems to help, but….
Seriously, I am sick of needing to pee every 30 minutes. Uterus, any time you want to move away from my bladder is good with me. Honestly, I won’t be upset or anything.
Oh and tonight? I can’t seem to string anything coherant together. Can you tell?
16 responses to “Snippets.”
I’ve always had low blood pressure. So low that whenever people take it they look at me with worried expressions and ask me if I feel faint. I AM a fairly low-energy person. Okay, I AM practically dead for all the energy I’ve got. But my midwife says that people with low blood pressure, as long as it’s not freakishly low, tend to live longer. Yay me!
Memarie Lanes last blog post..Dyed and Dentifriced
Sorry you are having a ruogh time. I use to have a dog that ate underwear too,the sicko! She started getting nasty a couple months before I had the baby after being so sweet for 5 years(other then the underwear thing) so we had her put down ,she had bit my husband twice and tried me a couple times and I didn’t want to chance her biting the new baby,she may not have but once the baby is missing a toe or finger or has a big scar on it’s little face it’s too late then! Hope you have a good day!
Jenns last blog post..Starbucks Who?
Not that you need anything ELSE on your plate to worry about, deal with, etc., but I think your spell checker is busted. Not that I want to pester you, or anything, and I certainly wouldn’t want to do anything that would make you crazy or incoherent or anything, but I’m just sayin’.
lceels last blog post..Another Saturday Evening Post?
My head exploded from the thousand smart comments that rushed into my brain for the first paragraph…but my face split in two upon reading about the Winter frozen cervical mucus trickling around the place…
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..The croc board speaks
I recommend dropping Amy and Seven in Nathan’s lap and taking a long, warm bubble bath. They are scientifically proven to help.
Leslies last blog post..Exercising, Er, Exorcising Demons
I most definitely agree with Leslie about the bath ^^
If you ever find a freezer like that let me know k? 😉
ya blog was fine hun.. 🙂
i am oh so tired this time..
but am happy to say i am not dealing with as much (TMI) mucus this time around..
hope all is well..
Tazs last blog post..Weekly Winners – 3.. 🙂
On the whole toddler behavior thing, I am with you, feel you, understand, etc. Braden has been driving me absolutely MAD lately. I am TIRED and I’m not even pregnant! Sending thoughts of strength your way!
Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Get your bare ass off my coffee table. Thanks!
Painting things with chili powder and oil stops most dogs from chewing but, while putting it on your knickers might warm you up a tad, going commando will look at lot more attractive!
Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History July 20
Made alot of sense to me, that whole post.
Brrrr @ the thought of going commando.
tiffs last blog post..Dear Winter,
Funny post.You need to teach Amy to say DADDY TATCH ME not Mummy tatch me….Oh and drinking a little less of the water/cordial might help you pee a little less often. Can’t guarantee it but you could try. Or you could just wait until the uterus lifts up and away.
I remember having to stop consuming liquids by 3pm so I wouldn’t have to pee every 30 minutes all night long. It meant by bedtime I was really thirsty and uncomfortable. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Pet Peeve (Almost Still) Thursday– A New Low For Me
I think you should post more often, I have enjoyed this so far. Added to my reader. Btw, my blog is dofollow, stop by and grab a link. SusanO
hey….saw your baby pic down the other post as well, this is all awesome news, hope it balances things out a bit for the hard time you have been having.
Hope everything in that dept is going as well as it can as well.
Salty things will lift your BP but don’t overdo it! Have to agree with the commenter who suggested that drinking lots = peeing lots.
When ‘tatching’ Amy beware of the one arm catch – your’s or her’s – it can end with a dislocated elbow! Don’t ask, it’s too painful even now!
Other than that it sounds as though this is all perfectly normal for your situation, enjoy!
I can’t sleep at all because all I do is freaking pee. Every 45 minutes to an hour. Grrrrrrrr. I just had to order online a bunch of maternity clothes, because surprise, nothing fits at all.