Soap, Spring and Sunshine

A month on Cymbalta (give or take a few days) (take, mostly) and things are slowly evening out. My pain is back under control, I’m no longer feeling quite so scatty and distractable and if my jaw is dislocating a hundred times overnight, well at least it isn’t aching all day as well.

Spring is sprunging here. My fruit trees are trying desperately to squeeze out some early blossoms and the sight of the swelling buds brings me so much joy. The nights are icy and there is frost on the ground in the morning, but the days are long and sunny and there is a patch of sunlight in my bedroom I can spend hours lying in like a contented cat if I need to.

It makes the bitterness of death a slightly easier pill to swallow. Nathan’s grandmother died last week and he will miss her. She was lovely and we named Evelyn for her and my grandmothers together, which soothes the ache of missing them a little. Their names will live on, even as they don’t.

Yesterday was full of sunshine. Nathan spent the day grumbling about the dirt against the side of the house as he pulled weeds and discovered exactly where the wood boring grubs are causing issues. He excavated an old hole into the foundations of the house and we shoved the cats down there to hunt mice and chase each other.

Evelyn happily followed him around the yard, throwing weeds into the wheelbarrow until she got bored, pulled her gumboots off, sat in a pile of freshly turned dirt and began digging. By the time we were ready to come inside she was covered in mud, but it was okay, because she had successfully completed her quest to fill her boots up to the very top with dirt. I admire her ability to stick to a task as the cats ran over her, the dog nearly sat on her and the dirt she was sitting on got progressively damper.

A long warm bath and she was clean again, with a bonus lot of fingernail cutting thrown in.

Winter hasn’t been cold exactly, but it’s been dull and weird, probably contributing to my dull and weird mood. More vitamin D is in the works, along with an iron supplement, because I always seem to forget I need to supplement with iron when I get too exhausted to eat well.

The soap business launches in a little over three weeks and I am so excited. My shelves are full of soap ready to sell, and my other shelves (and the other shelves, and basically the entire house) is covered in soap still curing, packaging, label tests and various lists of things I need to do.

It’s excellent and exciting and I am so grateful to you, my dearest Internets, for supporting me and making the process of setting up a business so much fun.

2014-07-31 20.49.36 020


6 responses to “Soap, Spring and Sunshine”

  1. edenland Avatar

    I am so sorry to hear of Nathans grandmother. Evelyn really is a beautiful name and way of honouring both of your grandmothers.

    Spring can go suck a dick for me, frankly. For the first time in my life I wanted winter to come so badly, for the weather to match my heart but it wasn’t even a proper winter. Mild as fuck.

    I am so excited about your soap. Your photos have been good enough to eat, so I imagine in the flesh they are just as yummy.


  2. Fiona Avatar



    Your soap, I can smell in through the monitor.

  3. Anne Avatar

    I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Nathan’s grandmother. My condolences to you both and your family.

    I can tell Spring is on its way, because the daffodils are starting to bloom their yellow loveliness in the garden.

    On a gorgeous sunny day, I too like to find a spot in the sun where I can just sit and read a book or take a nap.

    As for the soap, the pics are great and I can only imagine how divinely scented your house smells right now 🙂

    Take care xhugx

  4. FunMumX3 Avatar

    I had a brain-fart recently when I realized that holds me back from buying delicious looking soap every time I see it. I would LIKE to use it for Ms 18 who has very dry skin and flaky scalp but I don’t because… SOAP HOLDER! I have memories of crusty soap bits sliding around the tub and leaving a big mucky messy sludgy soap-pool on the side of the bath. With 3 teens in my house, soap bars would be a hassle. So, my friend, put on your solution-hat and come up with an affordable, sustainable, earth-friendly, re-usable SOAP HOLDER. I bet it will be a WIN with your soaps that look so gorgeous I want to bathe with them and eat them with ice-cream at the same time 🙂

  5. Alison Avatar

    I too could smell that soap. Been loving the winter here, dreading the spring, but then again Qld doesn’t get winter like you guys do. I am glad things are improving.

  6. river Avatar

    Your soaps are so pretty! I’d have to stare at them for months before I could use them and spoil the prettiness.