Stretched Thin

My firewood was supposed to arrive today. So, I didn’t spend the day locking us in Amy’s room and sleeping, I didn’t spend the day playing in a warm bath with Amy, and I didn’t spend the day in my pajamas on the couch with a book.

I would have much preferred to do those things, rather than waiting endlessly on a guy who never showed up.

BEFORE the weekend he said, I’ll make sure I’m there he said.


Next time I’m just gonna stay in my pj’s and bugger everyone else.

I did however get things done today. Like the cooking for Nathan’s birthday lunch tomorrow (I could totally have done it in my pj’s). And Nathan cleaned up the trainwreck of a house and washed the dished while I dried.

[Again, I could have stayed in my pj’s for that]

I spent 2 hours trying to get Amy to nap, before giving up and letting her get back up. I didn’t let her pour salt all over the kitchen floor, but she did it anyway.

I wouldn’t have let her fingerpaint with guacamole had she given me a choice. Unfortunately when you are 22 months Mummy’s wants and needs are very unrealistic.

[Leave your nappy on. Do not stick that in your vagina. Don’t feed the dog your lunch when you are still hungry. DO NOT empty my kitchen drawers onto the floor. Stop shaking your drink all over the floor. GET YOUR BLOODY FINGERS OUT FROM MY CHOPPING BLOCK WHILE I AM CHOPPING THINGS.]

And to add to the stress, Nan had her bronchoscopy today. Thankfully the doctor was able to take a sample of the primary tumour for testing. This means that Wednesday when we see the doctor we will know what we are dealing with.

We will hopefully know what type of cancer it is and how fast it is likely to move without treatment. Nan will hopefully be able to discuss a treatment plan.

We will know more than we do now.

Knowledge is power and all that.

I feel stretched thin.


14 responses to “Stretched Thin”

  1. Taz Avatar

    the joys of toddler hood..

    have a nice day tomorrow..

    good luck with ya Gran..

    farken liars suck..

    Tazs last blog post..Cos I Can.. 🙂

  2. lceel Avatar

    Oh my. I wish things were less stressful for you. Especially now.

    Maybe you should lock yourself in the bathroom with an assortment of ‘toys’, for about an hour or so. Just to relieve the stress, mind you. Just to relieve the stress.

    lceels last blog post..Friday Haiku – 4th of July

  3. Anja Avatar

    Oh babe. So much is going on for you. So freakin’ much. Take Amy into a nice warm bath and play rubber duckies. Take Amy for cuddles and have a really good nap. Give Nathan a really big I love you kiss. And remember what a shit hot mum you are.

    Anjas last blog post..Potty mouth on overload.

  4. SusanB Avatar

    Wow. Parallel lives, indeed! That 2-hours-of-trying-for-a-nap was a few days ago for us. Last night James stayed up until 11:30 p.m. instead of his usual bedtime of 8:30…but of course he got up at his usual bright and sunny 7 a.m.

    AND we waited on a package all day yesterday. It said it was supposed to be here around 10 in the morning…but instead it arrived at 6:45 p.m., long past the time for delivering packages if you ask me, when we were out for FIVE MINUTES. So because today is Independence Day here in the U.S., we can’t get our package until Monday. Argh!

    I hope things go well with your Nan. Definitely stay in those PJs if they help you feel even slightly less stretched and worn out. Path of least resistance and all that. Good luck!

    SusanBs last blog post..My birthday present to you

  5. Marylin Avatar

    Aww honey, (((hugs))) to you. Hope you get the best possible results for your Nan, and that bloody firewood gets there already!

  6. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Don’t forget to look after yourself too.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Child wishing in the whispering room

  7. Huckdoll Avatar

    I despise nothing more than waiting for a service person all day long only to have them show up in the last 10 minutes of the between 8am and 5pm slot.

    Feeling stretched really thin in my neck of the woods, too lately. It’s not pleasant 🙁 Take care of yourself, girl.

    Huckdolls last blog post..Disconnected to Connect

  8. kaylee Avatar

    AWWWW, too much going on in your life right now!

    kaylees last blog post..Where oh where, has she been?

  9. tiff Avatar

    Hugs for you.
    Just hugs.

  10. Jayne Avatar

    When the firewood bloke does actually get his arse over to your place, bop him on the head with his product and make him babysit Amy.
    Then soak in the tub for 2 hours, potter around the house and sit on the couch reading a book in your PJ’s.
    Hope all turns out ok for your Nan.

  11. river Avatar

    I second what Jayne said. Bloody delivery persons. I once waited for my grocery delivery all day, I’d shopped by 9am, groceries were FINALLY delivered at 9.45pm after several calls to the supermarket.
    Hope there’s some good news for your Nan.

  12. Deb Avatar

    I hate waiting for stuff like that. I say wear your pj’s next time anyhow. If he doesn’t like it, then he should have come when you were dressed!

    Things will get better with your daughter. She really is at an impossible age right now, but it will improve. I promise. Now that I have a tween daughter, those days aren’t looking so bad. 🙂

    Debs last blog post..Happy 4th of July!

  13. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiting sucks. I don’t do well waiting for others to show up.

    Yesterday I was ironing my pants– to leave the house for a BBQ– I kept asking Wynnie “is Mack okay? I can’t see him”. Instead of her usual tattle tale manner of ratting him out for every thing he does, she was staring at him with mouth wide open. I ran to the kitchen to find him standing on a step stool, he’d poured most of a bottle of pancake syrup on the counter and was *FINGER PAINTING* everything in sight with syrup. VERY funny. He smelled super sweet when we went out last night. Totally MY fault.

    Finger painting with guacamole made me think of that.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Bitter Sweet Symphony

  14. Ree Avatar

    I’d have come over and licked the guacamole up for you. I love guacamole.

    I’m thinking good thoughts for your gramma. XXOO

    Rees last blog post..Another Day – Another Neighbor