Stretchmarks and all

Well, here are my 33 week photos (33+1 if you are counting down as assiduously as I am), taken stretchmarks and all. I figure that taking the shots with a t-shirt covering my belly seems to give a skewed view of how big (or small, depending on who you are) I am.

Prior to the photos, lets all talk about stretchmarks.

I got hardly any stretchmarks on my belly when I was pregnant with Amy. The one or two I did get all appeared in the 2 days before I gave birth to her, so post partum I was pretty much stretchmark free. On my belly at least. My breasts? Well let’s just say that I’m was counting the stripes of real skin left on them by the time I gave birth to her.

If you are considering not breastfeeding because you are worried about what it will do to your breasts, I am here to tell you – Do not be such an arse! Pregnancy changes your tits heaps more than breastfeeding ever will. If nothing else, breastfeeding at least left me comfortable with my post baby boobs because god knows I had them out of my top more than they were ever in it.

The rest of me didn’t escape unscathed either, I got stretchmarks behind my knees (seriously what is up with that? My legs didn’t gestate a baby) and all over my hips and bum. I even got 3 very pretty ones right at the base of my spine. You know that spot where all the teenage girls are getting tattoos done? Yep, right there. Oh the sexy. Hehe.

But even in all my stretchmarkiness, I was proud of the fact my tummy was mostly unscathed.

Then I got pregnant with a second baby.

And now? I’m laughing at my old self the whole time I rub Vitamin E cream into my belly.

Every single stretchmark I have on my belly now has generated from one I got with Amy. Most of them I didn’t even know I had prior to them growing. This time around my tummy is looking less than unscathed, but my boobs? Well they must have been stretched to their limits already because I’m not seeing anything new appearing there.

Let’s not talk about the backs of my legs though. Let’s just say I doubt I will be barelegged in public for a long long time. Stockings all the way baby.

Anyway, I digress. I promised photos right?

Here you go!

I think I’m covering the worst of them with my hand. Not to mention I still have another 7 weeks to go! To be honest, I’m not in the slightest bit worried about them, except for the fact that they itch like a motherfucker and who wants to be wandering around in public scratching themselves? Not me. I’m using lots of moisturizing cream, but it doesn’t seem to help the itching. Next step? Amy’s all natural eczema cream. Just as soon as I find whereabouts it has been put.

The other side, minus my hand. I took this one by myself using the mirror in the bedroom to see what I was doing. Nathan gets the photo credit for the one with my head in it.

Hmmm, I seem to have stretchmarks I haven’t even seen yet. God knows that I can’t see my vagina anymore. Which leads me to my next bit of advice. If you can’t see something FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT TRY AND SHAVE IT. Not unless your razor has guidewires (my new one doesn’t). Not unless you want to be wishing for soothing aloe cream every single time you pee for the next 24 hours.

Thank me later, okay?

Oh and my gorgeous daughter. How could I not throw in a photo of her?

She is completely unimpressed by the idea of me having a baby. She refuses to look at my stomach anymore and won’t even let me talk about the baby. Any mentions of a baby brother or a baby in my belly are met with an adamant SHHHHH Mummy! and her pulling my top down to tell me ‘All done!’.

Poor kid, her world is going to be blown apart. Hehe. I think she will cope quite well with it though, she is reasonably gentle with other people’s babies and has only just decided to take issue with her cousin since her cousin learnt to walk – her cousin just turned 1.

Apparently babies are okay when they are lump like and useless. Walking talking babies who take the attention away from Miss I’m The Centre Of The Universe? Not so much. Probably a good thing that we will have a few months of crying lumpdom for Amy to get used to her brother.

In other pregnancy news (aka – how I’m feeling news) I have an apointment with a physiotherapist this coming week in order to try and address my pelvic pain that makes rolling over in bed/putting socks/underwear/pants/shoes on/walking etc excruciating. Most days I am okay and can function, but some days all I want to do is sit with a heat pack on my pelvis and never move again. The Midwife is hopeful that the Physio will be able to suggest something. Personally I think the only thing that is going to fix it will be giving birth, but that’s neither here nor there. I plan to ask the physio about my separated tummy muscles and how to help them heal or reattach to each other or whatever they need to do to be normal again after the baby comes.

[Coming to a pregnant woman near you, ALIEN BELLY BUTTONS! Feel your baby kick with just a thin layer of skin and uterine muscle between you! Freak your partner out by asking him to press your belly button and him feeling nothing behind it! Try to convince your gestating baby that your belly button is NOT the exit and he should not kick you there! Good times my friends, good times. You can have all this and more when your stomach muscles separate during pregnancy too!]

The baby continues to be completely ambivialent about what position he lays in. He’s mostly head down, but sort of sideways and sometimes he spins in circles before stopping to hiccup and kick me in the bladder. He seems to enjoy long sucks on his toes and wiggling just enough to stop me falling asleep. I anticipate that I’m not going to sleep the whole night through for another 2 years, but hey, my blog isn’t called Sleepless Nights for nothing.

[And before you ask, no Amy does not sleep through the night regularly. We maybe get 2 nights a week where she doesn’t sleep too badly, but mostly I am up to her 1-2 times a night for nightmares or thirstiness or just plain needing mummy. We’re getting there though]

So really, that just about sums up the last few weeks. We’re planning on moving the bedrooms around this weekend so that Nathan and I have a bedroom that a cot will actually fit into and god knows I’m starting to feel antsy about getting things together. I want Amy to see the cot and get used to it so that it isn’t a big deal later. Plus with Christmas coming in the very middle of the next 7 weeks (actually it’s 20 days away, but who is counting) I expect that January 22nd will roll around incredibly fast.


37 responses to “Stretchmarks and all”

  1. Taz Avatar

    cute pics..

    the last 7 weeks will surely fly.. πŸ™‚

    darling i wish i had as many stretch marks as you.. i have so so many from being pregnant with Maddi..

    and i hardly got any with Cai.. hehe..

  2. Ree Avatar

    Good tip on the shaving. πŸ˜‰

    And I bet Amy surprises you at how much she loves her little brother. I mean, you love your’s, right?

    Rees last blog post..Grace in Small Things: 3/365

  3. lceel Avatar

    There is just so MUCH in this post that a Dirty Old Man would call “grist for my mill”, but I’m going to behave myself and suggest, rather, that the next time you go to the chemist you get some Vitamin E capsules and some Cocoa Butter. Break open the E capsules and rub the oil into you stretchmarks and alternate with cocoa Butter. One day E, next day Cocoa Butter. And stop shaving. you’ll be forgiven for not shaving – for the meantime. On the other hand, if you insist on a ‘nude pubis’, wait for me, I’ll be right over.

    lceels last blog post..Down the Islands

  4. Ali Avatar

    Firstly, gorgeous pics.

    Second, Ah stretchmarks. With my first i went from about 50 kilos to a whopping 90. After that there was nothig left to stretch and I only got a few with no2 and none with 3 or 4. So maybe go for 3 & 4 and you’ll feel great cos you’ll be stretchmark free!

    Third and most important. With my third I developed very bad pelvic instability. I didn’t REST enough. The physio should be able to provide a belt to hold your pelvis together better – it is as comfortable as it sounds btw. Also, tons of exercises for core muscles and pelvic floors to hold it all together. My advice is to take this very seriously b/c I ended up on bedrest with no 3, unable to walk. Unfortunately I have suffered permanent damage and will only ever get to kind of, almost better stage. Do NOT let this happen. I don’t reccomend it. OOh also,make sure physio gives you tubigrip, like a stretchy bandage that goes around your tum to hold rectus abdominis together.

    Sorry for the essay

    Alis last blog post..Stuff I should probably keep to myself

  5. Jenni Avatar

    Your belly is lovely, stetchmarks and all. I got them with Oscar and they suckers do multiply. I get them on the top of my belly as well. I’m more stretch mark than skin these days. I’ve also gotten them all the way down the inner part of my thigh, to my knees, behind my knees, and beneth my left arm (none on the right.) Badges of honor, right? My boobs, however, have remained unscathed.

    Jennis last blog post..The Perfect Gift for Any Mom-to-Be

  6. nikki Avatar

    I had stretch marks so bad with Aaron they were like open sores. Lotions and creams burned and stung when applied. At least this time my skins so stretched out that it’s not an issue at all.

    7 weeks! Wow, that’s not a lot of time at all!

    nikkis last blog post..Even I blush sometimes

  7. Laura McIntyre Avatar

    You are looking great, i try to not think about my stretch marks to much – at least they can be covered πŸ™‚ .

    Im sure Amy will do great with the baby, mind you its taken Eilidh (just turned 2) about 8 weeks or so to start paying attention to her brother and now its love .

    Maybe the baby will be a good sleeper? It does happen , Eilidh always was and started sleeping through a good few months before her older sister did

    Laura McIntyres last blog post..Silly Video

  8. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    You have such a beautiful pregnant belly, stretch marks or no. I envy you that lean stomach that shows all baby bump. I always have such padding added in! Chunky me. πŸ˜‰

    I’ve read that creams and lotions will definitely help your skin/itching but it won’t do a thing to affect your stretchmarks, as they are caused by stretching and popping of ligaments deeper in that won’t be swayed by your kindness in moisturizing. Damn ligaments are crabby bastards.

    I had the same thing – no stretch marks on the belly with Braden until the very end… and they are on the sides and down low, so no one ever notices them when I show my midsection. But wait until things here stretch our really nicely again – I am sure they will show up and spread this time, too. So all the jealous ninnies can stop throwing fits when I show my belly. LOL

    PS: Separated stomach muscles!? DAMN, WOMAN. You need a Spa trip way worse than I do. πŸ˜‰

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Car tantrums – the gift that keeps giving.

  9. Kat Avatar

    That is a gorgeous baby belly! Have you even gained an ounce any where other than your belly?? You are so tiny!

    As far as the pelvic pain, I had that REALLY bad with my second pregnancy too. My third, not at all. Very strange. I think it is just the way the baby is lying in your belly. Pressing on things the wrong way or something. Hope it gets better!

    Kats last blog post..Meet Your New Mom

  10. Ash Avatar

    I loved these pics!! You’re beautiful!!!!

    And the pic of Amy is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing these!!!

    Ashs last blog post..Six Words

  11. Memarie Lane Avatar

    i can’t believe you’re 33 weeks already! personally i get very creeped out if anything comed anywhere near to touching my belly button. just thinking about it now is making me shiver. it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.

    Memarie Lanes last blog post..He Speaks: OMG it’s the Snip-n’-Sizzle

  12. Mrs. C Avatar

    Oh, yeah. Amy will figure out “the boy” is a permanent addition somewhere around the fourth day. But she will grow up and never remember NOT having her brother. At least “Patrick” does not remember very much about not having siblings. And when you get to four, five, six… these kids never were the “only” and having another kid is genuinely not a source of jealousy but more just the way things are.

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Opinion?

  13. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Not that it’s not a smashing belly, but I am a tad freaked out by it for some reason.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..4 Days

  14. Catriona Avatar

    I totally felt like I wrote this post! I have no stretch marks on my stomach but they are all over my legs, hips and back! (why my back??) I told my doctor about the pelvic pain and all I got was “It’s a part of pregnancy.” End of discussion. No one has ever told me about how difficult it is to roll over in bed, get up off the couch, and oh forget about shaving your legs or drying off the bottom half after a shower. It’s just too painful! All my friends who have had babies never had this pain! Why won’t my doctor recognize this as a problem? I even told her about my past pelvic fracture and she totally blew it off like nothing. Unfortunately, I’m now labeled “high risk” due to my hypothyroidism so I can’t see a midwife like I wanted.
    You look wonderful! And your stretch marks are not as bad as some I’ve seen! Your little girl is just so cute!!

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas from Oklahoma USA!!

  15. Bobbi Avatar

    Those are great pictures! I was like Amy when I was her age and ran around naked or half clothed most of the time!

    I have to say though that you are making pregnancy very scary for me. I do hope to experience it someday but nonetheless, a very scary picture. πŸ™‚

    Bobbis last blog post..I Think I Saw My Guardian Angel Last Night

  16. Barbara Avatar

    My daughter still asks if we can leave my son in the car park and he’s over a year now. Sigh. Still, she’s stopped pushing him over (mainly because he pushes back now). I’m sure it’ll all calm down soon! I think your tummy looks beautiful and that’s a gorgoeus pic of Amy.

    Barbaras last blog post..339/366 – Parties

  17. Dina Avatar

    I have a lot of stretch marks.

    I didn’t do much to try to stop them. I’ve never had a pretty body so what the hell….

    Thanks for the shaving advice! You have my sympathy there.

    I think you look absolutely beautiful.

    Dinas last blog post..Peter Costello Time

  18. Lori Avatar

    My ever so caring ex used to say (and this could be one reason he is an ex) “hey, stretch marks don’t bother me, that’s what the light switch is for!”… anywayssss, as for the shaving, that is dangerous at the best (skinniest) of times. I find that is what a good partner is for,, heehee, and no, the ‘ex’ didn’t fall into that helpful catagorie either,, lol.

  19. Sharon Avatar

    Not too long now Veronica. Looking good, stretch marks and all πŸ˜‰

    The very end of my spine ‘dislocated’ at the end of my first pregnancy and made sitting etc very uncomfortable for weeks afterwards. It did pull back together eventually though. OK the second time round. Pregnancy is such fun!

  20. Tanya Avatar

    I cant WAIT to look like that, stretchmarks and all. At the moment I see people looking, they must be thinking,

    ‘Is she? Or is she not?’

    My tummy is round but not too big and baby has started kicking so it feels amazing at the moment!

    Yay for the baby room!!!

    Tanyas last blog post..Pregnancy as an excuse

  21. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Oh, you are reminding me of all the reasons I will never have another baby.

    I think you look gorgeous… even with those FEW little stretch marks. I love the way your belly button sticks out… I’m glad I’m not there because I would SO want to touch that belly.

    ONLY 7 weeks. I’m so giddy that little guy has stayed put.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Dear Mr Hyphen, U R A DEAD MAN

  22. river Avatar

    Separated muscles? That’s not something I know about. Can you explain what’s happened please?
    I didn’t notice any stretch marks with my first baby until after the birth, when my tummy was a bit of wobbly empty skin with wrinkled stripes that were the stretch marks. There weren’t any on my boobs until after the milk came in and they swelled to gigantic proportions. With my second it was a different story. I gained so much weight and developed more stretch marks, this time on the upper outside of my thighs. I didn’t ever experience any difficulty with moving, sitting, turning over… nothing. Until the boobs were engorged and then rolling over was painful. (and squirty)

  23. Leah Avatar

    What lovely Piccys πŸ˜€

    When I was pregnant with Brandon I had NO STRETCH MARKS at all, Until my last 5 weeks, then WHAM! there they were…. My tummy now looks like i was Ravaged by a Lion πŸ™ but John likes playing with them cos apparentlly ‘they feel awesome’ bet he wouldnt say that if he had them >.<

  24. Toni Avatar

    Holy cow does time travel fast. I just remember you trying – and now you’re almost having a baby!

    Don’t worry about the stretch marks. They are the tattoos that prove that you are a mother. πŸ™‚

    Tonis last blog post..The one that is filled with everything

  25. Marylin Avatar

    You look gorgeous sweety! I am jealous – wish I had that few stretchmarks… my stomach looks like an inner-city roadmap!

    Also ((((huge hugs)))) re the hip pain, you know how badly I had it with my boys. I promise you – within a couple of days of giving birth it’ll be a memory. Just keep doing pelvic floor exercises – they don’t just help you not to pee when you laugh πŸ˜‰

    Marylins last blog post..Weekly Winners #33

  26. tiff Avatar

    I am just one big silvery stretchmark. Nice, huh?

    You on the other hand look gorgeous.

    tiffs last blog post..Weekly Winners… It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas.

  27. tiff Avatar

    PS, looks like your bub has turned posterior πŸ˜›

  28. Sharnee Avatar

    I think it’s funny that some people get so uppity about stretch marks – I don’t mind so much at all (I’m more intrigued by what’s inside rather than what’s on the outside!). I’m 33wks pregnant too, but have 2x the babies – so I didn’t even bother to worry about stretch marks (I would like to see someone with twins avoid them!).

    Sharnees last blog post..A big change….

  29. Cat Avatar

    Oh my gosh, you look so beautiful!! Although that sounds kinda freaky re the belly button!

    Cats last blog post..Chrissy

  30. Burgh Baby Avatar

    Didja know you are due the day before my birthday? I’m sure you did that on purpose. πŸ˜‰

    You look fantastic!

    Burgh Babys last blog post..I Probably Should Have Asked the Question Before I Bought Those Toys

  31. Lightening Avatar

    I had horrible stretch marks with ALL of my pregnancies – and the itch!!!! arrrggghhh….

    Best wishes for the final leg of your pregnancy. πŸ™‚

    Lightenings last blog post..Happy Birthday Lightening Online

  32. Just a mom Avatar

    oh you poor sweet little thing,,,, your belly button says you are done.. popping out like the butterball…. It will all be over soon and you will forget just hor hard this last 7 WEEKS MAN THAT IS A LONG TIME oh no it is only 20 days that isn’t bad right oh wait it is longer then that… ok hang in there and keep your knees together and cross your leggs… and Amy will love him when he gets here I am sure…..

    Just a moms last blog post..WELL THE "FRIENDS" HAVE GONE AWAY,,,,,

  33. Kelley Avatar

    I had stretchmarks that circled my belly. I totally looked like a snail.

    It was awesome.

    Even though it wasn’t.

    Kelleys last blog post..You want crazy? I will show you mine if you show me yours.

  34. Toni Avatar

    I had pelvic pain with all three of my pregnancies which was diagnosed as Ostitis Pubis. It was so bad with number 2 I was induced 3 weeks early and had to lie on my back and spread my legs to make sure I could open my legs far enough to deliver the baby! Otherwise they were going to do a C-Section. That was a pleasant experience. And I know what you mean with the stretchies, I had none until 2 weeks before Number 1 and then got covered in them.

    Tonis last blog post..Drama LOVES me!

  35. Cat Avatar

    I love the reindeer headband on Amy, by the way. Shirts are totally superfluous when you’ve got killer head gear like that!

    Cats last blog post..Arkansas: The Final Chapter

  36. Maddy Avatar

    Ooo my goodness. Christmas is certainly coming.

    Maddys last blog post..Try tackling it Tuesday – dye in the wood

  37. KATSTUFF Avatar

    Vitamin E oil was the only thing that saved me from the itching, BTW.

    KATSTUFFs last blog post..Heartache