Tag: I’m more likely to have a duck fly into my face than anything else here


    Forget Australia’s borders and the supposed problems with “Boat People” arriving, we’ve got a major security breach over here that needs addressing.

    This photo was taken from the window near my computer, looking out into my small fenced yard. This yard is Out Of Bounds to ducks, due to the pooing nature of them. But apparently, they’ve chosen to ignore the warning signs, the guard dog, the small children gate keepers and the fence, in favour of eating the grass close to the house.

    I am Not Impressed and harsh measures will be taken.

    Anyone for duck confit? Roast duck?

    I’m tough on border breaches here.

  • Happy Birthday to me!

    This is my present from Amy.

    It’s her and Isaac, outside throwing a ball, while ducks fly overhead.

    It is absolutely the best birthday card I’ve ever gotten.

    I’m twenty three today and feeling good about the whole thing. I think I might have finally caught up to my mental age (a screamy baby and no sleep, like ever, makes you feel much older than seventeen) and I think twenty three suits me.

    Amy also did Nathan a drawing.

    On his back.

    When he refused to wake up.

    It’s a parrot. You can see it’s beak to the right and the eye at the top (including a pupil). And then it’s “all curled up” according to Amy. Made me laugh anyway.

    And, I tried to take a photo of myself, for a record of how I looked at twenty three. But the camera wouldn’t play nicely, so this is the best you get:

    I didn’t realise how weird my hands looked until I checked the photo out on the computer. But you know what? That’s actually a pretty accurate representation of me lately.

  • I am so not fashionable

    I am so bendy, we don’t go out often. I prefer to conserve my energy doing things like reading novels, occasional baking, child snuggling and writing. This is much easier to do when I haven’t used all of my energy traipsing around a supermarket, or glaring at old ladies who don’t understand why Isaac is speaking at volume 11 and spinning in circles.

    Because I don’t often go out, it wasn’t until recently that I bought any nice clothes. The AusBlogCon cemented my need for something that wasn’t jeans and a t-shirt and so I bought some bits and pieces.

    So now I’ve got skirts and heels and shirts and scarves, but who can pull off that kind of attire, when the most exciting thing planned for the day is walking through a paddock looking for eggs?

    Even worse, when the paddock is muddy, I usually have “outside pants” and “inside pants” and my outside pants get worn, muddied up, taken off, hung in front of the fire and ignored. Do I actually need to be wearing pants if all I’m doing is blogging?

    My paddock bashing gear is all stuff I’ve had for years. I’m loathe to wear good clothes if they’re going to get dragged through the mud, snotted on, flown into, or muddied up by dogs. Although, I am getting much quicker at dodging the incoming flying ducks and they’re getting better at not landing on me, or in the feed bucket I’m carrying. For the record, ducks are heavy and flappy.

    So really, I spend a lot of time in jeans that are a size too big, daggy t-shirts and windcheaters. All of this, I am certain, make me look uber sexy.

    Fashion blogging seems to be the “in” thing at the moment, but I’m not sure I want to inflict myself on the Internet, wearing my everyday clothes. It’s bad enough that I wear a lot of it to school drop offs.

    I can say this though – I have not ever gone to the supermarket, or school, in my pajamas. Ever.

    Is it terrible of me to admit that the most fashionable thing I own and wear on a regular basis, are my new red gumboots? They’re only mine because they wouldn’t fit Mum, and they’re two sizes too big, but they’re shiny (still) and waterproof.

    For someone who used to overly concerned with how everyone else was dressing and keeping up with the latest looks (even if those looks were, in hindsight, crap), I have certainly fallen a very long way. Heh.

  • Huh, would seem that the Jordan River is a little flooded

    We’ve had quite a bit of rain here lately – enough that I am feeling a little cabin fever-y and my children are, despite all of our best efforts, climbing the walls a little bit.

    But now, instead of just our paddock looking like a giant puddley duck pond, the Jordan River has decided to get with the program and flood.

    Of course, in the scheme of things, this is minor flooding, BOM tells me that the levels are set to reach their peak this afternoon and then start dropping and no one’s house is in any sort of danger.

    It does make for pretty photographs however.

    And curious sheep.

    [All photos taken with my 300mm lens. The flooding is terribly unlikely to get any higher and we would need an awful lot more rain to raise river levels enough to reach us – rain that isn’t predicted.]