Tag: learning not to take anything for granted means I forget about things

  • 10 weeks. The countdown begins. (PS, I’m getting MARRIED, SOMEONE HELP)

    The last few months have flown in a haze of interstate trips, small whiny children, rain and miserable weather. I looked at my calendar today and freaked out a little at how far into this year it is. September is almost over? What happened September, I was counting on you!

    Anyway, today marks ten weeks before my wedding, which I am alternately excited about and panicking about the stuff! left! to! do!

    I have to send invites out soon (the lovely Toni is making my invites) and make sure that my cake and cupcakes are coming along nicely (thanks Cat and Watershedd!) and then, I have to sit down and prepare with my family for what is happening when and who is eating what and where can I find enough haybales to seat people during the ceremony and does anyone have magic grow powder so that I can coax my orchard into a semblance of maturity?

    In the middle of all of that though, I know that things will be okay.

    I have my dress.

    The Celebrant is booked.

    We have food mostly organised.

    Everything else is gravy, really.


    Anyway, one thing that I thought I might do and haven’t yet had a chance to pursue, is to see if any brands, or small businesses would like to help out with the wedding, in return for my eternal grattitude, plus advertising/in content mentions on Sleepless Nights, Twitter and Facebook.

    We’re also planning on trying to live stream the wedding for friends and family who live on the mainland/internationally, who may want to watch us tell everyone how much we love each other and try not to laugh inappropriately.

    The dress is from a small shop somewhere in Melbourne and cost me $15 and the leggings I am planning on wearing are from We Love Colours.

    So you know, if you’re a business, or representing any businesses that would like to be involved in my low key country wedding, I would love to hear from you.

    And if you’re a friend who lives too far away to come, would you like me to live stream it? What is the best way to do that?

  • Should be sleeping

    Tomorrow, I am getting on a plane and flying to Sydney, to attend a brand event with my sponsors for the Blogopolis, Kellogg’s. I’m pretty excited about this, but excitement seems to manifest in weird ways for me. Namely, procrastination.

    You see, I’m always so worried that something will go wrong at the Very Last Minute, leaving me unable to attend an event – so I try hard not to think about it, not to look forward to it and finally (the worst one) not to plan for it.

    I am good at procrastination. In fact, I think it’s probably likely to be my secret superpower.

    “Able to run around screaming like a headless chicken AT THE VERY LAST SECOND. Can ignore jobs that need doing up until an HOUR BEFORE. Forgets to plan everything and then FREAKS OUT.”

    I’m sure that would look perfect on my resume.

    Procrastination is why, this morning, you could have found me in the garden pulling weeds, transplanting strawberry plants and planting peas and beans. Not, say, doing something sensible like making a list and packing my bags.

    It is also what left me running around like an idiot this afternoon, trying to work out where my grey skivvy was, whether my skinny jeans would be okay for the plane and what on earth was I going to wear on Thurday for the actual Event.


    I suppose everyone has to have a skill and this is mine. I only wish that it could have been a better skill, like organisation, or the ability to knit three jumpers at once, or even better, turn lead into gold.

    Now those would have been skills to be proud of.

  • Jetsetting

    I realised today in the middle of my procrastination, that I am actually flying to Sydney tomorrow and not at some vague point in the future. This is when I started to think of all the things I needed to do before I leave, that I hadn’t done yet.

    Of course, all of this combined with trying to pack a suitcase (where on earth are my black pants? Someone? Anyone? You there, go look in my washing pile) and console a miserable toddler left me wanting to sit in a corner rocking.

    It’s all going to be fine though, I fly on the plane, I get off the plane, I get into a cab and make it to my hotel unscathed. Then I kill two hours with a friend, while I wait for Kellie and Louisa to arrive at the hotel and then we’ll be fine.

    It’s only a flying visit, a bit over 24 hours and then home again and back to reality.

    Of course, I’m not sure I’m going to want to come back to reality once I’ve stayed in one of these apartments. Honestly, the 1 bedroom apartment is bigger than half of my HOUSE. Colour me gobsmacked.

    I’m not entirely sure what I’ve done to warrant all of these invitations to things, but whatever it is, I’m not complaining.


    In other news, I mentioned on twitter and Facebook – I managed to secure full sponsorship to Blogopolis, care of Kellogg’s. I’m really looking forward to working with them and just wanted to thank them quickly here for sponsoring me, while giving you guys the heads up that I now have an agreement with Kellogg’s.