Thankyou So Much

After the suckiness of this morning, I was rapt to have Mum tell me that she had been to the post office and I had not 1, but 2 parcels.

I am too lazy to take photos, so thankyou Lotus for the chocolate and the tops for Amy, they are absolutely gorgeous and as soon as she wears them I will take photos just for you.

Me? I’m nibbling on the chocolate right now.

And to April, thankyou so much for the lovely books for Amy. I got the parcels late this afternoon, so I haven’t had a chance to read them to her, but rest assured I will do so all day tomorrow. And she will adore them.

You guys, and the power of the internets have succeeded in making today MUCH MUCH nicer than it was at 2pm. I appreciate it so much.

SO MUCH I tell you.


11 responses to “Thankyou So Much”

  1. Bettina Avatar

    very glad you have perked up some.

    The internets are the best aren’t they? 🙂

    Bettinas last blog post..Too Splendid

  2. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Now THAT’S bloody nice.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..A fornication fifty-fifty

  3. maiden53 Avatar

    I am so excited that the books arrived! And, kudos to Lotus for the chocolates! Blog buddies are great and I am very glad that I found you!

    maiden53s last blog post..Successful ride

  4. Marylin Avatar

    Awww sounds like their timing was just perfect 🙂

  5. Burgh Baby Avatar

    The Internet can be a wonderful place, no?

    Burgh Babys last blog post..Real or Real Creepy No. 2

  6. Sharon Avatar

    Glad the day ended happier for you. Chocolate and books mmmm

  7. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Chocolate AND new books and tops for Amy? That is SO great. What good friends you have.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Who Needs Disneyland When Mickey’s Living at My House

  8. Taz Avatar


    what lovely friends you have.. 🙂

    Tazs last blog post..29 Weeks Old.. (mothers day special)

  9. maiden53 Avatar

    Good friends attract good friends:-) And V~ has so many great friends!

    maiden53s last blog post..Successful ride

  10. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    I’m so glad you finally got your things! Do you remember the picture of Braden in that flowered top? Teehee! I actually took it out of the package and put it on him, on a whim. I know, it’s bad. But now Amy can wear clothes that have been on Braden. Won’t she swoon? Hehehe.

    Love you, dear.

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..If I can’t get enough sleep, I can at least conserve energy elsewhere…

  11. river Avatar

    Hoo-wee! Parcels in the mail! *happy dance*
    Nothing like a gift or two to perk up a sucky day.