The Best News

Yesterday was a strange day.

Actually, it has been a strange few days, but yesterday was stranger than most.

Yesterday, I was sick all day. I ate crackers and was able to cope, although having to make meals for Amy damn near killed me (2 minute noodles anyone?).

So I suffered through it, knowing that sometimes my wacky body and CFS makes me nauseous for no reason. I wasn’t particularly worried about it, I figured it would go away.

Then when I went to the toilet last night, I had a big gush of bright red blood. I say big, but it was probably only about a teaspoon full or so.

I grabbed a tampon, as you do and went about my business. I wondered about the colour (I never have bright red blood) but didn’t think anything of it, until I went to the loo just before bed and discovered that the bleeding had completely disappeared.

[insert much cursing of cycle here]

I waited until the morning, discussed it with Nathan (who wasn’t that interested, but I beat up on him until he paid attention to me. ie: I placed my very cold feet on his very warm legs) and then, once I found that there had been no more bleeding, I did a pregancy test.

Yes, that is indeed a positive result. The photo makes it fainter than it really is because the damn camera doesn’t have a macro feature, thus all photos have to be taken from 30cm away. It is a faint result still, although definitely, pinkly there.

And yes, today I am still feeling nauseous. Probably more so that yesterday, but crackers are good.

So, I am pregnant. FINALLY. 12 months of trying and the very worst, train wreck of a cycle is the one that works out. Heh.

Who says that stess stops conception?!


42 responses to “The Best News”

  1. Marie Avatar

    YAY! I see the line! It’s definitely there! smiling so big

  2. witchypoo Avatar

    Egg-cell-ant! Don’t be puking all the time, that sucks.

    witchypoos last blog post..Giveaway!

  3. Suze Avatar

    Congrats!!!!!!!!!! I can see the line. A line is a line no matter how faint!

    So pleased for you!! Just enough of the puking ok? It’s not becoming of you at all.


  4. Karen (miscmum) Avatar

    That’s lovely news. May it be a happy and healthy pregnancy.

  5. Kat Avatar

    YAY!!! YAY!!! HOOOOORAY!!!!!
    WOOOOOT WOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kats last blog post..What Happens In Vegas… Doesn’t Always Stay There

  6. Just a mom Avatar

    I am so happy for you what a great time to pop in huh woo hooo I pray all goes well and you keep being sick sorry but I always say that is a sign of good…. congrads.

    Just a moms last blog post..DAY 136,,WHAT A DAY,,,,

  7. river Avatar

    I’m sitting here grinning like an idiot, I’m so happy for you. Little blue bootees, little blue bootees, little blue bootees……

  8. Sharon Avatar

    Congrats, I’m doing the happy dance (this is not a pretty sight)!! Now just take it easy over the next few weeks, digging along the fence line to plant mint is probably not a good idea! You may eat whatever you can keep down, play with Amy and swear at the mice with feeling but stay in the Zen zone.

  9. Gina Avatar


    Long time reader, first time commenter.

    So happy for you, Nathan and Amy. Best wishes for a fantastic pregnancy πŸ™‚

  10. Bettina Avatar


    doing a happy dance for you as I type hon.


    big hugs

    Bettinas last blog post..He’s lucky he’s cute.

  11. Marylin Avatar

    That is most definitely a line!! Congratulations sweety!! πŸ˜€

    Sending tons of babyglue your way, I can’t stop smiling now! *cheers*

    Marylins last blog post..One of the somethings other than blogging I’ve been doing…

  12. Mr Lady Avatar


    Mr Ladys last blog post..Winds of Change

  13. Dee Avatar

    Oh congratulations!! That is fabulous news πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Dees last blog post..Tagged

  14. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    pretending I didn’t read any of the words like blood and tampons and all that, I can only say I’m delighted for ye all.

    You, Amy and the Dad to be.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..A Bonnie Tyler & Bono toasted infertility sandwich

  15. tiff Avatar

    Oh, Veronica!
    I am SO happy for you.

    So happy.

    So so happy!!!!!

    tiffs last blog post..Space face.

  16. Jenn Avatar

    That’s great ! Don’t forget the tag, go to the doctor and take it easy for awhile since you have been having the bleeding off and on.

  17. katef Avatar

    woohooo! That is indeed awesome news!
    Wishing you a long (but not too long) and healthy pregnancy! Grow baby Grow!

    katefs last blog post..Bare Right….

  18. Lou Avatar

    Well, preggers at last. I am so glad for you. And there’s one thing I would like to say, only because you don’t deserve ALL the credit – “Good shooting, Nathan!! Well done, you.” And now back to our regular programming …

    Lous last blog post..We’re off to see the wizard

  19. Ree Avatar

    Excellent! Now, rest up. Put your feet up, no schwacking allowed.

    Rees last blog post..Cos I told you once before goodbye, but I came back again.

  20. Suzie Avatar

    I am so happy for you. Congrats!! Woo hoo!

    Suzies last blog post..Dreaming of Captain Crunch

  21. Trish Avatar

    Veronica – I see the line ! I am very happy for you congratulations awesome news !

  22. Memarie Lane Avatar

    You know, I’ve always felt that there is a certain amount of psychosis in morning sickness, having gone through it three times myself I feel qualified to say so. One look at that second line and your brain just can’t register it, so it takes the next three months to absorb the impact.

  23. jessica @pianomomsicle Avatar

    Oh! OH! Congratulations!!!! When you were talking about how you were bleeding, i was like “She could still be preggo” and you ARE! Yay! i wish you the very best, mama of two!

  24. Jenni Avatar

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I’ve been desperately seeking a blogger pregnant on a smilar timeline as me. Hope the nausea gets better – ginger Altoids and Coke-a-cola are my savoirs (but not together.)

    Jennis last blog post..STAND in the Place Where you Live!

  25. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    I’m jumping up and down for you!!! Yay!


    At least you can slow down on the sex. But now it’ll be the pregnant, hormonal “gotta have it right now” sex.

    I commented before reading other comments, I hope mine isn’t repeating somebody else’s!

    What did Nathan say???

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Who Needs Disneyland When Mickey’s Living at My House

  26. Kelly Avatar

    Congratulations!! That is so wonderful! I am very happy for you and your little family.

    Kellys last blog post..Didn’t I Blow Your Mind This Time?

  27. Dirty Laundry Diva Avatar

    Woot, I called that one!! I am so happy for ya! Hey, how many DPO were you? I am biting my nails trying to refrain from taking a test too early but I am not patient!

    Woho for you! Congrats! πŸ™‚

    Dirty Laundry Divas last blog post..LittleDawgNews has its own Bridezilla!

  28. Jayna Avatar

    YAY!!!!!!! That is the most exciting news!! I’m so happy for you!!!


    Jaynas last blog post..Saturday Random 4.0

  29. Mrs. C Avatar

    Oh, I’m so relieved for you. I know what that’s like. I really do! I might have six kids, but do you see the five-year gaps between the sets of children? About a year of that is due to the same thing you’re talking about. NO FUN. But “obviously” things get ’round to working eventually.

    I think worse are the people who wonder at you and go, “But you already HAVE four children! You don’t need any more!” (smack)

    Have names picked out yet? Do ya? Can I suggest “Andy” if it’s a boy?


    I’m running away now.

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..This is What Public School Did to My Child

  30. Tara Avatar

    Yayayayay!! You are going to wonder what the hell you got yourself into in about 8 months πŸ˜‰

    I’m so happy for you!!

  31. Toni Avatar

    YEA! YEA! YEA! YEA!!!!!!!!

    Mazel Tov and crossing fingers. πŸ™‚

    Tonis last blog post..Jury Duty

  32. Dawn Avatar

    whoa! hooray πŸ™‚

  33. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar


    I definitely see the line. I felt the same way while preggo. I swear I lived on crackers for 3 months!

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..Just Feet

  34. Jenty Avatar

    Woohoo!!!! I’m so thrilled for you!!
    I was wondering the other day when you were talking about the spotting, because that could be implantation bleeding, but didn’t want to get your hopes up πŸ™‚
    Take it easy now πŸ˜‰ And watch that bleeding πŸ˜‰

    Jentys last blog post..What I’ve learnt in the last week

  35. Tracey Avatar

    That’s fantastic news! Good for you. I have everything crossed that all will be well for the next 9 months or so. Amy will be….thrilled? Maybe eventually!

  36. Kelley Avatar

    Smootches babe. Waiting for the name that baby competition!

    Kelleys last blog post..Random McRandomness. You want fries with that?

  37. brandy Avatar


    brandys last blog post..contests 5/20/08

  38. Angela Avatar

    OMG! WOOHOO!!!! I am sooo, sooo incredibly happy for you! Congrats! πŸ™‚

  39. Talina Avatar

    So, it was implantation spotting. Woho for babymaking! I bet you are just so damn relieved. Now, I am following your lead you know. Not fretting over it is how you managed to do it so I am going to try the same tactic right after I get my damn period!

  40. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

    I am so pleased for you.

    A BIG congratulations. And best wishes and prayers for a hassle free pregnancy.

    Widdle Shamrocks last blog post..Honouring Finbar

  41. Leslie Avatar

    Yay! Veronica, I’m so happy for you!!! Congratulations!