The Big Blog Giveaway

And before you get all excited, no, I am not giving my blog away. Just sayin’.


So about the blogosphere I have been seeing these little buttons. Isn’t it pretty? Click on it, and it will take you to a pretty awesome blog.

Okay the whole point to this is that I offer something to give away.

Now bear in mind that I live in Australia which ups my postage costs quite a bit and I am a complete cheapskate thrifty person, so I want to make this easier on everyone involved.

I was going to offer you a crossstitch that I stitched with my very own hands, but then I discovered that Nathan had packed the study and I couldn’t find it. And no one wants to win a cross stitch that they haven’t seen and may possibly be horribly lost by now.
THEN I was going to offer a crocheted baby blanket, but I don’t think the shop sells the wool I like anymore. Plus, then we come back to that whole postage debacle.

So then I was going to offer a book. But again with the postage. (Postage should really be free to blog friends. Lets all tell the post offices that okay?)

So now I have had a good long think and I am offering 2 choices. IF you live in Australia I will offer you a $25 Coles Myer gift card (is the Myer bit still in the name? I mean, after they sold Myer?).

Gift Card

IF you live outside of Australia (Yes, I know that is 99% of my readers) I will be offering $25 via Paypal. If you have some great objection to Paypal then if you win, you and I can work out something that suits us both. Maybe a Starbucks card or something?

Come what may I WILL be offering $25AU worth of something to someone.

TO ENTER: simply comment on this post and tell me what your favourite hot drink is. This is open to bloggers and non-bloggers alike. All you need is a valid email address.

Prizes will be drawn 8pm Sunday night, MY time zone. So that is Saturday evening/Sunday morning for US readers.

Subscribe to my feed to get yourself a second entry. Just mention in your comment that you have subscribed and I will enter you twice.Β  (Hey, you can always delete me at the end of the competition if you don’t like my writing!)

(To my regular readers, I won’t be emailing in reply to these comments. I still love you though, K? PLEASE don’t think that I have abandoned you! It isn’t true!)


321 responses to “The Big Blog Giveaway”

  1. Becky Avatar

    Happy Blog carnivalling!
    I’d love to enter. Sweet of you to have the US/Austrailia option. : )

  2. Beth_C Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is coffee! Thanks for the generous give away!

    Beth_C’s last blog post..My Celebrity Look Alike?

  3. Alana Avatar

    Isn’t the Internet an incredible thing! I love hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows! Take care.

    Alana’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway – Real Simple Magazine

  4. aubrey Avatar

    I love chai. And hot tea.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    aubrey’s last blog post..Speaking of good ideas

  5. Elizabeth Avatar

    I would love to be entered. My favorite hot drink is a nice, relaxing cup of hot tea!!

    Elizabeth’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway!!!!

  6. Deborah Avatar

    hot chocolate with whipped cream! please enter me!

    Deborah’s last blog post..This Week’s Book Giveaway

  7. Jessica Avatar

    I am a hot chocolate girl! Thanks for your giveaway.

    Jessica’s last blog post..Giveaway — Stockpile items

  8. Bettina Avatar

    Hot milo of course………… cos my mum gave me milo to go and go and go………. lol

    enter me!! me!!

    Bettina’s last blog post..A Hard Truth

  9. julie Avatar

    A caramel macciato. Caramel and milk and espresso. Yum!

    julie’s last blog post..Bald Eagles in Eagle River, Alaska.

  10. Pam Romero Avatar
    Pam Romero

    Starbucks Decaf Peppermint Mocha!

  11. Jenni Avatar

    Wow! What a nice giveaway! I’d take paypal or starbucks — caramel apple cider…yummy!!

    budandjenni @

    Jenni’s last blog post..Soy Candle Giveaway!

  12. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah Avatar

    I’m an American, but I wouldn’t say no to PayPal money.

    Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah’s last blog post..Two Birds, One Stone

  13. Tara Avatar

    Who the heck is going to turn down $25??

    Veronica, you rock my world (well, you and my husband…)

    Tara’s last blog post..It’s Give-Away time!!

  14. Christy Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  15. Heather Avatar

    Hmmm. Hot chocolate I guess. I don’t usually drink hot drinks I guess!

    Heather’s last blog post..The Sound of Silence

  16. Amanda Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is a Mocha from Starbucks. Really, I’m a fan of anything chocolate. What a great giveaway — count me in!

    (Also, love your header and sorry for your struggle. I understand that long, hard road.)

    Amanda’s last blog post..Walk Like a Murderer

  17. Naomi (Urban Mummy) Avatar

    Free money? Cool. What about Tim Tams (is that what they are called? Those yummy Aussie cookies?)

    Naomi (Urban Mummy)’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways! Free Stuff!

  18. Dawn Avatar

    I’d love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn πŸ™‚

    (contact info – dawn at

    Dawn’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway Carnival

  19. Shannon Avatar

    Please enter me! I’m a hot chocolate lover. Bonus if it has whipped cream.

  20. Amity Avatar

    I am a coffee addict for sure!!! Please enter me πŸ™‚

    Amity’s last blog post..Burrrrr

  21. Brandi Avatar

    Homemade hot cocoa is my favorite hot drink, oh, and so is Hot Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks!!! I appreciate you offering to we US folks. Wish I could do the same–hopefully someday!

  22. Jes Avatar

    Chai Tea latte please!

  23. lceel Avatar

    Wow. 25 bucks. Cool. My favorite hot drink is Irish Coffee. Obviously, I can’t drink it ALL the time, so mostly I just drink black coffee, but my fave is the aforementioned Irish.

    BTW .. sorry about that ponderous breast thing earlier .. I got carried away with myself.


    lceel’s last blog post..Monday – a quickie

  24. janethesane Avatar

    How fun! I’d love to enter. My favorite hot drink is Stephens Gourmet Hot Cocoa in Mint Truffle. Mmmmm πŸ™‚

    janethesane’s last blog post..Old Memories

  25. chelsea Avatar

    I love hot apple cider and its cousin, Wassail. Do they have that down yonder?

    chelsea’s last blog post..Giveaway!

  26. Ali Avatar

    i love chai

  27. Kim Avatar

    Wow, I have no objections at all to paypal! πŸ™‚ Oh, and i’m subscribing to your feeds πŸ™‚

  28. C Gibbs Avatar
    C Gibbs

    My favorite hot dreak is Chai Latte….preferably topped with whipped cream! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  29. Erin Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate! πŸ™‚

  30. TT Avatar

    Starbucks rock Mocha Frapachino!!

  31. serina Avatar

    i love coffee!

    serina’s last blog post..The Worse Five Minutes of Her Life

  32. Kathy in WA Avatar

    Coffee – Starbucks Americano with 2 inches steamed milk. πŸ™‚


  33. Taz Avatar

    hot chocolate with whipped cream.. yummo

  34. Geri Avatar

    Great Giveaway!!! Thanks

    hot chocolate

    Geri’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway Day!

  35. alejna Avatar

    How I can choose among my many loves? A nice steamy latte, a hot chocolate with infinite piles of cool whipped cream, a cup of orange pekoe tea with a bit of milk…You cannot make me choose!

    alejna’s last blog damn cat, no damn hat

  36. Karen (Misc Mum) Avatar

    I’ll enter – but if I win could I ask if you could pay via paypal and I can donate the money to my 2008 charity?

    Oh – and hot mocha with marshamallows

    Karen (Misc Mum)’s last blog post..Trying out the β€˜Charlie and Lola’ diet

  37. Kristi Avatar

    Thanks! πŸ™‚

    Kristi’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways Carnival

  38. wendy Avatar

    hot apple cider! yummy!

  39. Rachel Avatar

    Sign me up!!

  40. irma Avatar

    Starbucks is a winner at
    my house. I would have to share it.
    Who doesn’t like starbucks.

    irma’s last blog post..Chevrolet’s Project Driveway Program

  41. Deb - Mom of 3 Girls Avatar

    Hot chocolate! Yum! πŸ™‚

    Deb – Mom of 3 Girls’s last blog post..Heads or Tails #20 – Who would you like to meet and why?

  42. Cindi Hoppes Avatar
    Cindi Hoppes

    Hello, I don’t want to be a pain. I live in the US and I can’t do paypal because of identity theft. Anything your would choose otherwise, would make me a happy camper! Thanks very much, Cindi

  43. Wendy Avatar

    oooh, Stephen’s Gourmet Hot Chocolate with Mint! yummmmmmy! :o)

  44. Inna Avatar

    Tea! πŸ™‚

  45. Rachel Avatar

    Hot Chocolate! With oreo cookies to dip in it πŸ™‚
    I’m subscribing to your blog!!!

    Rachel’s last blog post..Rachel Cooks….Peanut Sesame Noodles!

  46. Sharon Avatar

    I added you to my reader. I don’t have any Australian blogs yet! And I love most anything hot (tea, chocolate, mocha)

    Sharon’s last blog post..Two quick thoughts

  47. witchypoo Avatar

    Strong coffee. Black. No sugar. Plenty of it.
    No Starbucks card, eh?
    Money’s good.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..You can see your farts

  48. witchypoo Avatar

    I’m already subscribed to your feed. It nourishes me almost as well as coffee does.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..You can see your farts

  49. Aimee Fontenot Avatar
    Aimee Fontenot

    I love dark hot chocolate filled with marshmallows…and Paypal is awesome too. LOL

  50. stacey Avatar

    i am enjoying the new skinny mochas!

    stacey’s last blog post..Old School

  51. The Chatty Housewife Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is a seasonal latte at starbucks (gingerbread, eggnog etc) and when they don’t have those, I order vanilla.

    A starbucks gift card would rock!


    The Chatty Housewife’s last blog post..Aspiring Concert Pianist

  52. Deborah Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is French Vanilla Coffee…I also love Starbuck’s Peppermint Mocha it brings out at Christmas. I love flavored coffees.

    Deborah’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways

  53. Samantha Rawson Avatar

    Please enter me. My favourite hot drink is tea, but hot chocolate comes close.

    Samantha Rawson’s last blog post..Clear Out

  54. Sileena Avatar

    Hot raspberry tea or soy peppermint mocha are my FAVORITE hot drinks! I would totally like the paypal credit! Awesome!

    Sileena’s last blog post..Bloggy giveaway carnival III

  55. river Avatar

    Who knew there were so many hot chocolate with marshmallows fans out there?
    My favourite drink is water.

  56. Breeze Avatar

    I love cappucino!

  57. sandy Avatar

    wc mocha

  58. Michelle C Avatar

    very neat idea.

  59. Lisa O Avatar

    Fave hot drink is a Caffe Mocha.


    Lisa O’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday

  60. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Have you not been paying attention? Grande Nonfat Caramel Macchiatto, please! They make the world go round, I swear.

    Oh, and I subscribed to your feed eons ago. I’m cool like that.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Keeping it on the Down Low

  61. Cindy Avatar

    Hot chocolate with cinnamon or peppermint! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks so much!

    Cindy’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway Carnival

  62. Christina Avatar

    Yeah, baby!!! PLease enter me…

    Christina’s last blog post..Thought for Today…

  63. Koryn Hutchison Avatar

    What a beautiful child you have! Yes, please enter ME! I can think of a gaziollion things to do with Paypal money!
    Oh, yes, and I too am in on the giveaway train! Find mine at to enter!

  64. Hjordi Avatar

    caramel macchiato… yum!

    Hjordi’s last blog post..warmer days…

  65. Michelle Avatar

    My current favourite hot drink is the Milky Way hot chocolate at Dunkin Donuts. Mmmmmm! I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  66. Crystal B. Avatar
    Crystal B.

    Cappaccino is my favorite hot drink.

  67. ktjrdn Avatar


    ktjrdn’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway #4

  68. Narelle Avatar

    G’day! I am an Aussie, but I live in Texas! Always like to stumble across someone from home! Please enter me in your giveaway as well! Nice stopping by!

    Narelle’s last blog post..And Last but not Least….

  69. Tyna Begley Avatar

    Hmmm…favorite hot drink would be Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte!

    Tyna Begley’s last blog post..Giveaway Carnival!

  70. Tia Avatar

    My favourite hot drink is Coffee Direct Fairtrade coffee for cafetieres

    Tia’s last blog post..Giveaway 2 – Dora the Explorer

  71. Ashley Avatar

    Raspberry hot chocolate for sure!!! Enter me please!

  72. Harlan Avatar

    Great contest. My favorite hot drink is Carmel Frappacino.


  73. Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings Avatar

    fave hot drink is coffee

    Count me in please.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I’m giving away.

    Laura @ Laura Williams’ Musings

    Laura @ Laura Williams’ Musings’s last blog post..Tuesday Edition of Contests Galore

  74. Maddy Avatar

    Don’t need any prizes but my favourite drink would be tea – no surprise there.

    Maddy’s last blog post..I love California

  75. Cynthia Arguelles Avatar
    Cynthia Arguelles

    Please count me in!!!
    My favorite drink is chai latte with vanilla.

  76. nicole Avatar

    I love the name of your blog. My favorite hot drink is coffee with Kahlua. I’ve no doubt I can find something to spend 25 dollars of paypal money on. Thanks!

    nicole’s last blog post..35 Weeks

  77. Rachel R. Avatar

    Definitely hot chocolate!

    Rachel R.’s last blog post..Little Things

  78. Someone Being Me Avatar

    $25.00 on PayPal could get me some great stuff on eBay. Please sign me up. I love Cafe Mochas from Starbucks.

    Someone Being Me’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways Carnival

  79. teeni Avatar

    Hi! I found you through Witchypoo and have to say that my favorite hot drink is hot chocolate! Any kind of milk will do – dairy, rice, nut milk – basically everything but soy (for health reasons) and since it is winter and cold where I am now – I am certainly enjoying my share. I just posted about it as a matter of fact! πŸ™‚ Anyway, thanks for the contest and an opportunity to win a little bit of money. That’s always fun.

    teeni’s last blog post..β€˜Tis the Season

  80. Kelly Gates Avatar
    Kelly Gates

    Enter me in this one!

  81. cookiebitch Avatar

    Coffee with some Baileys Irish Cream added. Warms you up inside and out. If only they had Bailey’s Irish Cream at work.

    cookiebitch’s last blog post..THE GREAT INTERVIEW EXPERIMENT

  82. kate 5405 Avatar
    kate 5405

    My favorite hot drink is chai tea.

  83. Debbie Piper Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is Gluhwein. It is a hot, spiced red wine drink that I used to have when I lived in Germany. It is a festive, fun beverage that is great to drink when it is cold outside!

    Thank you for having such a great giveaway.

    Debbie Piper’s last blog post..Pan Am Flight 103

  84. Heidi Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is hot tea during this time of the year, although I really like most of them.

    Thanks very much! Have a good time with the contest!

    Heidi’s last blog post..Trash Talk from the Mouths of Babes

  85. Erin Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate! Generous giveaway – thanks!

    Erin’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways

  86. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    What a sweet event! You’re awesome πŸ™‚

    My favorite hot drink is Mango Green Tea…yum πŸ˜›

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..So What If I’m Late?

  87. jessica hekman Avatar

    I’d have to say caramel machiattos are my favorite hot drink πŸ™‚

    jessica hekman’s last blog post..A nice rainy weekend

  88. amyd29 Avatar

    i love hot coco with whipped cream!

  89. Lissete Avatar

    What a great giveaway. Nice of you to include everyone! For my next giveaway I will definitely do an internet GC as well so that I don’t have to exclude anyone!

    I’m adding you to my Bloglines as well!

    Lissete’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaways!!

  90. Leone Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is apple cider. I drink it year round! Thanks for the entry!

  91. robin Avatar

    my fav hot drink would have to be hot chocolate

  92. Denise Avatar

    How thoughtful for you to include everyone. That is so neat! I love paypal – – I’m always needing money for my eBay purchases. LOL My favorite hot drink is a Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha. MmmmM!

    I love your blogging title….yes, eventually you WILL get to sleep all night again. πŸ™‚

  93. Old Knudsen Avatar

    My favourite hot drink is vinegar, goat’s blood with some dill and onion added.

    Can I have the money in used untraceable small bills please?

    Old Knudsen’s last blog post..Tarzan Star To Tell All

  94. Shannon Avatar

    I don’t really like hot drinks…I can do a latte every now and then….but I much prefer the iced coffees and teas!

    Shannon’s last blog post..Let the weeping and gnashing of teeth begin!

  95. Melanie Avatar

    Coffee. Strong. Black. Early. Often.

  96. Christine Avatar

    My fav hot drink is currently a chai latte… hot chocolate is always yummy, too!

    Christine’s last blog post..Mission: My Bedroom Entry

  97. Sara Avatar

    Please sign me up! I’m in the US!

    Sara’s last blog post..Starlightcreationsdotblogspotdotcom!

  98. frogpondsrock Avatar

    wow .. I like coffee.. black and strong…

    cheers kim

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Giveaway

  99. frogpondsrock Avatar

    and another comment just to bring you up to the magical 100.. cause I am nice like that xxx


    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Giveaway