The Big Blog Giveaway

And before you get all excited, no, I am not giving my blog away. Just sayin’.


So about the blogosphere I have been seeing these little buttons. Isn’t it pretty? Click on it, and it will take you to a pretty awesome blog.

Okay the whole point to this is that I offer something to give away.

Now bear in mind that I live in Australia which ups my postage costs quite a bit and I am a complete cheapskate thrifty person, so I want to make this easier on everyone involved.

I was going to offer you a crossstitch that I stitched with my very own hands, but then I discovered that Nathan had packed the study and I couldn’t find it. And no one wants to win a cross stitch that they haven’t seen and may possibly be horribly lost by now.
THEN I was going to offer a crocheted baby blanket, but I don’t think the shop sells the wool I like anymore. Plus, then we come back to that whole postage debacle.

So then I was going to offer a book. But again with the postage. (Postage should really be free to blog friends. Lets all tell the post offices that okay?)

So now I have had a good long think and I am offering 2 choices. IF you live in Australia I will offer you a $25 Coles Myer gift card (is the Myer bit still in the name? I mean, after they sold Myer?).

Gift Card

IF you live outside of Australia (Yes, I know that is 99% of my readers) I will be offering $25 via Paypal. If you have some great objection to Paypal then if you win, you and I can work out something that suits us both. Maybe a Starbucks card or something?

Come what may I WILL be offering $25AU worth of something to someone.

TO ENTER: simply comment on this post and tell me what your favourite hot drink is. This is open to bloggers and non-bloggers alike. All you need is a valid email address.

Prizes will be drawn 8pm Sunday night, MY time zone. So that is Saturday evening/Sunday morning for US readers.

Subscribe to my feed to get yourself a second entry. Just mention in your comment that you have subscribed and I will enter you twice.Β  (Hey, you can always delete me at the end of the competition if you don’t like my writing!)

(To my regular readers, I won’t be emailing in reply to these comments. I still love you though, K? PLEASE don’t think that I have abandoned you! It isn’t true!)


321 responses to “The Big Blog Giveaway”

  1. fan Avatar

    Great giveaway. My favorite hot drink is coffee with a pack of hot chocolate mix, I love this.

  2. Julie Avatar

    Hot chocolate with whip cream!
    (In in the US).

    Julie’s last blog post..Another Mystery is History!

  3. tina in Thailand Avatar

    Can I still enter if I do not really like hot drinks? I like iced tea and am really trying hard to learn to drink hot tea. I have found a couple of flavors that I can sip.
    I can use the PayPal from Thailand with my old account, it would be great for buying presents!
    Great idea!

  4. amy a Avatar
    amy a

    My favorite hot drink is definitely Hot Chocolate. Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Piseco Avatar

    Hot Chocolate! Thanks for the contest!

    Piseco’s last blog post..Too Many Contests!

  6. Jane Marie Avatar

    I have to have my cup of Earl Grey Tea every morning. I starts my day off right. Thanks for the chance to win your contest.

    Jane Marie’s last blog post..Taking a Hiatus

  7. Paula G. Avatar

    How fun! Count me in!

  8. Karen Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is hot carmel apple cider.Yum.

    Karen’s last blog post..The Little Flower Girls

  9. Ginny Avatar

    My favorite hot drink right now is green tea with a bit of honey.

    Ginny’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway ~ Starbucks!!!

  10. Christina Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is chai. Yum!

  11. Kellie C. Avatar

    Awesome prize.

    Kellie C.’s last blog post..Funny things Alex says

  12. Sheri Avatar

    I tend to like cold or frozen drinks. I do have hot chocolate a few times a year.

  13. Gina Avatar

    I love Hot chocolate, especially on those cold nights by the fire. Thanks for being so flexible with the prize.

    Gina’s last blog post..Fish Tank

  14. Angela Avatar

    hot chocolate, of course!! paypal sounds GREAT!!!

    Angela’s last blog post..Wednesday’s Field Trip…

  15. bee Avatar

    Hot apple cider is my favorite! And I could really use some Paypal $$!

    bee’s last blog post..I always knew you were a smart bunch.

  16. Katy-Anne Avatar

    My favourite hot drink is hot chocolate. I’m an Aussie living in the US.

    katyanne85 at gmail dot com

    Katy-Anne’s last blog post..Thoughts on Makeup and Other Artificial Changes

  17. Angela Avatar

    Too, too cool! I loved looking around your blog. Thank you for your great offer!

    Angela’s last blog post..whoa, boy!

  18. Karen (mommy of three) Avatar

    I love Hot Chocolate, especially on snowy, blistery cold days such as today! Thanks:)

    Karen (mommy of three)’s last blog post..CFBA Presents: A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman

  19. DoubleHappiness Avatar

    Jasmine tea or English Breakfast tea. Thanks for offering!

    DoubleHappiness’s last blog post..BloggyGiveaway

  20. Ellen Lyn Avatar

    Thanks for making my raniy day a little more sunny!
    hammgood at yahoo dot com

    Ellen Lyn’s last blog post..Mt. Holly

  21. Jenna Avatar

    I am one of those American types, so we’d have to work something out πŸ™‚
    I am definitely a hot chocolate drinker!

    Jenna’s last blog post..“Worst Fears Realized”

  22. Katie Avatar

    I wish it were free to send Tim Tams, that’s what I would want, lol, those things are amazing. But a gift card would be great. Thanks so much for the generous offer and the chance to win!

  23. Tracy D Avatar

    I am in love with Caramel lattes… and also sleepytime tea! Count me in!

    Tracy D’s last blog post..Exciting!

  24. Christine Avatar

    Please count me in! Thanks.

    Christine’s last blog post..Better Late Than Never – Giveaway

  25. Debbie Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is hot apple cider…sometimes with a bit of cinnamon schnapps added…yuuuuummmmmyyy. If I were to win the $25 PayPal, the money would be used to by yarn and patterns as I am an avid crocheter. Thank you for your Giveaway.

  26. Proverbs31 Avatar

    Wow, a gift all the way from Australia! (Even if it is cash!) πŸ˜‰ How cool, thanks!

    Proverbs31’s last blog post..The Vote Is On!

  27. kelly Avatar

    It’s a toss up between coffee and tea.

    kelly’s last blog post..Bloggy giveaways!

  28. Taryn S Avatar
    Taryn S


  29. Renee Johnson Avatar
    Renee Johnson

    I love Hot Chocolate with melted chocolate, cream, vanilla, cinnamon, whipped topping and marshmallows. Yummy. Thanks for the great contest. Good Luck Everyone πŸ™‚

  30. Jennifer Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Jennifer (

  31. Sara Avatar

    Thanks for the chance at the great give away.

  32. Heather Avatar

    My favourite hot drink is green tea with lemon.

  33. Barbara Avatar

    I have always loved Green Tea. How nice of them to make it good for me.

  34. Shama-Lama Mama Avatar

    Ooooh, that would be a White Chocolate Mocha! Mmmmm…. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Shama-Lama Mama’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Last Weekend at the Zoo

  35. Michele Avatar

    I love a cap of Bushell’s tea – which seeing I live in the US I don’t get too often.

  36. chantelle Avatar

    awesome! please enter me. I would love to win!

  37. ukrainiac Avatar

    One of my favorites: hot mulled wine. Hits the spot on these cold winter nights. But usually I go for just about anything that contains coffee!

    ukrainiac’s last blog post..Birthday bash

  38. majellamom Avatar

    Please enter me! Love the options, and your willingness to let us all participate!

    majellamom’s last blog post..TOO FUNNY!

  39. Judith Avatar

    Hot chocolate!

    Judith’s last blog post..They are singing my song

  40. Meleah Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is hot lemon tea, and I just wanted to tell you that your daughter is so cute it hurts to look at her — seriously. I don’t think they make them any cuter than that!

    Meleah’s last blog post..So much to post…

  41. Dee Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is a nonfat vanilla latte!

  42. Tabitha Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is tea with just a little sugar. Great giveaway!

    Tabitha’s last blog post..We had a Merry Christmas!

  43. april Avatar

    Normally, I’d say a plain cup of coffee, but right now I’d like a cup of Earl Grey Tea. None in the house though, sigh.

    april’s last blog post..Links and laughs

  44. Beth Avatar

    Wonderful idea for a giveaway, thanks so much for entering my name! My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate…yum.

    Beth’s last blog post..Mold Is The New Black

  45. Tanya Avatar

    I love white chocolate mochas!

    Tanya’s last blog post..New Sink!

  46. Susanne Avatar

    Hot Chocolate!!!!

  47. tanyetta Avatar

    Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows!!!! YUM!

  48. Dana Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    My favorite hot drink is simply a nice warm cup of coffee with lots of Hazelnut creamer.


  49. Anelys Avatar

    I love hot chocolate with marshmallows!

    My best friend lives in Australia, and she have done so much for me and my family, that I would love to win this to give it to her.

    Anelys’s last blog post..Im heartbroken

  50. Nancy Avatar

    You’re such a generous person! I hope your baby wish comes true soon!

  51. Lydia Avatar

    I could use the Paypal one!

    Lydia’s last blog post..Grand Canyon: A Book Review

  52. tulip Avatar

    Hmmm…let’s see….should I put down hot tea with a bit of sugar and cream or should I put down Starbucks’s Cinnamon Dolce Mocha….hmmm….tough choice!

    Can’t decide…I’ll put down….ummm…..both!!!

    Thanks for the fun giveaway!!

  53. Princess Leia Avatar

    I’d love $25 in my paypal account! Pick me!

    Princess Leia’s last blog post..Ignore the Man Behind the Curtain

  54. natalie Avatar


    I’d love to be entered, my favorite hot drink is coffee! Black, no cream, no sugar! πŸ™‚

  55. Lisa G. Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is Swiss Miss hot cocoa with ton of little marshmallows added. Thanks for the great contest!! I subsribed to your RSS and will enjoy reading more from you! (:

    Lisa G.’s last blog post..Win an amazing MP3 player from An Island Review!

  56. Lynn Avatar

    White Chocolate Mocha is my favorite hot drink! Please enter me!

  57. TheChickadeefeeder Avatar

    Wonderful giveaway, thanks so much! I love cocoa!

  58. Melissa Avatar

    I’d love to win! Please enter me! My fav hot drink is between hot cocoa and hot tea! Thanks!

  59. AA Avatar

    I am craving a drink from Starbucks. Caramel Latte! But I can’t have one until my surro son arrives in April. I can’t wait, lol. πŸ˜‰ THANK YOU. surrogacyrocks at yahoo dot com

  60. stacey moore Avatar

    hot chocolate!! please enter us in your awesome contest!! we would love to win!!

    stacey moore’s last blog post..Look What We WON!! (13 December WINS)

  61. Jackie Avatar

    Hi my favorite hot drink is hot chocolate!

    Jackie’s last blog post..FO Tree Jacket

  62. Amy Avatar

    I drink coffee every day, but for a hot drink “treat” I like hot cocoa with marshmallows or whipped cream. My favorite tea drink is chamomile with a slice of fresh ginger.

  63. Colleen Avatar

    I love coffee.

    Colleen’s last blog post..Valentine’s Goody Swap Questionnaire

  64. Jen Avatar

    My favorite hot drink in hot chocolate! I’d love to win this!


  65. Sheila Avatar

    Love this! Count me in!

  66. Anastasia Avatar

    This is great! I’d love to enter πŸ™‚

  67. Dana Avatar

    my favorite hot drink is coffee..any flavor at Starbucks!!

  68. ktrae Avatar

    Oooh.. with paypal money I could buy yarn. Sock yarn, that is, from etsy. And make pretty socks.

  69. Heather Slater Avatar
    Heather Slater

    Pay pal — the best bloggie prize EVER!! My favorite hot drinks spiced tea.

  70. Audra Marie Avatar

    Ohhh – $25 by paypal would be awesome. πŸ™‚ I subscribed, too using writetome(at)thesilvas(dot)com.

    Thanks for the chance to win! πŸ™‚


    Audra Marie’s last blog post..A Giveaway with Sassitude

  71. Brittany Avatar

    How nice of you! Thanks!

    Brittany’s last blog post..Blog Your Blessings

  72. Keryn Avatar

    Hot lemonade. I hope I win! volcano at gmail dot com

  73. Jenn Avatar

    Sweet of you to do the AU/US offer. My favorite hot drink would have to be coffee. Either Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Lattee.

    Hot Lemonade? Ewww. That just so wrong.

    Jenn’s last blog post..The Ex-Wives Club

  74. Gloria Avatar

    my favorite hot drink is hot cocoa with marshmallows πŸ™‚

  75. Lynne Avatar

    Iced Coffee!!!!
    Or Hot Coffee or warm coffee….yes, I’d say its coffee.

    Thanks for the offer.
    God Bless,

  76. Tisa Avatar

    Please count me in! Thanks! ~ πŸ™‚

  77. Whitney Avatar

    Hmm…my favorite hot drink is tropic of strawberry hot tea…mmm. I think I’m going to go make some now πŸ™‚

    Whitney’s last blog post..Giveaway!

  78. Charity Avatar

    Hot tea. I live in the South, and tea is like air.

  79. Katie Wilson Avatar

    Ooh another giftcard giveaway =]
    my fave is pratty much anything from starbucks!

    Katie Wilson’s last blog post..Hmm…

  80. Betty C Avatar
    Betty C

    Thanks for the great contest. My favorite hot drink is coffee but I love hot chocolate with whipped cream as an occasional alternative.

  81. Veronica Avatar

    Wow, truly I am shocked at the response I have gotten!

    Thankyou all for coming over and commenting. I would love to see you all stick around for longer than the competition though. Don’t make me feel unloved again okay?

  82. Andrea Avatar

    I love rasberry tea. Please enter me! Thank You!! $25 by Paypal would be perfect!

    Andrea’s last blog post..HELLO!!

  83. KJ Avatar

    Thanks so much for your generosity! Please include me!


  84. Heather C Avatar
    Heather C

    I’d love to enter. Thanks!

  85. Jewelshud Avatar

    My favorite hot drink is probably a lemonade with some honey in it – very yummy! Thanks for the giveaway!

  86. jenn Avatar

    Hot chocolate!

    jenn’s last blog post..Supporting a New Mom

  87. Sarah A. Avatar
    Sarah A.

    My favorite is definitely hot chocolate!

  88. Kam A Avatar
    Kam A

    My favorite drink is hot chocolate! Great giveaway! Would love to win!

  89. Kristine Peacock Avatar
    Kristine Peacock

    Paypal works for me. I like plain ole hot Lipton Tea with lots of lemon.

  90. Richelle F Avatar
    Richelle F

    Paypal would be great.
    I like hot chocolate

  91. aBookworm Avatar

    The Cafe Machiato at Starbucks makes me soar πŸ™‚
    callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

  92. Megan Avatar

    awesome!!! thank you! I’m in the US.
    good luck on baby #2

  93. Curly Girl Avatar

    Yes, please enter me in your giveaway for $25 via PayPal (I live in the U.S.). Very kind of you to do this ~ thank you!

    djcregue at wmis dot net

  94. Curly Girl Avatar

    Forgot to tell you my favorite hot drink ~ hot tea, definitely.

  95. Romie Avatar

    I am in the US – but who doesn’t love the change for about $25 of anything. My favorite hot drink is hot chocolate – hands down.

    Romie’s last blog post..Hakuna Matata

  96. Stephanie Avatar

    I love postum – but they’ve quite making it. So now I’m downing peppermint hot chocolate.

  97. NerdMom Avatar

    I like a lot of hot drinks; Jasmine tea, venti Mocha from Starbucks, hot chocolate…

    NerdMom’s last blog post..Update

  98. Meg Avatar

    Chai tea by far! Thanks! ( )

    Meg’s last blog post..WFMW – Help the doctor out!