The Big Blog Giveaway

And before you get all excited, no, I am not giving my blog away. Just sayin’.


So about the blogosphere I have been seeing these little buttons. Isn’t it pretty? Click on it, and it will take you to a pretty awesome blog.

Okay the whole point to this is that I offer something to give away.

Now bear in mind that I live in Australia which ups my postage costs quite a bit and I am a complete cheapskate thrifty person, so I want to make this easier on everyone involved.

I was going to offer you a crossstitch that I stitched with my very own hands, but then I discovered that Nathan had packed the study and I couldn’t find it. And no one wants to win a cross stitch that they haven’t seen and may possibly be horribly lost by now.
THEN I was going to offer a crocheted baby blanket, but I don’t think the shop sells the wool I like anymore. Plus, then we come back to that whole postage debacle.

So then I was going to offer a book. But again with the postage. (Postage should really be free to blog friends. Lets all tell the post offices that okay?)

So now I have had a good long think and I am offering 2 choices. IF you live in Australia I will offer you a $25 Coles Myer gift card (is the Myer bit still in the name? I mean, after they sold Myer?).

Gift Card

IF you live outside of Australia (Yes, I know that is 99% of my readers) I will be offering $25 via Paypal. If you have some great objection to Paypal then if you win, you and I can work out something that suits us both. Maybe a Starbucks card or something?

Come what may I WILL be offering $25AU worth of something to someone.

TO ENTER: simply comment on this post and tell me what your favourite hot drink is. This is open to bloggers and non-bloggers alike. All you need is a valid email address.

Prizes will be drawn 8pm Sunday night, MY time zone. So that is Saturday evening/Sunday morning for US readers.

Subscribe to my feed to get yourself a second entry. Just mention in your comment that you have subscribed and I will enter you twice.  (Hey, you can always delete me at the end of the competition if you don’t like my writing!)

(To my regular readers, I won’t be emailing in reply to these comments. I still love you though, K? PLEASE don’t think that I have abandoned you! It isn’t true!)


321 responses to “The Big Blog Giveaway”

  1. Caryn B Avatar

    Winter dream tea latte from CB & TL

    Caryn B’s last blog post..Go Go Go-GURT!

  2. Karina Avatar

    My new favorite hot drink is any cup of coffee I have with my new Senseo coffee machine. That thing makes the BEST coffee!

    Stop on by, I have a little giveaway too!

    Karina’s last blog post..Mini GiveAway

  3. Jessica M Avatar

    My favorite hot drink would be hands down English Breakfast tea. Its delicious.
    Thankyou 🙂
    (oh, by the way, i am in USA)

  4. Erika Avatar

    Market Spice Tea!!! Very fun!!! Please count me in!

  5. Michelle B. Avatar

    my favorite hot drink cinnamon latte

    Michelle B.’s last blog post..Happy Birthday, Steven!

  6. Paula Avatar

    I love hot chocolate. Not a coffee drinker.

  7. Shay Avatar

    I love spice tea and hot cocoa.

  8. Angela Palmer Avatar
    Angela Palmer

    I love cocoa.

  9. Tina Avatar

    I love mochas!

  10. Belinda Avatar

    I love hot tea.

  11. Virginia Avatar

    Hot chai tea. mmmmmm

  12. Elizabeth-The Whole Family Avatar

    Oohh an Australian player. I love hot tea and Paypal! Enter me please. Thanks for playing along.

    Elizabeth-The Whole Family’s last blog post..Free Shirt Offer from Polly Tod

  13. Jennifer Barr Avatar
    Jennifer Barr

    My favorite is hot chocolate 🙂
    I’m in the US 🙂

  14. Alyson Avatar

    Well and aren’t you a clever girl with your gracious giveaways? And congrats on your awesome prizes shown up top too!

    Sign me up for the paypal as I sadly do not live nearby. 🙂 Fun to play…stop by mine and sign up if you’d like!

    Alyson’s last blog post..GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!

  15. Veronica Avatar

    Competition closes in 1 hour!!! Not long until I announce a winner. Are you entered?

  16. Veronica Avatar


    Thankyou to everyone who commented, you truly made my day.

    Look for an announcement post with the winner very shortly.

  17. Tahsha Crawley Avatar
    Tahsha Crawley

    Great giveaway. Thanks! Love white chocolate mocha!

  18. Desi Avatar

    Oh man, Hot Chocolate is the all-in-all!

  19. Gina Avatar

    I love vanilla flavored coffee. Its about the only thing I drink anymore since I never get a full nights sleep. You know all about that! Thanks for the great give-away.

    Ginas last blog post..Great give-away

  20. vicky Avatar

    thanks for a great giveaway. My fav is hot chocolate

    vickys last blog post..Job Loss Leads To Tragic End

  21. tammy Avatar

    My favorite drink is coffee with cream and sugar.