The case of the mysteriously growing baby

If you’re a long time reader, you’ll know that I don’t grow big babies. Isaac was perfectly sized and born at 7lbs, but they spent a bit of time worrying that he was “small for dates”. The same thing happened with Amy, and we were told to expect a 5lb baby – only she was perfectly sized by the time she was born too, a lovely 7lb6oz.

The defining thing here is that the babies I grow, while a great size for me, measure small against the percentile charts. Both children have measured anywhere between 2 and 6 weeks behind for my pregnancies.

So you can imagine my slight bafflement when this baby measured around 10 days ahead of dates at my 20 week scan. No matter I thought, she’ll be here when she’s here.


I had a growth scan today, booked during my 12 week appointment, due to a sub-chorionic haemorrhage and my previous history of small-for-dates babies. They just wanted to check that everything was going well and that she was nicely gestating away.

Imagine my shock when we discovered that at apparently 33 weeks, my daughter is measuring 37 weeks at her head and 36.3 weeks on average. Her estimated weight is just a little under what Isaac was when he was born.

I do not grow big babies.

Not at all.

Not in the slightest.

Nor do I have gestational diabetes and the constant nausea has meant that my diet is super healthy too. My total weight gain is 2.5kg so far (I did lose 5 kg in the first trimester though and have gained that back).

If you’re new here, I had a miscarriage before falling pregnant with this baby. In fact, I was pregnant again so quickly that there is doubt that I miscarried the entire pregnancy. I had blood tests done afterwards, but only to confirm that my HCG levels were dropping, not that they’d gone to zero – and the ultrasound I had done, she freely admitted that my uterus was too full of blood to see much of anything.

For the actual miscarriage, I didn’t bleed for very long, or very heavily. My periods were worse, and hurt more too, which confused me a bit – I expected the bleeding from a miscarriage to be heavier than a normal period. Then I experienced early pregnancy symptoms 10 days later, with a positive pregnancy test soon thereafter.

So, there is now a lot of confusion about my early dates. I’ve been pretty convinced that I’m further along than the doctors believe I am – based solely on how I felt in the very early weeks and when I got a positive test, plus how I measured at midwifery appointments.

I have a follow-up appointment at the High Risk Clinic on Wednesday, at which I expect to have to explain myself repeatedly and refuse to be booked in for a Caesarean.

In the meantime, I am having a minor panic about the fact that we now expect this baby relatively soon and that I have very little time to Get Things Ready.

Suddenly, the prelabour symptoms I’ve been having this past week don’t seem quite so ridiculously early.



27 responses to “The case of the mysteriously growing baby”

  1. Natasha Andrews Avatar
    Natasha Andrews

    Ohh and with your fast labours I’d be listening very closely to your body just in case!!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yes! That’s what I think too, which is why I’m a little panicky tonight. I’ll be calm again tomorrow I reckon.

    2. frogpondsrock Avatar

      My thoughts exactly Natasha and I have to have my Nanna-babysitter bag packed as well. (eeek)

  2. Laney Avatar

    Gosh your pregnancies are similar to mine! I also got a positive preg just 10 days or so after MC. Both mine were pretty small though at just over 5lb. I just can’t seem to hold on to them once they get to about 2kg. I hope you get a few more weeks to give hubs time to grow a bit more. Bigger can be better!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Isn’t it the strangest thing, to be pregnant so soon after a MC? I’m wondering now if this babe was half of a set of twins and I lost one and held onto her. Frankly, I don’t mind what size she is, provided we get healthy!

  3. Mindy Avatar

    It does sound like she could be a twin. Hope all goes well for you and you can birth how you wish to.

  4. Fiona Avatar

    We all await the twitter announcement 😉

  5. Trish Avatar

    Glad is going well anyway , who knows . So close now , positive vibes xox

  6. Jayne Avatar

    Hope she has the manners to let her mum get ready before making her entrance!

  7. tiff Avatar

    thinking of you all the time. Waiting for news, whenever she chooses to come.

  8. Marita Avatar

    Exciting times ahead. Whatever happens I hope for healthy bubs and mum.

  9. Margot Avatar

    These ‘sizing’ scans do seem be to be notoriously inaccurate from my anecdata, so this baby might be much smaller than they are saying. But I do get what you are saying about it being odd to be pregnant so soon after a miscarriage and the twin theory does sound plausible! Or could it be that the miscarriage was not a miscarriage but a bad bleed while you were pregnant?

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yes, I know! They were nearly 2lb out with my first pregnancy, she was bigger than they’d expected her to be!

      It is possible it was a bad bleed, but my HCG levels did drop dramatically, which suggests a lost baby in there somewhere. Either way, seems weird!

  10. Alison Avatar

    My word, I don’t know what on earth to say, except for the very best of luck, dear heart, you have weathered many storms, sending you lots of love.

  11. kelli Avatar

    wow! could explain a lot of things. That or she is a boofer like mine were LOL

  12. Cat@jugglingact Avatar

    All sounds very confusing. Lots of luck

  13. Denyse Avatar

    So excited! Great to know the mystery of the growing baby will soon be solved. Tah dah! And Nanna is packing aren’t you…it’s awesome news V. So pleased & can’t wait to keep up to date. Love Denyse xx

  14. janet Avatar

    Wow! Best wishes to all of you. That’s a cute little ultrasound image of baby girl.

  15. Anne Avatar

    I’m so excited for you! Can’t wait to “meet” baby girl. Stalking your blog until then…:)

  16. Becky Avatar

    In brighter news….Dude. You’ve managed to accomplish what every pregnant woman since the dawn of time has violently wished: found a magical way of making the third trimester speed up.

    I. Am. Jealous.

  17. BB Avatar

    Thinking of you – madly rollercoastery exciting. This kid is gonna keep you on your toes, I reckon. Wishing you a good delivery and much joy (once you are packed!!)

  18. kelley @ magnetoboldtoo Avatar

    Welcome to MY pregnancies.

    Every time they said I was having an eleven pounder cause they were practically full sized by 30 weeks.

    They were 8pounds 7, 7 pounds 11 and 7 pounds 7.

    Stupid doctors know nothing.


  19. river Avatar

    Ha Ha!
    and Aha!
    and also, remember what I said way back then?
    Possible surviving twin….is what I said.

    I hope things continue to go well, including a speedy delivery when she decides it’s time.
    Got your bag packed now?

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I do remember you saying that! And now it’s seeming very likely.

      Bag is almost packed, I just need to buy new underwear and wait for the last of the baby clothes to dry so that I can pack them.

  20. Marylin Avatar

    Definitely go with your gut feelings, excuse the pun! Your babies have always been early, haven’t they? And like you say, both Amy and Isaac measured much smaller. So maybe you didn’t lose the lil one you thought you did. In which case? AWESOME! Either way, you’re gonna have a new baby soon, and I’m going to be OH SO jealous of all the newborn snuggling being done on the other side of the world meaning I can’t come have one! Or steal you away for chatters and big cups of tea and hot chocolate and walks around your gorgeous farm and meeting your gorgeous kids as well as your gorgeous self.
    One day. One day we will meet.
    Once I get that million dollar idea? I’m SO doing a month long trip to visit you and your mum and Tiff and Angela and Kelley and Leonie and and and OMG one day it HAS TO BE DONE!
    Ahem, anyway… here’s hoping for a birth announcement soon. I’ll be checking your fb regularly from now on, so you’d better post photos there asap, after… you know… giving birth n all. 😉 xx

  21. lizzy Avatar

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    1. frogpondsrock Avatar

      Can I have next weeks powerball numbers please Izzy.