The Deranged Tooth Fairy

When I was a teenager, we had a bad mouse plague one winter.

I was sleeping inside at the time, on a mattress on the floor of my brothers bedroom. He was about 8 at the time and my bus/caravan had no power and therefore was too icy cold to sleep in. Something about waking up to frost INSIDE the windows made me want to give up my privacy for warmth.

The mouse plague was so bad that if you shook the curtains, mice would fall out of them. It was BAAAAD.

Anyway, one night I was trying to sleep and suddenly the cat started going stupid and running up and down my legs.

I assumed it was a mouse (hell, I was completely desensitised by then) and so I started shaking out the blankets. The cat pounced, the mouse squeaked and I heard crunching nomming noises.

Satisfied that the mouse was dead, I promptly fell back asleep, after first reminding myself to be careful where I trod if I had to get up.

There is nothing better than treading on a mouse liver in bare feet. NOOOOOTHING better.

After sleeping all night (yes! I actually used to sleep! all night!) I woke in the morning and got up for school. Eventually, I was looking for something (think messy teenager) and looked under my pillow.

Lo and behold, there was a second mouse! Dead! Under my pillow!

I had slept on a dead mouse.

It was even squashed flat.

Obviously I went to school and told my friends about it. I’m classy like that.

One friend suggested that maybe the cat lost a tooth.

M – ‘Maybe your cat lost a tooth.’

V – ‘And the mouse was actually a present for the cat!’

M – ‘Well, cats don’t exactly need money’

V – ‘It can’t have been a good tooth, the mouse was very flat and very dead. Pretty pathetic gift if you ask me’

M – ‘Did you feed it to the cat?’

V – ‘Yup, I just had to wiggle it a bit and she thought it was alive’

M – ‘See?’

M – ‘Or maybe you lost a tooth and the tooth fairy was actually just messing with your head’

V – ‘A deranged tooth fairy’

M – ‘Nice.’


23 responses to “The Deranged Tooth Fairy”

  1. witchypoo Avatar

    That? It was a great story.
    I don’t believe I would ever be desensitized to mice. I leave them potent poison, and when it runs out, I leave them some more. Did you have a nice hungry snake around to eat some of them?

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Grammie’s Present

  2. jessica Avatar

    That is disgusting. Cheers to you for living through it!

    We have a scourge of these hideous creatures called box elder bugs and i feel like moving across town. i can’t imagine what it would be like if we had MICE. Yuck.

    That being said, the conversation with your friend about “Maybe the cat lost a tooth” made me actually laugh out loud.:)

    jessica’s last blog post..Try them out Thursday! 4.3.08

  3. Jenty Avatar

    Oh gross!!
    PMSL! rather you than me.

    Jenty’s last blog post..Seaside here we come!

  4. Suzie Avatar

    NO WAY! Oh yuck! As someone dealing with my own mice troubles you have put it in perspective. The shaking the curtain thing is a quiet an image.

    Suzie’s last blog post..Potty Water

  5. Marylin Avatar

    LOL now that’s a story! We had mice in one of the flats I lived in as a student… now we just have beetles… *shudder*

    Marylin’s last blog post..13 Things I Love About Zack

  6. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar


    You probably followed up by skinning it for a fur coat for a ‘Barbie’ or a big hat for ‘Russian Ken’

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..So, God IS a woman…

  7. Ree Avatar

    I was mucking out the barn one day and shoved the pitchford into the straw….heard squeaks…and came up with two mice. Ewwww.

    Ree’s last blog post..Just Another Day in Hotfessional-land.

  8. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Okay. I just might have to stop reading your blog. NOT because you aren’t a great writer and story teller, but because I get SO HUNG UP on things you write about that for the entire next 24 hours I can’t stop thinking about it. I find myself scouring the internet for information about Tasmania: the soil content, the number of frog species, the date the last Aborigine lived there, the population. Completely consumes my brain. Yes, I need a hobby, apparently.
    Today’s brain fodder: being okay with shaking mice from curtains.

    Hyphen Mama’s last blog post..100 Thing About Me–3rd Act

  9. julie Avatar

    My cousin was at her boyfriend’s apartment and stepped on a glue trap. With a not dead yet mouse stuck to it. It stuck to her foot, and she could feel the mouse wiggling. Yuck. I hate mice.

    julie’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen

  10. Lou Avatar

    I like the notion that cats don’t need money so the Tooth Fairy (they’re real, you know) leaves a mouse instead. Very intelligent Tooth Fairy. And obviously a cat lover. Because normally, they only do humans. (Read into that what you may.)

    Lou’s last blog post..Wordless(y) Wednesday Plus Bath

  11. Jennifer Avatar

    This post will give me nightmares for months. Thanks!

    Jennifer’s last blog post..Athlete’s Face

  12. frogpondsrock Avatar

    I giggled when you told me this story then..

    I am giggling now as well. hehehehehe

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Mystery Object #3

  13. Memarie Lane Avatar

    Mouse livers are great for healthy cuticles. I swear.

    Memarie Lane’s last blog post..Celebrating Every Baby

  14. Taz Avatar

    eww gross.. lol

    cute story though..

    Taz’s last blog post..25 weeks old

  15. katef Avatar

    oh man and I thought our millipede plague was gross! LOL
    The tooth fairy really is deranged too you know… she got greedy and wanted three of my Zoe’s front teeth all in one hit, and years before they should have come out too. Greedy little vixen!

    katef’s last blog post..Follow-up

  16. Anja Avatar

    I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. *shudders* Mice falling out of the curtains, yick.

    I found myself internally cheering at the cat nomming on the mouse.

    Deranged tooth fairy… that’s gold!

    Anja’s last blog post..Hot Hunk Thrust-day

  17. Bettina Avatar

    I was reading then re-reading your opening thinking “well if she didn’t sleep inside then where the hell did she sleep usually?”

    great story! lol

    Bettina’s last blog post..Guardian?

  18. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Mouse liver first thing in the morning is my FAVE!

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Don’t act like it’s never happened to you.

  19. Cassie Avatar

    That would definitely be one deranged tooth fairy! If it had happened to me, I probably would have had a heart attack! Rodents are not my friend.

    Cassie’s last blog post..Happy Birthday Furbaby!

  20. HRH Avatar

    hahaha. I love this. I used to live in such a place. We had to hang even underwear up or else it became mouse nest. But, I never had a dead one under my pillow…you got me there.

    HRH’s last blog post..I have a winner…

  21. tiff Avatar

    but funny, very funny

    tiff’s last blog post..“Davey Oliver”

  22. Cat Avatar

    Ergh, that’s gross. Something similar happened to my mum once – the standing on a mouse’s body – but it was covered in ants, even grosser!

    Once at Kapooka (basic recruit training for the army) when we were out bush another guy and I couldn’t get to sleep as we kept hearing noises and thought it was an enemy party settling into position before they attacked. We worked out in the morning it was most likely just a mouse when a) we weren’t attacked, b) a mouse had chewed through a packaged biscuit of mine and c) a mouse had chewed through someone’s pack of baked beans!

    Gross, gross, gross.

    Cat’s last blog post..Reserves and meeting goals

  23. […] Until then, maybe mice are just attracted to me? […]