The Good and The Bad

Happy Valentines Day to everyone who celebrates it. It isn’t really that big a deal here (or at least I don’t think so), so we didn’t have anything planned.

Lucky we didn’t because Pop’s funeral was today.

Good times people, good times. Or not.

I cried and Amy danced and then I got all teary and then Amy ran outside so she spent the funeral playing in the rose gardens with her Daddy.

It was very hard and not something I want to have to repeat in the near future. Okay? You hear me? No one is allowed to die anytime soon.

However, the good news?

We got our settlement date today! Can I get a woo hoo?

29th February!

15 days time!

So we will probably move 4-5 days after we get the keys, but at least now we know where we are at.



24 responses to “The Good and The Bad”

  1. frogpondsrock Avatar

    woo hoo? that is what you wanted .. mmm looks a tad ordinary.. how about


    yep that looks heaps betterer..

    oh and btw I love you…..


    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday

  2. Taz Avatar

    thinking of you hun..

    also YAY to the house settlement..

    and yes yesterdays blog was cute.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Bettina Avatar




    Bettina’s last blog post..Coven Traditions

  4. Babyamore (Trish) Avatar

    congratulations – some good news afetr a dady of sadness and goodbyes.
    have you started packing ?

    Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..Screen Clean Tip

  5. Cat Avatar

    I hear you on the funeral… we had Nell’s on Tuesday and I spent most of it in tears. And most of the drive up to Gladstone yesterday in tears as well.

    But I have nothing but a huge smile on my face now because you get to settle at the end of the month! Wooohoo!!

    Cat’s last blog post..Thinking Blogger Award

  6. witchypoo Avatar

    The funeral is always a tough one. The trick is to continue the mourning and connecting process in a healthy way. Bringing the bush to the new house is a lovely way to do it. Spending more time with Nan will be a blessing to her.
    Hooray for the new house.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Big Storm Here

  7. Lou Avatar

    I’m so glad that your day of sadness was tempered by good news. Congratulations. On the other hand, it works the other way round, too. Your good news was tempered by your day of sadness. At least the sadness will pass – and you will always have him in your heart and in your memory.

    BTW – are you going to be on a water tank in your new place?

    Lou’s last blog post..The Whole Fam Damly

  8. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    I find the image of Amy dancing and playing profound. Life continues, and she has his spirit in her. Beautiful. *hugs*

    YAYAY @ the settlement – not much longer now!

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Dawnโ€™s sharing VD with me.

  9. Ree Avatar

    {{hugs honey}}

    Pop will undoubtedly be part of your memories for a long, long time. So will Amy dancing. A lovely metaphor for a wonderful life, right?

    ๐Ÿ˜‰ on the settlement date. Make sure you christen all of the rooms as soon as you get the keys. {wink}

    Ree’s last blog post..Public Service Announcement

  10. Angela Avatar

    *hugs* I can’t handle funerals very well. I am just a basket case! Heck I even cry at commericials! Still thinking of you and your family!

    Congrats on the settlment! Almost there – I am sure the time will just fly.

    Happy packing!

    And I love your new pic from frogpondsrock

    Angela’s last blog post..My 100

  11. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar


    Congrats on the close date! Make sure you remember to keep doing the happy dance as you pack up all your stuff!

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Bringing Cheery Back

  12. Jennifer Avatar

    Hugs to you.

    Congrats on the settlement date!

    Jennifer’s last blog post..The โ€œOldiesโ€ Station Made Me Cry

  13. Jenty Avatar

    (((HUGS))) funerals are very tough.

    Excellent news about the house! YAY!

    Jenty’s last blog post..How time flies

  14. talina Avatar

    I am glad you had some positive times today. I am so jealous of you and your home! You are so lucky..

    Any storms your way today? We are having a white valentines day here. Brrr

    talina’s last blog post..Sometimes I would like to just be a hermit.

  15. imaginary sarah Avatar

    Wow! What a crazy day of emotions for you. I’m sure that Pop is at peace and smiling down upon you as you make this big leap for your family. Yay for big yards!

    imaginary sarah’s last blog post..Ride the mechanical bull, get chafed

  16. Taz Avatar

    cool header..

  17. Tasina Avatar

    *big hug* I hope the day wasn’t too hard. Ultimately I think it’s amazing that life gives us ups and downs. The sadness of a funeral, the beauty of Amy, the happiness about the house, the tingling of the anticipation. We wouldn’t want it any other way or life would be really boring.

    P.S. – love the new look of the site!

    Tasina’s last blog post..Dieting Schmieting

  18. janethesane Avatar

    Congrats on getting your date. I am glad you made it through the funeral. That must have been difficult.

    janethesane’s last blog post..Valentine’s Day Thad Tales

  19. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Oh sweetie…It’s been an emotion roller coaster for you this week I’m sure. I’m glad you now have a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Ask And You Shall Receive: Part 1

  20. Kelley Avatar


    So we will get a lot of moving posts and OMG we are renovating posts then?


    Kelley’s last blog post..Happy Valentines Day

  21. marlee Avatar

    Woo hoo! congrats! ๐Ÿ™‚

    (And sorry, again, about your grandfather.)

  22. julie Avatar

    Oh, big hugs, darlin’.

    And woo DAMN HOO! on the house. That is beyond awesome. Good luck with moving with a 17 month old…It’s much fun trying to pack and watch a toddler simultaneously!
    We moved when Thor was somewhere around Amy’s age and he was devastated when his crib disappeared…We always have something familiar for the kids when we moved, especially their baby quilts and a favorite stuffed animal — sometimes they are swell with the whole thing, and sometimes the upheaval is kinda traumatic.

    julie’s last blog post..Really Really Big and Terrific News!

  23. river Avatar

    Oh there’s definitely WOO and HOO too. YAY!! Do you have far to move, like miles and miles? Or just across town? Around the block? You’ll still be close enough to drop in on your Mum so Amy can roam the strawberry patch?

  24. Leslie Avatar

    Funerals are hard. I’m sorry.

    But the good news is GOOD! Hurray for the new house!

    Leslie’s last blog post..When I Cannot Sing My Heart I Can Only Speak My Mind, Julia*