I just put Amy down for a nap. Without giving her boobs.
I am a horrid horrid mother according to Amy.
She kept looking at me and crying and asking for ‘boooooobs’. Her eyes got so big and sad when I refused to let her pull up my top and have a feed.
My reasons for this? She has become lazy and is refusing to latch on properly. 2 broken and bleeding nipples later (she ground her teeth on one), I think I need a break, if only for a few hours. When it hurts I will remove her and re-attach her, but she pulls away and twists her head and rarely stays attached properly for long.
So today, she is going down for a nap, without having a breastfeed.
It has been 2 1/2 hours of crying and wailing and gnashing of teeth (me, not her) and 2 1/2 hours of crying and tantrumming (her, not me).
She has a bottle of milk in case she is thirsty (it’s a hot day), she has her doggy (who is now milk and tear sodden) and she has a dummy for just in case. She also has a severe lack of sleep happening at the moment.
It is hard. It is very very hard, but at the same time, my nipples are singing my praises as they get a chance (even if only a few hours) to heal a little.
I have been up and down my stairs like a yoyo, putting her back into bed every time she climbs out, along with kisses and cuddles and I love you’s, but no boobs.
I am the worst mother in the world apparently. *sigh*
2hrs 45mins and counting. Still no sleep in sight.
Updated: At 3hrs and 10mins after I put her to bed, she fell asleep. Still minus the boobs. Woo Hoo! Still, I feel awful.
18 responses to “The Hardest Thing I Have Ever Done”
I thought by the title you meant fill out that first letter of your name meme that Julie stuck on you. But this does seem harder. Discipline is always the worst – even when they’re old enough to know the reasons why and how it helps them. Good on you for persevering. I’d wish your…uh….parts….well, but that seems freaky and way too personal.
Tasina’s last blog post..Shameless Copycat
kisses and smootches to you sweety xxx
kim’s last blog post..Thankyou..
OMG! I feel your pain. Reading through part of this my boobs couldn’t help but hurt 🙁 I remember weaning. I think it was harder on my than my daughter!!! I do hope the night goes well and you get a chance to recover…
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Throwin’ Down A Twofer
Since Amy no longer latches on properly, the boobs have probably become just a habit and breaking this habit might be easier now that she has had one nap without you giving in. Just do the same thing at the same time every day until she is used to it, then cut out another feed. Your nipples will thank you.
I know your pain. Just try to think, “This end is only another beginning.”
It’s just clicked over 7 months for me now since I weaned the boy.
Karen (Misc Mum)’s last blog post..‘Tis NOT the season, but you never know…
aww to both of you..
i hope your nipples are feeling better soon..
God, I hope I can find the inner strength to do the same thing soon….but I want to do it at night….for the whole night…..I want to sleep.
You’re a wonderful mommy. Don’t give in to the guilt, the little suckers are pros at it!
Badness Jones’s last blog post..It lives!
awww hugs to you. I know its hard, but hang in there.
Bettina’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday
aww honey you are an amazing, wonderful, loving mother! It’s so hard to keep at it, but will be worth it in the end – she might even start sleeping through rather than waking to have a booby…
(((((massive cyber hugs))))) to ya xxx
Marylin’s last blog post..Photohunt: Delicious
hugs to you – hang in there. My boys do the teeth nashing too and hang on while wriggling with gritted teeth. Ouchy ouch on your poor nipples.I hope it works out the way you want it to.
Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..18 month Letter to S & J
(((HUGS))) to you. Sounds really sore, so I don’t blame you at all!
Jenty’s last blog post..Conversation with Bradley about Presidents
Ya know, we’re doing a little scheduling here too, not a lot, but a little … it … doesn’t suck … have you read moxie.org?
Dawn’s last blog post..Showin’ off on Saturday – 1
Veronica. I know it’s hard.
So hard.
I have no advice only hugs
Oh, man. I’m sure it’s very difficult. That’s one thing we never had to go through. A small miracle amidst the bullcrap.
It sounds like you really need the break, though.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..You know you want to nibble him.
oooooooouuuuuuch. I remember that feeling. So not fun. Sounds like you got some good advice above. The hardest thing is when you change your mind and give in, just makes it drag out forever. So, good for you…
Kat’s last blog post..The Skinny
Thanks guys, it was very very hard, but it seems to be working out in the long run.
I know how hard that is! When Julia wouldn’t latch on properly or was too rough, I always took the boobies away. I really think it’s as hard for us as it is for them, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Leslie’s last blog post..It’s What I’m Into
[…] after yesterday and all the tears and the stress, she slept through the […]