The move went quite well with no big dramas, except for the fact that I will be unable to get my phone connected anytime soon.
I promise, I am dying with no internets!
I am borrowing Mum’s computer at the moment, so I have no access to my email or anything like that.
Hope everything is well with everyone. Drop me a line if there is a spectacular post of yours I have missed reading because I am sure ‘Mark all as Read’ will be looking really good when I get back.
Normal posting will resume as soon as possible.
For now, I’m out.
27 responses to “The Move”
Bummer about the phone, but I’m glad the move went well.
Take care of yourself.
Anja’s last blog post..More pretties!
great job!!!!!
You had enough support that I don’t THINK anything could have gone wrong lol
I look forward to seeing pics of new house…..
Remember there once was a time we got by without internet lol (like I can remember it….)
It’s just as hard for us to be without you as it is for you to be without us.
lceel’s last blog post..Another Saturday Night
I hope you get settled soon. I’ll be missing you until then!
Leslie’s last blog post..Everytime The Phone Rings, I Pray To God It’s Not* You**
looking forward to seeing you back around again soon hon
Bettina’s last blog post..How To Have A Real Water Fight…………
That’s the part I hate about moving…getting everything hooked up and set up and working.
My google reader currently has 485 unread posts on it, because I add blogs all the time, and there are only a few I read all the time (sleepless nights and frogpondsrock are in my check daily file!). Sigh.
julie’s last blog post..weekly winners
Note to self. When moving, get keys to new house and install new electrical equipment (phones, computer, tv, stereo) and make sure everything works before moving furniture and clothing.After the move when there are extra tv sets etc left over? Put ’em in the guest room…….
Looking forward to posts and pictures of the move.
Sorry about not having a phone. I hope you get one soon. I am glad everything else went well.
janethesane’s last blog post..When I was abducted, part three
Yack – I feel your pain 😉
Hope you are back to normal soon :)!!
Glad all went well with the move!
Good luck as you try to survive these trying times. Life without Internet access is almost like not being alive.
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..An Open Letter to an Old Friend
Hope you’re back soon!
Glad the move went well.
Jenty’s last blog post..Working woes
New home! New home! New home!
The phone will will get connected, the internet will still be here and you will be in your new home! Yea!
Welcome to your new home !!!!
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Widdle Shamrock’s last blog post..Ma Totally Fab Bling Darlink !!!!
glad to hear the move went well.. 🙂
looking forward to hearing from you soon..
Taz’s last blog post..19 weeks old
Glad the move went well! Can’t wait to see some pics! Good luck – I know I get the shakes when I am not connected!
Angela’s last blog post..L.A or Bust
Know the feeling… rest a bit, get settled in, take photos for us and we will be her when your phone is working and you are back to your blog!!
I have been having internet troubles lately too, damn laptop can’t stay connected to the router.. I am experiencing withdrawal, hope you aren’t!!
Talina’s last blog post..I have spring fever! Is winter over yet?
Glad you are in you new home. Sad that you have no phone. Hope that the rest of the week goes well. We miss you. Alot.
Tiffany’s last blog post..The seasons are changing.
no phone no internet….. time to get busy!!!
Kelley’s last blog post..I am so a Domestic Goddess….
I meeeees you!
Dawn’s last blog post..Kissing John Cusack
I miss you! Hurry back!!!!
Tara’s last blog post..PSA – (Breast)feeding Carnival
you poor thing! you must be having withdrawal! feel free to mark all mine as read. you have missed nada.
zoe’s last blog post..Thank you-Come again!
Glad the move went well….Now you just get all the nasty little odds and ends to deal with…(I soooo hate moving..)
It’s getting to be a rather lengthy time that you’re not out here …
Lou’s last blog post..100 Word Challenge #5
Glad the move had gone well, and just know that we miss you but are happy and excited for you as you settle in to your new place.
I bet you’re having all kinds of “fun!” 😛
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Fatten The Assen
Was just sitting here thinking “wonder how Veronica is going”.
Hope you are enjoying settling in to you OWN home!
Bettina’s last blog post..From the mouths of babes……………
I’m glad the move went well – and I’m sure that it will all be worth it once the unpacking is done. Trust me – you’re not missing anything at my blog….I’m hardly ever there myself these days….I can’t seem to get anything written without Bad shutting off the computer and losing all my work….his nickname is proving more apt each and every day….
Best of luck with getting your boxes unpacked and your phone connected!
xoxo Badness
badness jones’s last blog are so literal….
As irrational as it is, I’m starting to worry about you. I hope all the unpacking is going well!
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Melting Mom’s Annoyance the Easy Way