The power of the suck

by Veronica on December 7, 2010

in Sponsored Posts

It’s no secret that I love myself a Dyson. I mean, LOVE.

When Dyson offered to send me their newest product to trial, I was excited. The digital slim.

Shiny and blue. Small. Battery operated and with amazing suck. I was in lust.

Of course, in the month that I’ve had it, it’s had a giant work out.

Amy likes to climb the cupboards, to see what we might be hiding in the top cupboard, out of her sight.

It was inevitable that she would tip something out accidentally and I was prepared for that. I wasn’t prepared for her to throw handfuls of flour out of the bag and then use the flour on the floor to make footprints.

Creative? Very. Also messy.

The regular vacuum cleaner, also a Dyson, is a pain. I mean, it’s fantastic and all, but it’s big and heavy and I dislocate things hauling it around to clean up messes. And as it’s an older version, the foot isn’t all ballified and doesn’t move easily for me.

So a tiny little vacuum that I can manoeuvre is so welcome.

Frankly, I adore it.

The only down side, is that sometimes, if Isaac has been particularly messy with his cereal and I’m having to work hard to get it all, the battery will go flat mid-suck. That can be the only problem.

So thankyou Dyson.

Also, please can I keep it now?

sharon December 7, 2010 at 1:13 pm

How lovely. And of course they should let you keep it!

The daughter of a friend in the UK came out of their bedroom (where she shouldn’t have been) and announced it was snowing. This was in August and that’s excessively shit weather even for the UK. The little cherub had liberally sprinkled the entire room with the contents of a very large container of talcum powder. There were no Dysons in those days . . . It did smell quite nice for several days afterwards though.

Wanderlust December 7, 2010 at 3:44 pm

Yes, you may keep it.

river December 7, 2010 at 4:54 pm

Sounds like a great little machine and of course you can keep it.
Does it need to be plugged in always between uses to keep the battery charged?

Watershedd December 8, 2010 at 12:38 pm

Some years ago, I was told of a toddler who trailed the toilet paper from the roll (which was mounted fairly high on the wall) into the bowl and flushed to see how fast he could make the roll spin and whether or not he could get it to take all the paper in one go. It took a while for the parents to work out why they’d been going through so much toilet paper!

Ally January 13, 2011 at 5:56 am

hi… I hope you did get to keep it… I went out and bought one cos of your review!! it’s awesome!

Gemma May 21, 2011 at 10:00 am

We have one of the dyson little ones (hand held) in the kitchen – so handy and so powerful – Love it…

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