The Reason That Bloggers Make Bad Mothers

It’s because we take photos first and then rescue the kids, all the while composing blogs in our head.

Mr Lady from Whiskey in My Sippy Cup has just highlighted what a BAD BAD mother she is* because she takes photos first.

Also, here is a great example of a mother grabbing the camera first and cleaning up second. PS. Don’t go there unless you have a strong stomach.

I would just like the throw my towel in with these guys, because GOD KNOWS I do exactly the same thing. Observe.

Example A


Amy cried alot (a freaking lot okay) when she was a baby. Eventually I just had to laugh at her and take photos.

Example B


Mashed peaches and rice cereal. I should have been cleaning her up, seeing as how she was done eating, but I had my camera handy.

Example C


Look Mum! I am crawling through your cupboards. Oh wait, I’m a little stuck. Help please? (Sorry about the blurriness.)

Example D

Climbing the Couch

Now, just you wait there Mum, while I launch myself off the couch.

Example E


Looky, here I am in the TV cabinet. It’s cosy. And high. Have I mentioned that I can’t even crawl properly here yet?

Example F

Playing behind the fire screen

Now I’m behind the fire screen. Oh wait! You still have the camera handy? Let me just pull this piece of wood on my feet. (NO! the fire wasn’t going)

Example G


I’m stuck in the drier Mum. Help? No! Now! Don’t take a photo first, I am STUCK!

Example H

amy stuck in the bassinet

Now I’m stuck in the bassinet. You are supposed to be helping me! Not taking photos!

Example I


Here I am on the window sill. I wonder if I should stand up?

Example J

Raspberry Mess

Mmmmmm. Raspberries. Now, if I run really really fast, I might be able to make it over there to the carpet before Mummy cleans me up!

(Side note: What kind of landlord has cream carpet in their rental house?)

See? All those times when I should have been rescuing my daughter, instead I was taking photos of it. There have been alot of times I missed because the camera wasn’t handy, or the batteries were flat. (Falling out of her highchair and hanging by one foot springs to mind and no, she wasn’t hurt), but ah well. I am sure I have years of photos to take as I hold my breath that she stays still.

Sorry about the poor quality of some of these photos.

*Yeah if you think I was being serious here, then your funny bone needs fixing.


27 responses to “The Reason That Bloggers Make Bad Mothers”

  1. Cinn Avatar

    OMG. Too funny. I bet I would do that if I were a mother. I still do it when I”m in the middle of a project-gone-wrong and I think, I really want to take a picture of it. Ahhh, I’m being assimilated!

    Cinn’s last blog post..Resolutions, Revisited

  2. Colleen Avatar

    Completely true. I don’t think you can be a mom and a blogger and not do it.

    Colleen’s last blog post..How do you follow that?

  3. Leslie Avatar

    Oh, so funny! And these photos are priceless! Aren’t you glad you took the time to grab them?

    Leslie’s last blog post..It’s What I’m Into

  4. alejna Avatar

    I love the series of photos. Too funny.

    It does remind me a bit of the time when I got stuck up a tree when I was 7. I called to my sister for help, and she came running. As soon as she’d grabbed her camera to document my helplessless, that is.

    alejna’s last blog post..catching up (or a cream cheese update)

  5. Mr Lady Avatar

    Ahhh, my hero.

    Mr Lady’s last blog post..You’re a better mom than me.

  6. Marlee Avatar

    Ha ha! This makes me feel sooooo much better! 🙂

    Marlee’s last blog post..What’s a Girl to Do…

  7. kim aka frogpondsrock aka mum Avatar

    Hehehehehe Oh Sweetheart I am glad I wasn’t having a drink as I was reading that.Or else I would have ruined my computer.. lmao

    Hilarious honey.. You are Bad! Bad! Bad!

    xxxxxx mum..

    kim aka frogpondsrock aka mum’s last blog post..Weekly winners #6

  8. Sarcastic Mom Avatar


    I adore the look on her face in the peaces/cereal photo.

    This is what it’s all about man – if we didn’t photo, no one would believe us about the INSANITY.

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Dec30 – Jan5

  9. Jenty Avatar

    OMW!! That’s hillarious!

    Jenty’s last blog post..Real life encounters

  10. river Avatar

    Always take the photos first. They come in so handy later, like display boards at her 21st birthday, her wedding, graduation parties. Then later still, when she is telling her own children what a good girl she always was, you can bring out the photos and have a good laugh.

  11. Taz Avatar


    cute pics..

  12. Nan Avatar

    YAY more photos for my collection, thank you honey

  13. Badness Jones Avatar

    Those are great! A couple of months ago Bad was trying to get a car out of these square baskets we have for toys and he fell in. Literally, his feet were kicking in the air and his head and arms were completely hidden. I wanted to take a picture SO badly that I waffled for a moment before saving him. The camera was upstairs, and it really didn’t seem fair. Of course, I wasn’t a blogger yet then, or I probably would’ve gone to get it!

    Badness Jones’s last blog post..Christmas, you b*tch!

  14. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    If Amy wouldn’t spend so much of her time getting into predicaments like that, then you wouldn’t have to take her picture, er . . . I mean you wouldn’t have to resuce her all the time. Really, she’s just asking for a lifetime of blackmail.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..When I’m Wrong, I’m Wrong

  15. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Yay ! brilliant stuff, they are wonderful shots.

    and she’s grinning from ear to ear in every one…

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Bicycles

  16. Tiffany Avatar

    Ha ha ha ha!!!

    I thought I was thenly one…
    I LOVE those photos.
    When Amy has children and is complaining of their daredevil stunts, you can whip them out and show her it’s genetic!!!

  17. Grand Weepers Avatar

    Hilarious! You’re children are more adventurous than mine. But they are just as messy!

    Grand Weepers’s last blog post..New Job…No More Mortgages!

  18. Tanya Avatar

    I carry my camera everywhere.

    Bad mothers are the ones who have no photos.

    Jordon only has a handful of baby photos but since I’ve been with nathan there are about 200 photos of him in the space of 12 months. If he was my baby I would have photos of everything he did, every poo he made, every piece of food stuck to his face.

    Tanya’s last blog post..My Place

  19. Tanya Avatar

    …and I would have to build an extended room to keep the albums in

    Tanya’s last blog post..My Place

  20. LaskiGal Avatar

    Stumbled upon your blog and HA HA! I’m a bad mommy as well. I just had a poop, pee, spit up incident and took a ton of pics before cleaning my little five-month-old up. I laughed at him. He laughed at me–then he cried. I’m also a bad mom because I am up late commenting on blogs instead of getting sleep so that I can be all wide-eyed and chipper in the morning. UGH. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pics.

    LaskiGal’s last blog post..A Moment

  21. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    ROFL! Thank you for notching down my guilt meter for shooting pics of my toddler in mid mayhem 🙂

    The drier one…bahwahahaha!

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..First Aid Duct Tape

  22. Babyamore (Trish) Avatar

    hilarious – I have never been quick enough. Very creative.

    Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..Staying one step ahead of a teenager

  23. Lou Avatar

    Is it true that that they sound just like gym shoes when they’re in the drier?

    Lou’s last blog post..bfcl, bfcl (blog first, comment later)

  24. KatieFeldmom Avatar

    OH MY GOSH!!! I never realized it before but this is so true. I’m guilty of all of it!!!

    KatieFeldmom’s last blog post..Sheesh

  25. Ecky Avatar

    Ow ow this is sooo funny…. My fave is example G, the drier! hahahahahaha

    Ecky’s last blog post..Too young to be famous

  26. VDog Avatar

    Thanks for a good belly laugh. Loves it!

    VDog’s last blog post..Little Man’s Story, Part Two

  27. […] This might not be the best photo in the world, but the premise of the photo is what qualified it as a Weekly Winner.  Because Colin is a pretty laid back child and Delaney is a high-maintenance child, he really suffers at the whim of his overpowering sibling.  In this photo, Colin is saying, “Take THAT!  Who’s on top, now, sistah!”  (PS: this might also be an example of why bloggers make bad mothers.) […]