5 and a half weeks ago, Nathan had a job. It was a secure job, mostly and he had been working there for 3+ years. He would even have been due to take his holidays about when this baby was due, which was nice.
And then, the company was sold and new management came in. Worker’s hours started to get cut and nothing management did seemed quite above board. New workers were paid in cash and not to the award rates. Taxes were looking a little dodgy.
To be honest, I think this company has kept the Union in work single handedly over the last 6 months.
It’s funny you know, looking back I can see all the things that were steadily going wrong.
One night, while at work (Nat’s hours were 12-6am), Nathan got a little hungry. An office he was cleaning had an open packet of Pringles on the desk. Unfortunately, the office workers in this particular office were incredibly attached to their potato chips and they had set up laptop camera’s to ‘possibly’ catch anyone taking them. Their excuse was that their Tim Tams had been going missing and they wanted to know why.
[Just a side note? Tims Tams are the one biscuit Nat WON’T eat]
Caught red-handed (pringle fisted?) on an illegal camera setup, Nathan was in a little bit of trouble. The Client that he was contracted to work for asked that he not work on site (there are many off-site places he could have been moved to) until the matter was sorted.
Unfortunately, Nathan’s supervisor had a personal issue with Nathan (men!) and fired him on the spot. DESPITE the Boss not wanting him fired. DESPITE Nathan not having done enough to warrant sacking. DESPITE us now having a good case for unlawful dismissal.
He was fired.
Out of work.
So, that was nearly 6 weeks ago.
The only reason we managed to not go insane was that it happened at the exact same time as our tax return was cleared. So financially we were fine.
Mentally though? His supervisor had no right to fire him. He wasn’t in charge of the hiring and firing and was told specifically to NOT fire him.
After a phone call or two from the Union, trying to get shit sorted, said supervisor changed his phone numbers and refused to talk to the Union.
The head honcho declared all his hands tied and said ‘I’ll see what I can sort out’. He never did. He also changed his phone numbers and refused to call anyone.
You know what I find even more ironic though? Nathan’s supervisor, Mr. I-Have-All-The-Power, was recently sacked for mismanagement. So was his second in command.
And slowly, slowly, we see Nat’s old company going down the drain (so far down that fucking drain) and we’re thankful that Nathan is out of there.
Because you see, as stressful as it all was, Nathan starts a new job very shortly. A DAY job.
I am thrilled. A little apprehensive about how I am going to go with a newborn and a toddler alone, but hey, I’ll cope.
And dude, anything that got him away from that company can only have been a good thing. No matter quite how it came about.
All over a few (seriously, he took FOUR) pringles.
Fuck me!
39 responses to “The Situation”
I must say this is a great article i enjoyed reading it keep the good work ๐
Where did you get your blog layout from? I’d like to get one like it for my blog.
A new job, with daytime hours. Woo Hoo!! I’m reading the jobs pages myself these days, but I’m having trouble finding a job I’d be happy doing. You know, the one where I get to stay home and do whatever I want, while they pay me about $40 per hour.
Yay for daytime hours though, right? ๐
It’s tough at first with the little ones, but it *does* get easier. ๐
Marylins last blog post..Another post where I have nothing specific to sayโฆ
You don’t think night shift is harder??? D used to do that and it was very hard with two kids under two… trying to let D sleep during the day was difficult. Easier for the day shift and the kids can play and make noise. Plus you don’t HAVE to dive for the phone on the first ring, jump when doorbell rings, etc.
There are BIG advantages, and I’m glad Nathan has a job.
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Emperor is Seven.
That is freaking ridiculous.
Brad is having a ridiculous work issue as well. Because of the economy, people aren’t buying cars. So the management have now told all the salesmen that if they don’t sell five cars each pay period they will face disciplinary action. So if a handful of minimum wage earning car salesman in NM can’t manage to solve the economic crisis in the next week, they may be out of work.
Memarie Lanes last blog post..Whiskers on Kettles and Warm Woolen Noodles
It’s a load of crap he was treated so badly, but I’m glad he got out of that place. And has a job with day hours.
Jennis last blog post..Phobia Friday: Horses, and a Few Tangents
That’s crazy.
What a stupid reason to be fired.
Some people really need to learn how to share their damn snacks.
Dinas last blog post..Chasing Coincidences
What a crock. If we had fired every maintenance person who scarfed some candy out of a candy dish during our off hours, we would have had to swim through our own refuse to get to our desks…there would have been no one left.
Glad he’ll have a day job though. Is the commute short as well?
Rees last blog post..Friday Haiku – In pictures
Isn’t it so sad that so many people will understand your stress… so very much? Isn’t it sad that this is the world we live in?
Isn’t it FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC his supervisors got sacked, too? That’s karma. Not often do you actually get to see karma in action… but it’s beautiful when you do.
You know I understand your stress over a loss of partner’s job. Mr Hyphen’s job ends at midnight August 31st. Yeah. I get your stress. People keep asking why I don’t go get a job… um because I have 2 little humans under the age of 5 that would need to be ‘stored’ someplace for 11 hours a day… that’s why.
A daytime shift… SO awesome. I find that getting through the day without help is much easier than it was having a newborn and a 3 year-old alone at night. THAT gave me anxiety.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Since I believe that Nathan is NO thief, I will say it again – everthing happens for a reason. Congrats to both of you!
As much as it sucked that he got canned – it all works out for the best. Somethings (like a hungry tummy and available chips) were meant to be.
Glad to hear he got a good job. ๐
Tonis last blog post..Ugh
Glad to hear he’s starting a new job ๐
But I hope the union is still following this up!
Unfair dismissal, pay in lieu of notice and a gazillion other entitlements are being trampled on , over 4 pissy potato chips.
But yeah, that company sounds like it sucks hairy dogs’ balls now ๐
Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History August 17
Wow, that is tough. I am glad he found new employment and will be home in the evenings! Then he can help with bedtime.
Debs last blog post..Tag, I’m it!!!
Wow. What a crazy, wild, stressful ride. I hope the new job works out well and makes you feel like you came out on the right end of things.
And I hope the new job has people who won’t begrudge Nathan a couple of Pringles here or there. Geez, that’s dumb! I would be so mad to get fired for that, those people are just crazy.
Good luck!
SusanBs last blog post..Random Kids Picture
YAY to a new job.. ๐
all the best to him..
Tazs last blog post..Weekly Winners.. no. 7.
Surely foodstuffs left opened in plain sight qualify as rubbish to be disposed of whilst cleaning? If nothing else it’s an invitation for rodents etc to move in so they should have been happy for Nathan to reduce the temptation. Probably mice that ate the Tim Tams, they love chocolate.
Glad to hear that Nathan’s new job will be more family-friendly. I always found evening and night-time to be more exhausting than getting through the daylight hours. Although my Hubby was out from 7.30am to 7-ish pm, he was home in time most nights to bath and read stories in bed to small people while I caught my breath and got our dinner ready.
You know, if you fed him properly, he would not have to nick Pringles off someone’s desk. I’m just sayin’. On the other hand …. you have apparently done better by accident (not feeding him – he gets hungry – nicks Pringles – gets fired – lands new daytime job he otherwise would not have looked for) than most people would have done on purpose. Well done you.
lceels last blog post..The story so far …
I’m glad it’s all working out in the end. Good luck to your Nathan at his new job.
Leslies last blog post..My Heart. It Stopped.
Reading this, I keep thinking – we are talking about fucking POTATO CHIPS, PEOPLE! Here in America, the land of the free and the brave, I have never worked in a company where my food did NOT get stolen, and where I did not occasionally steal food from my coworkers. It’s to be expected when you share space and a fridge, for Christ’s sake… But who needs those idiots at the Potato Chip Nazi Company. So glad he has a new day job. It will be so much easier, I think, to have him on the same schedule with you!
KATs last blog post..Weekly Winners
Fired because of frigging pringles? That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have heard for quite a while. It’s not like he was photocopying his butt or doing something disgusting into the water cooler.
I’m glad he’s found a job that will be easier on the system.
anjas last blog post..Wretched little woman.
Stealing a few chips? I think that’s how some of my ancestors ended up in this country! I know John Howard wanted to take Australia back to the ‘good old days’, but I didn’t realise that he’d managed to take us quite so far back!
I’m glad to hear that Nathan has a new job. Good luck to you all.
i think everything u said is spot on i know because i work there and they are a useless bunch of f…..ts.and will b happy two end my termination this week.sorry about my lettering still learning luv two all.
Yay for the new job!!
Thank god he didn’t get dragged down the drain with the old company!!
Bettinas last blog post..Simple Pleasures Sunday
In the same situation, I would have taken the Pringles too.. But it sounds like a great chance for a change.
Miss Ems last blog post..Mystic Medusa is my new BFF4EVA
Day hours will be so much better for you guys in the long run.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..The seventh sense
sounds like my current job…but thats another story
That’s too bad but good to all at the same time! Maybe this new job will be really good and then he will be home to help you at nights too and won’t be trying to sleep in the days so you would have to keep kids quiet.
Jenns last blog post..What Do You Like Better ?
i’m so glad he found a job!! That is insane, by the way. If only people like us could afford to sue for wrongful termination!
i will never eat a Pringle without looking around after this!
It sounds like you have an angel looking over your family and your husband got out at the right time. Good luck with the new job….and blessings to your family.
Dorothy from grammology
Dorothy Stahlneckers last blog post..Karma It can get Grandma tooโฆ
I just realized that I am not on your blogroll… I think I am going to have to ask you for a divorce. hm!
I coulda emailed you, but… comments are fun, and anyway I think I have a couple of emails from you that I haven’t answered, which sucks, so I’m just avoiding that issue completely right now, mmkay?
KATs last blog post..Weekly Winners
That is so nuts. Like you needed more stress. What a crazy person. To be fired over chips. Im glad he starts his new job. It should take some pressure off of you. I hope. Can he eat chips now or is he off them for life?
Suzies last blog post..The Scum Buffet
Aaaaakkkkk! The stress. Seriously, people need to get over their potato chips. You can buy more.
nikkis last blog post..12 weeks and counting
Just delurking to tell you that my husband was laid off 8 weeks ago…also has a case that we are pursuing for wrongful termination. VERY STRESSFUL.
Everyone keeps telling me that things will work out better in the long run. It’s reassuring to see proof of that with you. We’re having a harder time finding him a comparable job. Good karma and optimism aren’t going to pay the bills.
Stealing pringles, are you frickin’ serious!? That’s just plain crazy. What is wrong with people?! Be glad he’s not working for those Asshats anymore.
MommyCosms last blog post..Pull ups at bed time
Fired over Pringles? That’s ridiculous!
Julias last blog post..Hoping For a Single
Oh the stress! At least he will be working (fingers crossed) when the baby comes. Good Luck at Natha’s new job!
Taras last blog post..Mudder?
Over pringles? Really? Pringles?? A camerea was set up to monitor pringles? I’m glad some people don’t have real problems in the world. Fuck them and their pringles. Yea daytime job!!!
You’re tagged. No pressure if you don’t have time.
Anjas last blog post..Freakinโ Memes.
What a situation – I hope Nathan’s new job works out to the best thing ever for you all.
Trishs last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Brothers