I don’t do resolutions and I find posts recapping the year terribly boring. If I like you, I’ve been reading your blog for the past year and know what you’ve been up to. You don’t have to tell me again.
I’ve been a bit stuck as to what to post about, everyone is writing the same thing and really, Internet? Do I really need to hear about how you’re going to lose weight and exercise and eat right and bungee jump?
How about you resolve to be happy instead. Surely happiness is easier to achieve than an arbitrary number on a scale that will jump up and down depending on what you ate for breakfast and how much you peed this morning.
Here’s my idea:
Do things that make you happy.
Hang out with people that make you smile.
Eat food you love.
I think Shae said something very similar yesterday.
My garden is surviving, despite the weeds that are trying to take over. I’m calling it an experiment, while I work out what is more weed-like. Grass, or mint? So far, they’re neck and neck, but I have high hopes for the mint. I can tell you that feverfew is tougher than grass however. Also tougher than the jostaberries, chamomile, apple tree (three inches tall) and strawberries it is planted next to. Like I said, it’s an experiment.
I wandered around this morning and took some photos. It’s sunny and warm and it made me want to get my camera out. Of course, the fact that the paddock is filled with bees and butterflies helped.
The blackberries have exploded and I gingerly stood near them taking photos, very aware of the fact that I could step on a snake at any moment. While I’m sure snakebite would make for a terribly dramatic blog post, it’s not something I want to experience. I also did not get stung by bees, which was nice.
And of course, there are weeds everywhere. But even weeds are pretty, sometimes.
Last season, I planted wild strawberries from seed. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but the plants are amazingly tough, they don’t produce runners, and the fruit is prolific and super sweet. I think I’m probably a convert and am planning on planting more, ASAP.
The blackcurrant bush this year has almost doubled in size and for the first time, I picked enough fruit off it to make jam. Sure, it was only 3/4 of a small jar, but it is delicious.
And my largest pumpkin vine is flowering. This year they’re in close to the house, and hopefully won’t be decimated by frost. I have no idea what type of pumpkin this is – I planted Sugar Pie and then a heirloom variety mix. They’re in a small bed, but I’m hoping I can drape them up over the fence to help with space constraints. Otherwise, we can add them to my experiment and work out which is tougher: pumpkins, grass, tomatoes, or peas.
I’ll keep you posted.
Happy New Year, Internet. Let’s hope 2012 is not all Apocalypse-y and stuff. That would be nice.
21 responses to “The state of my garden, and my headspace”
Your photography skills have totally flourished, too! I am so impressed, lady!
It helped that all of my models were being pretty still for me!
looks and sounds wonderful! Happy 2012 🙂
Happy 2012 right back!
I am the total opposite, I LOVE the wrap-up / goals posts, but to each their own 🙂
And agree with Sophia 100%, the photos are beautiful.
That’s why the Internet is great, because there is something for everyone 🙂
Thanks, and happy new year to you guys!
Great pics, yay on the wild strawbs and not getting stung or bit, might have put a crimp in New Year’s Day 😛
The wild strawberries are so great. It looks like they grow from the bottom like bulbs? Anyway, once winter hits I’ll dig and split them all and see how they go.
I killed mint and am writing a wrap up post.
I killed mint once by planting it somewhere it got hardly any water. And then Nathan whipper snippered it. Twice.
Poor mint.
This year, I’m not going to lose weight or exercise *that* much or eat right or bungee jump. I just want to stay cool, not kill myself, write, and keep daring myself to do shit I haven’t done before.
Happy new year Veronica!
See, they sound like things you’ll suceed at easily.
I’m a huge fan of making myself feel good by setting goals I can achieve. Or, not setting any goals, as the case may be. I just hate the idea of New Year Resolutions, because they always seem like you’re setting yourself up for failure and guilt. I don’t need a second helping of guilt, thanks.
Happy new year right back. I’m excited to see what 2012 holds for everyone.
for some people, me included, my happiness is tied into my weight, sad but true. i have been fat for far too long and my unhappiness is definitely tied up in that. i’ve not respected my body because of how it has failed me and so in return i’ve treated it like crap but this year that all changes.
my goals aren’t about losing weight, getting fit or eating healthier – they are about making this year all about ME in every sense – physically, mentally and emotionally. they also aren’t “new years resolutions” because i started to set out to achieve them at the end of november, last year 😉
some people like to read what others are planning on achieving for the year, others don’t, me? i find it interesting to see what people are planning on achieving in the new year, each to their own 🙂
I really hope you achieve your goals, you deserve all the happiness you can get 🙂
I like the posts that are looking ahead, where people are talking about their hopes for the new year. I just find resolutions a bit trite and recap posts boring.
i haven’t done a recap post because umm, well yeah i don’t have anything worth recapping from last year lol!!
i am planning on writing something but NOT a “resolution” post as such, mainly because i sit and write lists of everything i want to achieve day after day, my post needs to be more substantial and have meaning behind it so that when i look back in a year, i can see how i had planned to achieve success and how determined i was.
judging off your other post, your year is going to be a great one!
I promise to follow your advice dear lady! Happiness it is 🙂 What an absolutely beautiful garden 🙂
I don’t do New Year resolutions, that way I don’t get stressed about breaking them.
I love seeing pictures of your garden progressing. I hope you get yummy pumpkins.
those strawberries look delicious 🙂
Being happy sounds like a good enough goal for me.
Your garden looks wonderful!
Happy New Year sweety! xx
I have no real resolutions apart from getting my boys to school on time and training our new puppies, being happy is certainly one that I can manage too.
Happy New Year – I can maybe add grow some veggies , remember to nurture our soon to be planted orange trees and grow strawberries . Ps on the iPad so it makes it tough to edit