The THING! You Know, That One That Makes Us Cringe. ***UPDATED

It doesn’t rain, but it pours.

Thankyou all for the lovely comments on my last post. My boob is hardly sore at all now and I am feeling human again. Wonderful things these antibiotics.

However, this morning I discovered that THING that is the bane of mothers lives everywhere.

That THING that causes blogger mother especially to cringe and count the amount of hours they now won’t have left for blogging.

That THING that makes for a shitload of work and washing, all needing doing before bedtime.

I discovered headlice.

I got one louse out of Amy’s hair and two out of mine. Inspection of Amy’s hair shows no eggs that I can see, and when Nathan looked through my hair, he didn’t find any eggs either. (But then, he didn’t really know what he was looking for).

I have combed my hair, I have conditioner-ed (is that a word? To bad, ’tis now) my hair and combed it through. For AAAAAAAAAAGES and found no more bugs.

Bugs and hair aside, do you have any IDEA the amount of washing you have to do when you strip THREE beds? Yes, three, Amy sleeps in a cot/single bed together remember?

Lots of washing.

Lots and lots of freaking washing. ESPECIALLY when the small one won’t sleep on just a plain sheet. No, she needs a fluffy blanket underneath her sheet and one on topof her sheets, for her cheek to rest in because they are SOFT.

I got 2 machine loads of bedding just out of Amy’s bedroom. Remembering that I have a 7kg washer. *sigh*

A lot of washing.

Thank god I didn’t find more than one louse in Amy’s hair. Can anyone imagine trying to hold down a Toddler so that you can comb their hair out, over and over again?

Not my idea of a fun time.

The only place I can think of, where I may have had some small contact with children, was the Doctors surgery on Sunday. All their chairs are cloth covered so I think I may have picked up a louse there. It is the only thing I can think of, because no one else I have seen recently has headlice.

(Yes I do know this, I have rung everyone)

However the combing will continue until my hair falls out I am satisfied that no nits could POSSIBLY remain.

Even if that means sitting on Amy while I comb her hair twice a day.

**UPDATED: Thankyou so much to Jenty, who has nominated my blog for the bloggers choice awards.

My site was nominated for Best Parenting Blog! My site was nominated for Hottest Mommy Blogger!

Now I’m going to be a vote whore and ask you to pretty pretty please go and vote for me. Please? With cherries and whipped cream and whatever else floats your boat. Please?


26 responses to “The THING! You Know, That One That Makes Us Cringe. ***UPDATED”

  1. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Dude, if it’s not one thing it’s another!

    John washed our bedsheets today, too. But just because I complained that they stunk. I need to complain about things more often!

    Hope you don’t have any more hassles!

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..My Homies

  2. frogpondsrock Avatar

    We are still “nit free” here sweety..I checked your little brother Very Very Carefully..

    no nits here at all… phew..

    cheers mum..

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..It is the wrong day..

  3. witchypoo Avatar

    Ewww, yes, they make me cringe too. Full panic mode as I recall when I caught them in grade five, and my father gave me a boy’s haircut to address the problem. You have my complete and utter sympathy. And why does something that isn’t our fault make us feel so ashamed? Because I totally did.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Driving my Inner Geek Insane

  4. Tanya Avatar


    at one stage, Jordon was getting them everytime he came to stay as he started kinder. Keep the stuff all the time!!! his mum cant be bothered checking his hair, I dont know why she doesnt get them?

    I caught them, it took months to get rid of because everytime he came he had them. Nathan and I even got into an argument once because he let jordon lay on our bed and watch tv. I came in and yelled and Nathan yelled at me because jordon thought I was yelling at him.

    It was that hard to get them out of my hair and I cried all the time because I was so disgusted.

    Finally got them now Nathan checks him all the time. I still get paranoid and scratch. yuk. Good thing that you found them early.

    Tanya’s last blog post..Hefty Issue

  5. river Avatar

    Be sure and tell the receptionist in the doctor’s surgery that Amy had a louse and they should get the chairs cleaned. Make up a spray bottle of water and tea tree oil, and use it daily. Shake the bottle, spray the brush or comb and brush through the hair. My grandchildren live in the hills here which is a notorious area for lice twice a year and they had lice twice. Then my daughter discovered the tea tree oil remedy, they’ve used it 4-5 years now and no more lice.

  6. Taz Avatar

    yuck head lice suck..

    glad to hear ya feeling better..

  7. Kelley Avatar

    Babe I feel your pain. Still doing the conditioner thing here.

    And I have 5 beds to clean…..

    Kelley’s last blog post..That bastard is back.

  8. Babyamore (Trish) Avatar

    glad you are on the mend… hope you got ‘them’ all gone.

    Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..Twenty Five Days to Make a Difference

  9. Marylin Avatar

    eek, hope they’re all gone for good!
    and gratz on being nominated… I need to figure out why it doesnt accept my votes :S

    Marylin’s last blog post..Tons of ideas…

  10. Karen MEG Avatar

    Mastitis and then lice — ahhhhhh!!!! How rotten for you!
    We got a note this year about lice in my son’s class… he didn’t get it, but a close friend of his did, as did the friend’s mother. She had lovely, lovely locks and she ended up just chopping her tresses all off! On top of that, she cancelled her yearly Halloween party for the kids, because she didn’t want to chance anyone else getting it, in case her place wasn’t totally de-loused. She actually hired a company to do that, didn’t know there were specific services.

    Hope all gets back to normal soon. Certainly sounds like you know how to kick this thing, but what a frickin’ hassle!

    Karen MEG’s last blog post..MANIC MONDAY-DATE

  11. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Just reading about it is enough to send me into an itchy fit. Ew!

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Sometimes I Do as I’m Told

  12. badness jones Avatar

    Ugh! That is one of my biggest fears, and I know that now the Princess is in school it is only a matter of time. I compulsively put her hair in pigtails and braids everyday for school and warn her that if she pulls the elastics out itchy bugs might come and live on her head. I started scratching just reading your post. I have to go take a shower and comb my hair now….hope you don’t find any more lice honey!

    badness jones’s last blog post..Road Trip

  13. Lou Avatar

    Now I know why I’m glad I shave my head. Besides the fact that the women in my life seem to like it. And some women NOT in my life, but who kinda hang around the periphery – you know – the hostess at the restaurant, the girl at the checkout at Best Buy, etc. And it’s cool in the summer and in the winter (like now) my hat just slides right down over my ears.

    Lou’s last blog post..Tuesday 22 Jan

  14. Maddy Avatar

    You truly have my every sympathy – we had a dose of the little blighters at the beginning of the school year – torment [mainly for the cleaner, otherwise known as mum]

    A pal of mine said to mind the backpacks too as they’re in contact with the back of their necks…….just as I thought I was done!
    Best wishes

    Maddy’s last blog post..Chicken philosophy and word retrieval

  15. Candy Avatar

    Good god. Headlice.

    Now I feel like I have to go home and clean my bedroom. Because who knows what’s growing in there ::shudder::

    Candy’s last blog post..The Crazy

  16. Nikki Avatar

    eeek! We haven’t had to deal with that YET…although I’m sure once they’re in school it will happen. I’m truly dreading it too because my oldest has spiral curls that are agony to comb thru!!!

    Glad your feeling better though! Congrats on the nominations. I must get my butt over there to vote.

    Nikki’s last blog post..Die, die, die, my darling

  17. Stacey Avatar

    What a NIGHTMARE! I know, I dread the notes they send home in my son’s backpack that talk about lice outbreaks. UGH, nothing worse. Thank God it doesn’t seem to be a big infestation. You’ll have it under control soon, I have faith!

    Stacey’s last blog post..Monday Blues

  18. witchypoo Avatar

    Even though this post is making my head itch, I voted for you.
    Marylin, you have to register before you vote for the first time, and you may find the confirming email in your junk folder. Check it out!

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Great Social Networking Plugin

  19. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Oy! Head lice and laundry….both suck πŸ™ Sorry to hear. I hope you got rid of them for good…. the lice,not the sheet.

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Twofer Tuesday

  20. Marita Avatar

    Ugh headlice!

    I discovered on Monday morning that my girls had worms. Still trying to catch up on all that washing.

    Think the only thing that could be worse is headlice. I hope the lice get the message and leave your house pronto.

    Marita’s last blog post..The Time Demon In My Laundry

  21. Robyn Avatar

    YES I CAN imagine holding down a squirming toddler (or 3 actually) and picking lice (lots of them) because by the time we discovered them on my little girls..they had spread…hours and hours of picking through long long hair, and hours of laundry and hours of cleaning…and crying when we treated and found out that the lice my kids had were a variety that did not respond to NIX….and then more treatment and picking…you get the picture…

    I sympathize fully.

  22. Dawn Avatar

    uuuuuughhhhh. I itch now.

    Dawn’s last blog post..6 truths and a lie

  23. Marlee Avatar

    Nooooooooooooooooo!!!! That is so awful!! It took my son’s school WEEKS to get rid of lice. Good luck to you! :-O

    Marlee’s last blog post..The Fashionista #5

  24. Cat Avatar

    I know you don’t want to know this…but my family first got them in 1997 when I was in year 7. I am the eldest of 7 children – every member of our family was finally declared nit/lice free at the beginning of 2007 and it has now been one year that we’ve stayed that way!!

    We would get rid of them every long holidays than once school started they’d come back. But we have seven children and you only have one so hopefully it won’t take you that long to get rid of them forever πŸ˜‰

    Cat’s last blog post..Electricity Challenge Update: Week 1

  25. zoe Avatar

    it’s amazing how the mere mention of lice can make you itch….

    zoe’s last blog post..Up your nose with craft supplies

  26. Leslie Avatar

    Now I’ve got that creepy-crawly feeling all over. Lice! Ugh! I had them once in grade school and it was AWFUL. Hope they’re gone for good.

    Leslie’s last blog post..I Was Born In The Year Of The Dragon, So Promotional Products Inspire Me