This might not be news to you, but reading to kids is kind of awesome.

by Veronica on November 20, 2013

in Evelyn

Okay, okay okay. NO, before you start shouting at me that reading to your toddler is the bane of your life, with the repetition and the books and ALL THE BOOKS, let me just stop you. Because this is new for me. It’s new, okay?

My eldest child is seven years old and I am FINALLY allowed to read out loud to my children. FINALLY.

When Amy was a baby, we dutifully bought all the best board books for her. Only to have her scream the moment we tried to read to her. By the time she was a toddler, she would meltdown and throw a book across the room if you opened it in front of her. Needless to say, we never tried library story time and I was hesitant for how she would handle kindergarten two years ago.

Turns out, peer pressure is a powerful thing and she submitted to book readings, but only in class.

Isaac was similar. No interest in books and slammed them closed if we pushed the issue. He hid the books for a while there too, and he struggles with story time at prekinder, hiding, and peeking from under his arms.

BUT. Enter Evelyn.

Evelyn is awesome. Leaving aside her “failure to thrive” and our utter meltdown from yesterday –

(short story: she’s not eating enough, is losing weight, we’re having to consider an NG tube on dietician orders, but our Paed won’t sign off on the dietician doing an NG tube until he sees her again and reassures himself that she’s not doing well, and our Geneticist didn’t examine Evelyn at all, diagnosed her with EDS anyway, but said that he didn’t believe there was objective evidence of a feeding problem despite his utter lack of seeing her eat, ever, dismissing our speechie’s experiences with Eve. We’re waiting for everyone to decide what the fuck they’re doing and get back to me. In the meantime, Evelyn has had a good eating day today.)

– she really is the most gorgeous child.

She loves reading, and I am so damn delighted. Earlier, she was angry. She’d tried to feed, decided to bite me instead, been removed from the boob and put on the floor. She shouted for a bit, until I suggested she bring me a book to read.

Let’s keep in mind that Evelyn doesn’t talk. She says Mumumum a bit, and Dad-deeee! a lot, but mostly, she doesn’t talk. Which is unusual, because Amy was giving me three word sentences at this age, and so was Isaac, before he regressed and stopped doing anything for 8 months. SO, she doesn’t talk. But she does follow instructions, and makes her feelings and opinions known.

I suggested she bring me a book and off she toddled, determined look on her face.

Evelyn’s books are kept in a bookshelf that she has access to, alongside her toys. Backwards and forwards she went, picking the books she likes the most and bringing them to me until we had a pile of five books. Then, pointing at the books, she climbed into my lap and snuggled in to let me read.

This is a really big thing for me as a parent. Evelyn’s love of books is slowly trickling down to her siblings, who are also hanging around now to listen to me read stories.

And I know, that it’s not a big deal in the scheme of things, but I think it’s pretty awesome

My toddler chooses books and brings them to me to be read. How cool is that?

Fine November 21, 2013 at 7:25 am

Very cool! I am happy for you!

(And hope the doctors get their act together soon…)

CousinRachel November 21, 2013 at 7:53 am

Reading to my kids was one of the many joys of raising the 4 of them. Two have turned out to be like their mother, a voracious reader. Now I am beginning on my grand daughter and although she lives many miles away I mail books off to her and my son (one of the voracious readers) and his wife read to her.

Hopefully the doctors will get it right with Evelyn. She sounds like she is going to be the one to teach the whole family (and maybe the medical profession) something about ‘thriving’.


Alison November 21, 2013 at 7:56 am

I think it’s wonderful and I think it’s a great big deal. Books are my great love, not to be able to read aloud to my kids would have hurt. My 13 year old still lets me read to her from time to time, curled up against me on my bed. It’s a shame you didn’t get to indulge in that pleasure and lovely that you now can and wonderful that your older children are getting to enjoy this too, thanks to Evie.

And the doctors. Sheesh. If I start, I will get sweary.

river November 21, 2013 at 2:02 pm

How cool?
Very cool. Super cool. Uber cool.
I loved reading to mine and later the grandchildren.
I did get a bit tired of the same old book over and over and over, I’d buy new ones which they would listen to, but after the new stories they had to have the old favourite again.
Things were a bit easier when they could read to me.

Marylin November 22, 2013 at 12:32 pm

That is awesome. Max has *finally* got to this stage now and I’m loving it! He’ll even read little bits of it… he’s actually learning to read now!!! (oh my god I actually wrote that down… he’s learning to read!!).
Love it. 🙂

Kari November 22, 2013 at 5:06 pm

This is HUGE and exciting!! Congratulations on this milestone! I loved reading to my son and watching him calm down into a sweet pile of love! I hope you soon have that pile times three!!!

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