Three years.

Sometimes, time is not enough.


Three years is not a long time in the scheme of things. Especially not in the timeline of grief.


5 responses to “Three years.”

  1. Zoey @ Good Googs Avatar

    Not a long time at all. There’s so much more to miss, the more that they miss out on. xoxox

  2. BendyGirl Avatar

    Thinking of you all today BG Xx

  3. frogpondsrock Avatar

    When Mum told me she wanted this played at her funeral, I said, “Mum you will bring me undone” This song still brings me undone. I think you can play this at my funeral as well. xxx

  4. Other Fiona Avatar
    Other Fiona

    Obviously a huge hole left in all of your lives. Condolences, and may your memories give you comfort.

  5. rachael Avatar

    Just stopped by to see how you are. Perfect, perfect song.