I might just be addicted to him.
Sleeping! Not a common occurance in these parts lately.
Don’t you wish you lived in Tasmania too? Looky what we found in the dining room! Aside from the shoddy building.
What I spend all day doing and seeing. Yes, that is baby vomit on my leg.
I popped Isaac into the washing basket while I folded the clothes. Amy promptly decided that she needed a washing basket too.
48 responses to “Through my eyes”
Oh god, you could have warned me about the freaking spider!!
Beautiful pics of your babbys. Isaac is getting so big, and Amy is just soooo cute. I can’t be the only one who wants to nom on her lil cheeks can I? 🙂
Marylins last blog post..Photohunt: Space
oh that grin…. so easy to get addicted to that I reckon!
What are you FEEDING that boy? Sheesh, he looks like he’s about ready for solids 🙂 He is so incredibly cute. Can I borrow him for a day or two?
Hehe that last shot is very cute! What a beautiful rose!
Jeanettes last blog post..Weekly Winners – CANSA Shavathon 7 March 2009
I love the sleeping and the rose. The spider…not so much.
hip chicks last blog post..Weekly winners ~ 18 March
You can keep the spider I won’t trade you my frog.
Too cutie pies in the baskets.
Gorgeous rose too.
Trishs last blog post..A moment on the lips …snippets
I love the second shot. So peaceful!
That’s the second spider this week. It look huge.
Tara R.s last blog post..Weekly Winners ~ dew
I can’t believe how big he’s getting! And how much he looks like Amy! They’re both gorgeous.
And if I found that spider in my house I. Would. Die.
badness joness last blog post..It’s a bird….it’s a plane…
Cute baby, beautiful rose, ugly spider!
he really is beautiful and has changed again..
i love the pic of the two of em..
Tazs last blog post..71 Weeks Old and 13 Weeks Old
That’s one heck of a spider! Your baby is so cute I could just hug him all day!
perpstus last blog post..Weekly Winners #4 – Is Spring on the Way?
Bugs…YUCK !
Jenns last blog post..Picture Challenge 8 !
OH how I would love to photograph those two precious babes of yours!
OMG – I wanna have babies too!
Aaack! Spider! Must you and your mom always post at the same time… and the same theme!???
The pic of Isaac and Amy is just too cute.
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Did You Know This About Autism?
Great pictures this week; so hard to choose a favorite
Jennis last blog post..Wacky Wednesday-Common Sense
YUCKY GET RID OF THOSE THINGS!!!!!! not the babies those 8 legged things,,, he is so sweet and Amy is getting so big…
Just a moms last blog post..SO WHAT DID YOU DO YESTERDAY???
oh, my he’s getting FAT, isn’t he? love it.
Jennis last blog post..Smile Parade
OMG that is a big freaky spider.
A BIG spider.
The boys eyes…are they turning brown? Amy looks so happy with him as her baby brother.
Gorgeous, I think I might be addicted to.
tiffs last blog post..Weekly Winners.
That is one mean looking spider. Maybe you could feed the mice to it.
witchypoos last blog post..GIST6
Well of COURSE she needed to be just like her brother!
Looks like Isaac is plumping up properly! Great shots…
Colleen – Mommy Always Winss last blog post..Weekly Winners – March 1 – 7, 2009
Why? Why would you put up that damn spider picture? I’m reading and ohhing and ahhing over the baby pictures and then wham! Creepy spider photo. Please don’t feel you need to do it again. I’m now doing deep breathing exercises and shivering with anxiety.
Beautiful children and shots. Yuck on the spider.
Secret Mom Thoughtss last blog post..Weekly Winners
I’m not quite sure what to feel, honestly. I mean, lovely lovely lovely, we’re looking at pics of your beautiful baby and a rose and then HOLY SHIT A SPIDER. Emotional rollercoaster. *exhausted*
But your children are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the pics!
Yikes! I’m deathly afraid of spiders…and that is the freakiest one I’ve seen!
Love the photos of the kiddies! Can’t believe how fast Isaac is growing! Sweet! xo
Cs last blog post..Apparently, I don’t know my shoulder from my knee!
I’m with Tracey, show us what you’re feeding him….
Big changes already, very handsome.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Snooping
beautiful photos!!! The first one of Isaac looks soooooooooooo much like Nathan! I love the washing basket one of them both too…ooh and the spider! Wolf spider?
Tanyas last blog post..Perfect
What wonderfully beautiful children you make.
(Keep the spiders though!)
Rees last blog post..Grace in Small Things: 12/365
Beautiful baby Issac AND a freaking spider?
What are you trying to do to me woman? Make me ovulate and have a heart attack at the same time?
Showed the spider to The Spouse who remarked “Hmm, nice!,”
Strange-arse man!
Jaynes last blog post..Bye, Bye American Trivial Pie No Not the Madonna Version History Monday March 9
The chubby baby cheeks are killers seriously.
But I almost vomited over the spider. Gack!
nikkis last blog post..Picture Request
such adorable little babies! they look so much alike!
Oh, he’s so big! I think he looks so much like Amy.
I’d be all squishy now, were it not for that freakin’ 8 legged critter. That has to be the #1 reason why I chose not to be born in Australia/Tasmania—the spiders.( is it required when one lives in Tasmania that one is all lovey to the spiders and doesn’t smash them with a shoe????)
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Mr Hyphen’s Fantasy Comes True
Yep, I can see how you could become addicted. What a smile! Amy seems to be growing fast these days too.
Spiders – yuck!!! I’m still trying to work out how some of the big ones get into my house – it’s new, brick-built and I’m obsessive about keeping the screens closed. Ho hum, as long as the supplies of toxic doom don’t run out…..
I agree with everyone that Isaac looks so much like Amy. Amy’s hair is getting beautifully long now. They look so cute in the baskets.
Am I the only one who loves the spider? He’s very pretty, eats bugs and is completely harmless to humans. unless you count briuses on all those who jumped out of their chairs at the sight of him.
She is so cute!
Paul Us last blog post..Announcing my contest
At least your Mum warned people about her spider photo, look at all the people you freaked out, I stole all the kiddy photos BTW.
I am giggling away at all your comments..
Those two children of yours are absolutely adorable. No wonder you are so smitten.
Jenn FLs last blog post..Game Night
OMG That spider!!! Yuck!
My children love to play in my laundry baskets. I have so much laundry, there a basket for each child (3, if you were wondering).
Joyce-Annes last blog post..It’s Over
I LOVE how his little face has filled out so much!
That last photo is <3.
Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Mother Earth likes it when you foam up, baby.
Damn you for posting that spider picutre. I just had a massive shiver attack over here. I’ll be sending you the tab for my psychotherapy!
I guess all is forgiven when weighted against the chubby baby cheeks. When did he grow chubby cheeks?! Yummy
Cats last blog post..The Good Yeast of the Midwest
The spider in between those cute kiddies? Mean!
Kats last blog post..Satan’s Brew
Okay, but the kids? Yum.
i could see how it’d be easy to get addicted to that little smile. those spiders wouldn’t last long here though.
aww, what is it about pics of babies that make me go aww. so cute, so sweet, so needy of their mummies and daddies to love ’em. God bless all the little rugrats.
What cute cute cuties you have!
Good Lord, what kind of spider is that??
This is such a cute baby! You might want to see this too: http://feedmecheesy.com/2009/03/13/5-steps-how-hug-baby-dogs
Myes last blog post..What Happens When a Zebra and a Lion Fall in Love