This post is sponsored by Big W Toys and is helping to pay for my plumbing disaster, that continues, despite me trying not to look at it.
Amy will be turning six, around the same time that this baby of mine is born. It’s nice to be able to say that still, because the baby didn’t move for over 12 hours yesterday and I ended up at the hospital, worrying that she was dead. Obviously she is not dead, which is really quite a relief. She kicked while I was on the monitors, kicked the straps and immediately went quiet again once the trace was finished.
Never fear though Internet, she was WIDE awake at 3am when I was trying not to vomit. Morning sickness is back, apparently with a firm desire to make sure I never eat again.
Anyway, I digress.
Amy will be turning six in early September and I haven’t bought her any presents yet. This is mostly because I have nowhere to hide them, but also because I’ve been sort of lazy about deciding which direction we want to go in for presents this year. I can’t see that I’ll be up to helping her with craft sets and paints, not with the whole brand new baby and leaking breasts thing going on.
I also need to find both children a present to give them once the baby is born, knowing that they will both be feeling a little put out by the new arrival.
Enter, Big W toys. I’ve been spending a little bit of time on their online catalogue, working out what exactly I need to buy to keep everyone happy. Being able to check everything out online has made my life so much easier, what with the whole broken pelvis thing I’ve got going on and the inability to walk great distances.
Needless to say, sometime in the next month or so, I will be baby shopping, birthday shopping and hey kids you’ve got a new sister shopping. If I’m really lucky, they’ll have what I want online and I won’t even have to walk anywhere.
Because Big W are interested in letting you guys (my lovely loyal minions) buy some toys too, I have a $100 gift card to give away!
Just let me know in a comment below, what toy would you buy if you had $100 to spend?
You can score extra entries by liking the Big W facebook page, or tweeting about the giveaway. See the widget for details.
Then fill out the Rafflecopter form below, so that moderating and drawing the entries is easy for me.
You MUST fill out the Rafflecopter form to be eligible. One entry per household, Australian residents only.
56 responses to “Toys, toys, wonderful toys + a $100 Big W Gift Card to giveaway!”
Cars for my son. He loves cars
Play dough and play dough toys for my friends daughter.
Ever since I was little, I’ve wanted a Game Boy. Can you still get them? The clear ones were the height of coolness in 1996.
Lego!!! With two boys I can never pass up the Lego for birthday and Christmas presents.
Lego wins hands down for me. Keeps the kids entertained for hours. Especially if it’s a kit like a big pirate ship or fairy castle and even I have fun with it lol
legos my daughter loves them
I have a 4yo, 8yo, and 12yo. They all love Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Wii Fit. for a 5 yo, I would certainly susgget the wii play, they also LOVE Super Mario Brothers 3 (even my 4 year old). It’s available for download straight from the Wii Shopping Channel on your wii.My 8yo loves Star Wars and we just got him Lego Indiana Jones, he loves it just as much!
Lego for the bigs and duplo for C, but not that “girl lego”. I abominate the very concept of “girl lego”. There was always a product line for girls – it’s called LEGO. /rant
I would get the Duplo Creative Cakes set, plus a Lego Brick Tub so they can be creative and makes whatever they like.
A kids Digicam for my nephew!
OMG I forgot to tell you to check out all his selfies he’s been taking. Next time!
I would buy some amazing toy that I haven’t yet seen available in shops that would cause my 14 year old and my 5 year old to cease and desist with their constant bickering and screaming at each other. Surely such a toy exists, surely…
i have to say it would be lego for the kidlets
100 of the $1 toys.. bubble blowers ahoy! We also need a friend for the dollar donkey previously bought. Might get the kids those for their birthdays 🙂
I don’t need toys, so I’m not entering. I just wanted to tell you I read about your scary trip to the hospital over at Kim’s, but when I wanted to comment there, my computer froze for half an hour. Glad to hear baby girl is okay. I guess she just needed some sleep after the tummy bug vomiting episode.
So glad your baby is ok , it’s the worse you can imagine knowing you haven’t felt them move.
I’d buy more Lego and Matchbox Cars and containers to lock them away in- because I hate stepping on both .
Relief on the baby. I hope everything stays okay!
Nerf guns!!!! For the whole family… oh and some little Lego sets. The boys love it! 🙂
OK I suck at following the instructions we are given – I hope that I have entered. And can I just say that I do not need this gift card as I do not have children. If I win, you can keep it! Because I really, really think you should have it and I hope I win so I can give it to you. You have a NEW BABY coming. What is Big W thinking? They should just give that card to you and then have you blog about how wonderful it was. So that is what we’ll do if I win.
What a scare about the baby. Read your mothers post and almost fainted. Glad you are feeling better!
We are in the lego zone at our house. Lego lego lego…..!
Car, cars, cars…mr 2 plays cars for hours, and I would love to add some new ones to his collection for some variety when I play 😉
Legos. Always Legos.
I would buy some of those bubble wands (love them – even the kids who cant ‘blow’ can use them) and some glow in the dark Nerf bullets – I loathe searching for those things, but it will be so much easier when its dark and they are glowing.
can I put it towards an iPad I wonder? that’d be my pick. Failing that yep Lego. Can never have enough of the stuff. All the best with the baby and the bday etc gift buying. Online so much easier for sure
My son is 6 in September too!!
I’ve decided to get my son an ipod touch for his birthday – so I would either put the $100 gift voucher towards that – or get him some lego – which he just found he loves at his last birthday. His party will be at laygo land!
It’s always LEGO for my son also, and Big W has the cheapest Lego anywhere near us. I’m thinking he’s just about old enough to start having a go at the Technic range, though he does find it hard to go past Star Wars.
Hi Veronica
I would invest the $100 Big W gift card towards either a Nintendo DS for my son who turns 8 in September….or kids cookware set as my boys love helping out in the kitchen.
Maybe some lego. My son hasn’t got any yet – so that would get him a good start.
You can’t go wrong with LEGO or books. Craft kits are always fun too.
Definitely LEGO!! Can’t get enough of that stuff and I’m so glad that Master 6 is so into it! 🙂
Lego is a winner but there has been lots of talk of Basketball and Netball from the 3 oldest kids (Mr almost 2 just constantly asks for a ball) so i think i’d put it towards a basketball/netball hoop and a new basketball and a soccer ball so they might not kick the others
I’d buy skipping ropes, quoits, and Zhu Zhu pets for my three daughters.
Monopoly live board games are fun
I’d buy WIi Fitness so the whole family has no excuses about being couch potatoes this winter! Looks like lots of fun…… 🙂
A huge teddy bear to cuddle.
I’d put it towards some Wii games. Something to get the kids off the couch and use the Wii they got for Christmas. 🙂
checking off items for my nieces to spend
I’d get craft supplies and some play doh moulds…we never seem to have enough of either!!
I would most probably buy a lego storage container and some more lego (my boys just adore lego atm)
My kids love their books so “The Hunger Games” series for my son and a few “Dairy of a Wimpy Kid” books for my daughter.
I’m an early childhood teacher and run a playgroup. I’ll donate my voucher to my work to buy some new outdoor equipment, Balls, hoops, bats and some little ride-on toys would be very well used and much loved by my gorgeous little friends!
Remote Controlled Helicopter so we can have some fun
I’d love to buy my son a Lego City.
Vibrator!… oh you mean for the children?
More lego, lots more lego.
I would so put the money towards a DS console… anything to keep my 9 year old son busy, happy and entertained on long car trip!
I’d get some more Polly Pockets and start a Lego collection for my daughter. She just loves all of those little fiddly toys, you know the ones that get lost so easily and get sucked up the vacuum cleaner but they keep her entertained for hours and I even enjoy playing with her sometimes.
My son has an all encompassing desire for a trampoline for his upcoming birthday so this would be a VERY handy helper towards that purchase! (and if it burns energy and helps him sleep all night I am ALL FOR THAT!)
I would have to split the money between my two kids. I’d buy Lego for my boy and zhu zhu pets for my little girl.
I would spend it all on gameboy games for my little brother. To reward him we allow him to play for up to an hour a night when he is finished his chores. The problem is he is playing the same games over and over again and I would love to be able to get him a few more because he’s just an angel in my eyes. He’s like my own son and life wouldnt be the same without him!
[…] letting you guys (my lovely loyal minions) buy some toys too, I have a $100 gift card to give away!Read More… [Source: buy gift card online – Google Blog Search] Posts Related to Toys, toys, wonderful […]
Harry Potter Lego Castle. Obvs.
I would love to buy my boy a Leapster, his older sister loves hers and he cries every time she plays it because he doesn’t have one 🙁
It’s my daughter’s 5th birthday next month and her list is longer than my leg so would have to weedle it down!
My baby is turning 8 in September, and all he wants for his birthday is a blue tongue lizard! Since I can’t buy one at Big W, I would use a gift card to buy books, books and more books. As well as loving reptiles, he loves his books too 🙂
Books for my niece, she can’t get enough of them.
A star wars toy so that the kids can see what I grew up with 🙂