This article is sponsored by Tyreright.
We bought a new car recently. Well, okay, not new. It’s old, and the interior needs upholstery shampoo, but it’s a bigger car and I can easily fit three children and the grocery shopping inside it. My children aren’t all stuck together, elbows and knees attacking each other. Although Amy has been known to poke Isaac in the back of the head, so maybe it’s not all sunshine and roses.
I hate car shopping. Hate. In fact, I hate pretty much everything to do with cars. This time, instead of going with Nathan and wandering around pretending to care, I sent him with his brother and told him that whatever he chose was fine with me. Feminism: It’s the art of getting to choose which things I don’t want to have anything to do with.
He found a car, I told him it was great and we moved on. Yay, us.
But you see, the problem with buying a second hand car is that car yards will scrimp on some things when they’re looking to resell. Things like tyres. (See what I did there? Bringing the entire article around to my point? I AM AWESOME)
Tyreright offered me a free set of tyres, in exchange for a review of their services. And I said Hell Yeah, because having to pay for tyres comes under my God I Hate Cars And All Their Expenses banner, which includes everything, pretty much.
Tyreright are all about safety in tyres. They’re all about keeping us safe, which I got first hand knowledge of when they refused to fit the set of tyres I’d purchased online, because they were the wrong type. No, it wasn’t my fault – the car dealership we bought from had fitted the wrong tyres and I’d then bought the same kind ASSUMING that other people know what they’re doing. Other people are idiots.
My husband took the car in for the tyres and I stayed at home with sick children. Frankly, he got the better end of that deal. The guys in the Hobart store were professional and polite as they explained to Nathan about wrong size tyres and come back tomorrow and we’ll have the right kind of tyres for you. Because SAFETY.
The next day, Nathan took the car back into the city, while I stayed home (yet again) with three sick children. Tyreright fitted the tyres that I’m told are of very good quality, and did the wheel alignment thing that is important and Nathan got to drink coffee and sit in a park alone. Not that I’m bitter or anything.
Frankly, it was all much easier than the last time I had to buy brand new tyres. From buying online (AWESOME), to the fitting, it was relatively stress free and I liked it so much I’ll do it again next time when I don’t have a freebie code. Yep, it was that good. Prices seem stock standard – but they’re tyres. You’re not exactly going bargain hunting, are you?
Tyreright will do all your tyre related car things for you, making sure that the rubber holding your car up is actually going to continue working in the manner it is supposed to. I’d say that’s pretty important.
8 responses to “Tyre Safety is important. Really. #sponsored”
You most certainly should not be bargain hunting for tyres, no! Safety is worth paying for.
Glad you had a good experience with Tyreright. Sounds like they treated you … right. (I know, bad pun 🙂
Exactly our thoughts. Hence the reason I was so grateful for the freebie, because otherwise we were going to be hanging in there until tax time.
Terrible pun! They were good though.
Isn’t that ghastly that the car yard had the wrong tyres on the car? It is so important to have good tyres on your car – but I’m with you on the “God I Hate Cars And All Their Expenses” .
I like that you can browse the tyres online – cause I tend to get overwhelmed in store with 2 kids in tow and just say “whatever you think” which may or may not be a good idea!
I know! Especially living out here with the black ice on the highway of a morning. Very glad that it’s sorted now! God I hate cars.
I loved the online thing. So much easier when you’ve got kids to do it that way.
Hey, are you feeling better?? We just got new tires about a month and a half ago. Obviously not at the same place. 🙂
Kids are better, thank goodness! Evelyn got a tooth in the middle of her rotten cold too, which made her doubly miserable. I’ve got a sore throat and headache today, but hopefully it won’t last.
I remember when we got “new” tyres, we always got retreads because they were cheaper, which probably wasn’t such a good idea, but the safety issues weren’t as well known as they are now and that was what we could afford. K still complained about the cost, but it’s nothing compared with the cost of new tyres today. My eldest daughter has a 4WD, because of living in the hills, also it is used for the business and often carries a lot of tools, they get new tyres every two years or sooner if needed and they are about $160 each.
Glad to hear the kids are better.
Tires! (The North American way of spelling tyres)
I had a Ford Festiva, which had the smallest tires available for a highway-legal vehicle. The car was as old as me, and as such the tires were only available from Wal-Mart. Nobody else would have them in stock (including the Ford dealership!).
The best thing though, was that I could get 4 brand new Festiva tires installed, and have an alignment done, for under $200.00. My new car, I could probably buy one tire for that price…