
The 25 minutes I spent watching Yo Gabba Gabba this morning?

That’s time I will never ever be able to get back.

And is it just me, or does this guy look like a dildo?

Yes, I know the arms would get in the way, but still. A dildo, no?


30 responses to “Ugh”

  1. Bettina Avatar


    definitely a dildo

    Bettinas last blog post..For something different……..

  2. Tanya Avatar

    I always find something amusing at your blog….sometimes good enough to sustain me the whole day. Today I will be thinking about talking dildos. Yay

    Oh and saw your belly pic below….yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anja Avatar

    A dildo wrapped in a rough rider condom.

    Anjas last blog post..Back, and just a little acidic.

  4. katef Avatar

    OMG that show is horrific isn’t it! Half way between someone high on crack and dumbing down our nations kids… ABC should have higher standards… but then they got Night Garden from the UK…. Does Macca Pakka have OCD or what???

  5. Jayne Avatar

    I don’t know what it is but I know a certain backside it belongs up 😛

    Jaynes last blog post..Don’t look now but there’s an WOFTAO on the net….

  6. Marylin Avatar

    *will not click the link, will not click the link*

    Definitely a dildo! 😀

    Marylins last blog post..Weekly Winners #28!

  7. Taz Avatar

    yeh i have to agree a dildo for sure..


    how did today go?

  8. Alice Avatar

    Everything about that show just creeps me out a bit. Have you seen Elijah Wood doing the puppet dance thing? Ewww…

    Alices last blog post..PA Visit That I Don’t Even Really Feel Like Writing About

  9. Deb Avatar

    Oh yes, it is definitely a dildo. Maybe it vibrates as well.

  10. lceel Avatar

    Where’s the twirly bits? Rough rider condom? Ouch! Who knows about that kind of stuff?

    lceels last blog post..Old and slow vs young and quick

  11. maiden53 Avatar

    dildo, yes.. but it reminds me of Gumby – a one-eyed Gumbie.

  12. Memarie Lane Avatar

    I actually saw the pic before I read any of the post, and my thought was “Didn’t she just do a post on dildos?”

  13. Suzie Avatar

    I hate that show so much. I walk around humming Don’t put change in your mouth and other ditties such as Don’t bite your friends. I hate that DJ Lance. Whats wrong with that guy and how does he have no bulge under that tight body suit. And whats with the food wanting to be killed and eaten. If I were them i would not want to go to the party in my tummy. I would fight and cry.

    Ok I watch the show way too much. I miss lazy Town. I want my sexy Sportacus back!Now that’s good watching.

    Suzies last blog post..Tests, Tests,Tests

  14. Toni Avatar

    So I get your posts via email – which means that I don’t post much here – but I am reading 🙂

    Yes – I agree with the similarity. I went to one of THOSE parties and totally thought of you. Couldn’t buy one myself – but I did buy something 🙂

    Tonis last blog post..I’m still here…..

  15. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    I’m wondering what direction would you use that?

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Hiding the body

  16. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Definitely a dildo. Maybe the arms are just extras for ‘her pleasure’?

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Tidbits and Where I’ll Be Until Next Week

  17. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    I thought of you the other night with 5 women sitting here, 3 of them talking about the sex toy party they attended and they all bought the same dildo… it’s pink, with a pretty little extra arm on it. One of them said she would never use hers and thought she’d give hers to me. I was ecstatic, I’m always game for a new one with extra arms, etc.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Tidbits and Where I’ll Be Until Next Week

  18. Kelly Avatar

    Definately a one eyed willy if I ever saw one. Retail price $59.99.

  19. Kat Avatar

    I’ve never seen yo gabba gabba before – that was 15 seconds I’ll never get back! Definitely looks like a dildo. Do the arms come off? hmmm… a fun toy for the whole family! hehe

    Kats last blog post..Better Babies

  20. tiff Avatar

    I loathe and detest that show.

    and yes, a dildo.

    A dildo with arms could be interesting, so long as the flailed around.

    Also wondering how things went yesterday.

    tiffs last blog post..The tale of the ham steaks.

  21. river Avatar

    I’ve never even heard of yo gabba gabba. Interesting looking item you have pictured.

  22. nikki Avatar

    It’s even ribbed for her pleasure!!

    (Psst! I love the picture below of Amy and the orange slice!)

    nikkis last blog post..Boys and their junk

  23. maggie, dammit Avatar

    oh. em. GEE.


    maggie, dammits last blog post..Fear and self-loathing in the Midwest

  24. Barbara Avatar

    Erm, yes. Definite dildo. Off to look up rough rider condoms now.

    Barbaras last blog post..211/366 – Froggy Frog

  25. Suzie Avatar

    Veronica: Why do you never visit my blog? Do you think my blog is smelly (it may be a little)? Do you think my blog will give you cooties (Ok it might do that too)?Why do you never stop by for tea…or soda.. or a virtual beer (I know your preggers but virtual is ok). Why oh why?

  26. Kelley Avatar

    What did they do to Gumby!!!

    Kelleys last blog post..Sights and smells in the local supermarket.

  27. Jo Avatar

    Oh my god…my husband and i just had this discussion yesterday morning..followed by my 6 year old asking..mummy what is a dildo? Ah…ask daddy honey…LOL

    Jos last blog post..Back again,

  28. Old Knudsen Avatar

    DJ Lance says, don’t don’t don’t bite yer friends.

    Old Knudsens last blog post..Computer Administrator Sabotages System

  29. Leslie Avatar

    Yes. A very scary dildo.

    Leslies last blog post..The Skinny On Dave’s Subcutaneous Tissue