
Apparently we’re weaning. A nursing strike since early this morning and a complete breast refusal seem to have been the nail in the coffin and he just doesn’t want to feed. At all.

It’s hot at the moment and normally, that sparks a day of near constant feeding. Not today though. Today, he hasn’t wanted a bar of me, except to wrap around my head and yell ‘AH AH AH’ as he pulls my hair.

I’m finding it hard not to feel like it’s me he rejecting, rather than the breastfeeding. I knew that night weaning was on the cards sooner rather than later, and was planning on doing that sometime in the next few weeks.

He’s beaten me to it though.


I breastfed Amy until she was nineteen months old and somewhere, in the back of my mind, that’s how I thought it would go with Isaac.

I would say that I don’t mind and that he is almost 12 months old (a week until his first birthday) and that it is all fine.

I’d be lying though, because I do mind.

Even if I can see the benefits to weaning.

It’s hard. I can’t force him to feed.

And with how bitey he’s been lately I’m not sure I want to anymore.

Anyway. However it goes, I’m taking the chance to nightwean now, while it’s being presented to me.

It could be my impending period (#4 since they returned) changing the taste of my milk. I expressed a little into my hand and it does taste salty rather than sweet. Natural weaning process? Maybe.

I’m rambling now. It’s hot and we are doing CIO. As much as he doesn’t want to feed (complete refusal), he also doesn’t know how to fall asleep without boobs.



</end ramble>

***Update: A 2am screaming session + engorged painful breasts – meant I caved and fed him and he caved and fed. Not sure where that leaves us now, except for me, awake at 2am and finishing up expressing a breast. I think I’ll keep up with the weaning anyway, just slightly slower than I had originally planned. Weaning over the course of a fortnight, for my comfort.


The nominations for the 2010 bloggies are still open for a little while longer. I would love love love if you could nominate this blog (https://somedaywewillsleep.com) for Best Australian and possibly my other blog for Best Writing or Best Kept Secret (http://veronicafoale.com).


Pretty please?


16 responses to “Weaning”

  1. Fiona Avatar

    just keep his water up, hey?


  2. Veronica Avatar

    Yep. He’s in bed with a bottle of water at the moment and he spent the day munching through half a watermelon and lots of ice-cubes.

  3. Sharon Avatar

    Almost a year is very good Veronica – especially the sort of year you have had. On the positive side the change in your hormone levels after weaning may help your EDS a bit.

  4. Tanya Avatar

    Good Job making it to 12 months. That’s my goal. I was going to stop for Uni but decided since I’m studying by correspondence I can still BFeed Emily.

    Emily didn’t eat or drink a lot at all today, only 3 BFeeds and no food.

  5. taz Avatar

    WOW one in a week..
    where did the year go?

    oh.. sorry to hear he is weaning himself already..

    hope it all works out for the best..

  6. Marylin Avatar

    Aww honey, at least you may start getting him to sleep better at nights once he’s weaned?

  7. achelois Avatar

    You have done so well to last this long. I know it feels as though your baby is rejecting you but look on the bright side – sleep glorious sleep. I tried to vote but it kept saying the information I was putting in was wrong. I put your blog as above but whatever I put under nominee it came up red saying incorrect information. Can you mail me to say what I am doing wrong!

    Just think Nathan may be quietly pleased that he has you to himself again – try asking him, you may find you forget sooner rather than later when passion takes over!!

  8. Jenni Avatar

    I was pregnant when I weaned Oscar so the nursing was painful, I was exhausted, etc. and it wasn’t much of a big deal. But, if Miles decided to wean tomorrow, I’d be sad. Hugs to you.

  9. Joyce-Anne Avatar

    I think you’ve got to do what’s best for the both of you. Continuing to wean Isaac makes sense and express when you need to.

  10. Barbara Avatar

    No more biting will be good although scant consolation I guess.

    Blimey, a year old, wow!

  11. jean Avatar

    Considering how long he has had teeth I think you are a saint. I do understand the mixed feelings, but weaning is a good sign that he is ready for the next step of growing up.

  12. Barbara Avatar

    Oh yes, and I’ve nominated until I’m blue in the face – good luck!

  13. Kristin Avatar

    achelois – I had the same problem with the nomination process and finally figured it out. Ignore the part about what’s in red. The problem is you have to fill out the spam box at the very end (type the words in the spam box thingy and it will go through). If this doesn’t make sense email me at kbxmas@hotmail.com and I will try to explain better. Tried to find an email for you at your website but couldn’t locate it. – Kristin

  14. Kristin Avatar

    And Veronica, sorry about the weaning. You know, I had so much trouble breastfeeding both of my kids. I had to switch to the bottle with both after about a month because of “failure to thrive” (lovely term). They were losing weight. Once they went bottle they never went back. I tried working with lactation consultants and everything. I cried in the doc’s office when she told me to use formula. The nurse prac. told me not to feel bad, it was god’s will. Can you believe that? As if god looked down upon my daughter and decided she should have Enfamil. What a fuckwit.

  15. Laura Avatar

    Good luck!!! I was extremely lucky with my little people. They weaned very quickly but then I didn’t feed for very long at all!

    But I definitely think the best success will be if it is done slowly – less stressful for you both!

  16. river Avatar

    Sorry to hear about the weaning, but think of all the extra time you’ll have. And Isaac will be free to toddle around after Amy as soon as he figures out the feet.