Wedding: More photos

Yesterday I published photos of my wedding and afterwards, I was quietly chastised by a few people (in the very nicest way possible) who seemed to think that I ought to share more photos. I hadn’t shared lots, in order not to bore you all to tears, but it you all appear to like the photos very much.

Last night and today I got some more photos from the ever amazing Tan’s camera (Tan did the flowers) and some photos that my grandfather took. I am inordinately grateful to the both of them for emailing through their photos, as more photos are never a bad thing and the rain meant that we didn’t take any staged photos.

If you like, I can share more as they arrive in my inbox.


25 responses to “Wedding: More photos”

  1. zelda Avatar

    Well DUH! Course we want you to share more!

  2. Marita Avatar

    Beautiful and yes please share lots more.

  3. frogpondsrock Avatar

    you should post the boot full of flowers as well 🙂

  4. Ms_MotorbikeNut Avatar

    Yes please more pics maybe you can post them like in a online album if there is such a thing Love your pics so far

    (((( Hugs )))) XXXX Kisses XXXX

  5. Rusty Hoe Avatar

    Definitely more photos. We’re all suckers for wedding shots 🙂

  6. Tiff Avatar

    Beautiful. Just beauTiful.

  7. Fiona Avatar

    Definitely more photos!!!

    You look absolutely radiant, by the way!

  8. BB Avatar

    Love them!

    Can I suggest (if you use flickr) that you put together a a slideshow of shots – this way you can add to the set of photos as you get them, and it simply makes the whole slideshow (which you insert into your blog) a little longer.

    This way your wedding album is kinda safely saved in a seperate cyberspace spot!!

  9. Melissa Avatar

    Pfft. Bored? I was wanting more too!

  10. Maid In Australia Avatar

    The photos are beautiful and so are you! Of course we want more! xo

  11. Kathy Avatar

    More photos! More!

    You, Amy, Nathan and Isaac all look marvellous. The rain and the occasion must’ve agreed with you 🙂

  12. river Avatar

    In the words of Madonna: nothing’s better than more, more, more, nothing’s better than more.
    And since they’re all so lovely, of course we want to see them. Especially those of us who couldn’t get there.

  13. Laura Avatar


    I love that you got married in the rain! I love that you are holding Isaac!

    Love it all!!!


  14. Natalie Avatar

    So so beautiful 🙂 So many congratulations and kisses! xx

  15. Dannie (A Dose of Dannie) Avatar

    Beautiful and yes of course we want more!!! 🙂
    So what did you decide to keep your maiden name or have both maiden & married Do tell?

  16. janet Avatar

    More please…these are lovely! I can almost feel the raindrops…almost like being there, thanks!

  17. Achelois Avatar

    It goes without saying I would like……

  18. Jeanette Verster Avatar

    Gorgeous!! Congrats again 🙂
    I think you’re going to have to do a TTD shoot then 😉

  19. Marylin Avatar

    Yes yes we definitely want to see more as/when they arrive!! I SO wish I could have been there. One day… one day we’ll get that lotto win, right? xxxxx

  20. Anne Avatar

    Beautiful pictures, and congratulations!!

  21. Kellie @ Three Li'l Princesses Avatar

    You can never have too many wedding photos! I love looking at other people’s weddings. Beautiful shots again, V. x

  22. Tenille Avatar

    Posed wedding photos are overrated; we wasted far too much of our wedding taking photos when we should have been dancing and enjoying ourselves.

    Your natural photos are lovely. Post as many or as few as you like xo

  23. Carla Coulston Avatar

    Aw I love these photos Veronica!! It made me nostalgic for my wedding. And things like rain and weather just end up making the day more unique, as long as you are happy… and you two look SO happy.

    I’m so delighted for you xx

  24. Ali Avatar

    I’m sorry that I haven’t come and congratulated you until now, V. You looked stunning (love the shoes!!). I adore Issac’s boots and that you held him during your wedding, reminds me of my own wedding to Beefy, just lovely having them both with you. Amy looked gorgeous too, and the cake and that photo of you and your brother is beautiful. It looks like it was a fantastic day. So again, congratulations Veronica and Nathan, I’m so happy for you both, you can see the happiness you both share in all the photos, you’re glowing. xxxxx

  25. Watershedd Avatar

    Wedding photos – you always want more! Lovely pics, great to see you all looking so happy. X