With a wedding set to happen in 23 days, I’ve realised that days are not as long as I thought they were and that months will fly by if you give them a chance. Just because whining grumpy children make seconds feel like minutes, they don’t actually appear to have the power to extend time.
I’m not sure if that is a good thing, or a bad thing.
It’s probably good.
From being a little stressed about wedding things a week ago, now I’m feeling quite zen about the whole thing. Sure, I need to buy stacks of paper plates and work out where I can buy wooden forks from, but the spit is organised, an old family friend has gifted me the sheep to go on it and I have friends and family descending on the house the day before in order to help with preparations.
If we can’t get things organised with all of the extra hands, then we deserve to have things left undone.
There are a few things that I absolutely need to do before the wedding and one of them involves buying a new bra.
[insert music of doom here]
I hate bra shopping. Hate hate hate. But as the ever so lovely Renee pointed out when we were discussing bras at the Problogger event (as you do) – I need to be wearing a different size bra. I gained weight and it seems that a good portion of that weight landed on my breasts. Nathan is thrilled to bits about this, but I’m not convinced.
The other thing I need to do is start seriously preparing my children for the sheer amount of relatives that we’re going to have up here – something that I’m not sure the kids are going to cope with. Isaac hides in the bedroom whenever his cousins come to visit, and he LIKES them. Amy sort of understands that the wedding is a party, but she just wants to put up the wedding tent and “live in it Mummy!”
It’s going to be interesting, at the very least.
And, both children need a haircut. Amy will be fine, but Isaac has a tendency to scream blue murder and require a straitjacket type approach in order to get his hair clipped.
I visualise lots of flying time in my future.
I’m getting married Internet!
PS, I have completely forgotten to invite a bunch of people. This is a bad thing.
13 responses to “Wedding plans. I appear to be running out of time”
WOOT! Sounds very exciting, and challenging. If I can help out with massages (not sure about massage+EDS) please let me know!!! Very exciting times! Just remember that it is YOUR day and the only people you need to please are yourself and Nathan (while keeping Amy and Isaac happy/tamed – hey maybe you need to get a straight jacket for the day?! hehe!) – I’m worried I might offend as I dont have children and have no idea about kids… so sorry if I have.. ! 🙂 I am very excited for you xx LT
I may just take you up on the massages!
And trust me, it takes an awful lot to make me offended. I’m pretty sure that Isaac will spend the day hiding and that Amy will be in her element with so many aunts and uncles to show off too.
It is only a bad thing if you remember that you have forgotten people AFTER the wedding. There will be two grandmothers there on the day,one great grandmother and one great great grandmother, as well as assorted uncles and aunties. Isaac will be fine.
Almost 1 year to the day of your wedding day was that of our son & now DIL. They too are parents of 2 kids. That Saturday Miss R was 1 yr 2 months & Mr H just turned 3.
They were my focus the night before ( they slept here) on the day & the night of the wedding. True I didn’t get to spend too much time with people but for me the best gift to the Happy Couple was to see their children happy, well & lovingly cared for by the second in line most familiar person in their lives, Grandma.
So, with Kim’s comment above (hi mother of the bride!) and mine, you can relax that worry muscle a little. Ok? denyse x
I’m so excited and happy for you!! I’m sure everything will be perfect as long as you have fun. 🙂
The lead up to a wedding is so exciting! People think its stressful (well, it can be) but it’s a good stress I think – because its all mixed in with adrenelin and anticipation. I hope your plans come together smoothly and just how you imagined. xx
Oh exciting~ hope you stay zen and have an amazing day~ and I am so jealous your extra weight hit you boobs! mine goes straight to my butt.. sad! 😛
Well bra wise – go to that bra place in Centrepoint. Rachel there has fitted me for the last few occasions and EVERY time I walk away SO PLEASED.
It will all happen and go well. I hope the weather does good as well!
So wish I was going to be there to celebrate with you but can’t wait to hear ALL about it! xx
Exciting times!
Keep that head above water.
Ohh… a straightjacket… I hadn’t thought of that for Max! There’s a reason his hair is getting so long he looks like a girl now. >_<
Not long now!! Sqweeee!!!
I love my boy child’s long hair. 😉
And bra shopping makes me cry. I stick with sports bras because there is more fluctuation absorption. 🙂
Excited and happy for you.
Good luck with the bra shopping – pet hate of mine also, although I finally found a bra without underwire that also supports. Bliss.