Weekly Winners!

I know, I haven’t participated in Lotus’s Weekly Winners for a while, so here is my contribution. Also, Happy Mothers day!


The first time she fell asleep without me holding her in AGES. WOO! Not that we aren’t still having sleep issues though.

The river. I took this from the car as we drove across the bridge.

Amy wondered of she would fit in the bin. I wondered if it was wrong to contemplate throwing her out.


See more Weekly Winners here.


24 responses to “Weekly Winners!”

  1. Jientje Avatar

    Ewww, that last one ? Hehehehe, you saved the best for last!!
    No, that’s not entirely true, I love the one of Amy in the bed , Amy in the bin, and those awesome skies! In fact, I love them all!

  2. Smoochiefrog Avatar

    Those sky shots are incredible!

    Smoochiefrogs last blog post..Weekly Winners 5/11/08

  3. Bettina Avatar

    ahhh! You finally got one!! lol Did you schwack it or did the cat get it on it’s own?

    And a very happy mother’s day to you too!

    Bettinas last blog post..I don’t like nine.

  4. Jessica (aka Rose) Avatar

    Great shots! I love the shots of the sky and I can’t believe how big Amy is getting. It’s high time for me to be done with work so I can finally catch up with my favorite bloggers!
    (So sorry you guys still aren’t sleeping either. Lucie and Amy must really be in cahoots.)

    Jessica (aka Rose)s last blog post..Weekly winners – the Mother’s Day edition

  5. Trish Avatar

    excellent shot on the mouse schwacker and the sunsets are stunning

    Trishs last blog post..what’s your Visual DNA

  6. tiff Avatar

    I love the bin shot! LOL.
    Also, what is it with all these mice? They are everywhere at the moment.
    Also, love the sky shots and the one of Amy sleeping, I’m printing it off and showing it to Ivy, she might get the picture then.

    tiffs last blog post..Weekly Winners – Mother’s Day Edition.

  7. river Avatar

    Finally!! One dead mouse, three hundred and thirty dozen to go………..
    I love the photo of Amy sleeping in her footie pyjamas, and the one just above that? I’ve saved it for future use as a desktop wallpaper.
    Have you taught Amy to spell her name with the blocks? She probably should learn that before she learns to spell sex…..

  8. Taz Avatar

    aww.. cute pics..

    did mother cat end up killing the mouse?

    happy mothers day..

    Tazs last blog post..A very proud Mummy!!!!

  9. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Oh Veronica you used to sleep in exactly the same position as Amy.. AAAAAWWWWWW

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..weekly winners (aka my 199th post)

  10. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    hahaha ass in the air….

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Better than Christmas

  11. witchypoo Avatar

    Finally indeed! Who schwacked it?

    witchypoos last blog post..Mother’s Day Blues

  12. Marylin Avatar

    Woohoo, finally you got the damn mouse!

    I love the pic of Amy sleeping… SO sweet 🙂

    Marylins last blog post..Weekly Winners #20!

  13. Secret Agent Mama Avatar

    Y’all have the best skies down there!! 😀

    Great shots. Amy is darling as ever.

  14. HappyCampers Avatar

    Wow, that’s a big rat! I love your first sunset picture. The darkness of the branches up against the colorful sky is striking!!

    HappyCamperss last blog post..Happy Mother’s Day

  15. HRH Avatar

    Yeah for dead mouse! I love the running shot. Happy Mother’s day!

    HRHs last blog post..Raindrops on roses (not pictured here)…

  16. sandy's notes Avatar

    What a great assortment of photos. Some of those sunsets are beautiful. Your daughter looks precious sleeping. Happy Mother’s Day!

  17. Karen Avatar

    The colors of the sky in the first and third photo are breathtaking!

    The last one made me cringe, but I had to laugh at the caption.

    Karens last blog post..MommyFest 2008 Blog Party!

  18. Rebecca Avatar

    What a proud kitty she is! 🙂

    Beautiful shots… and Amy is such a doll… I STILL sleep like that (for short periods of time, at least).

    Rebeccas last blog post..Weekly Winners: May 2-May 9

  19. kat Avatar

    HOORAY!!!!!!!!!! I see a DEAD mouse!!!!!
    (And a very cute Amy.)

    kats last blog post..Weekly Winners

  20. Gabriel - Live from Waterloo Avatar

    Great pictures! I love the sky in the first one, but the one with Amy in the bucket was just hilarious!

    Here is my post. Have a great Sunday!

    Gabriel – Live from Waterloos last blog post..Weekly Winners #14 – MAy/04 to May/10

  21. merrymishaps Avatar

    I love the sky shots!
    Could have done without the dead mousie 🙂

  22. Jenty Avatar

    LOL at the mouse shot, is that the only one? I hope so!
    And those sky shots are absolutely incredible! WOW!

    Jentys last blog post..Weekly Winners 4 May – 10 May

  23. Amy Avatar

    I love the one of her sleeping, she looks exhausted! And the skies are breathtaking! Wow!

    Amys last blog post..Weekly Winners

  24. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Yay!!! Schwack! Did kitty enjoy it? One down, how many to go?

    Great photos. Love the sky pics. And Amy sleeping… precious.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..This Mother’s Day is Already Kicking the Pants Off Last Mother’s Day