Everything is dying.
However, everything looks so pretty because it drizzled overnight. Not much, but enough to make it smell amazing and make me want to take photos. The green patch you can see? That is where my grey water run off is.
Everything is still grey and chilly. You’d never believe it is the middle of summer. I am loving it.
Amy has new gumboots. She thinks they are fantastic. Thankyou Mum.
She does love the shoes.
The apples on my apple tree were still wet from the drizzle. I have been watering them with the bath water so that they didn’t die. Hopefully we can get some ripe fruit before we move out of here, I would hate to have the possums eat the apples.
I had to throw this one in here. You know you’re jealous right? He also cleans the bathroom and he does all the mopping. I love him and no! you can’t have him.
37 responses to “Weekly Winners”
Um, I’m green with envy over here. My hubby, though I love him dearly, is L.A.Z.Y.
But he’s really good in bed… 😉
Nikki’s last blog post..LunaNik Goes To Work
Pink boots! I want some pink gumboots.
Ree’s last blog post..News from the Homefront
I love the one of amy and yes I am jealous of the husband you have my boyfriend is LAZY and wont do a thing…I do it all UGH!!!! 🙁
kaylee’s last blog post..Parties, Parties, Parties
You told him that seeing a man do domestic chores made you hot, didn’t you? It worked for me on 2 husbands.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Brain Fog, No Excuse for Blogging Mediocrity
neat pics..
My hubby also does my dishes, he says I’ve worked hard all morning so I should rest when I get home. He walks me to work in the dark before dawn (I do the opening shift) and washes up before I get home. Unfortunately it takes him ALL morning, as he gets halfway through, gets fed up and takes a smoke break, then he finishes washing up, takes a smoke/coffee break, then he’s HAD ENOUGH, so he leaves the kitchen. I dry and put away after I get home. It would be so much simpler for me to do them the night before, for me it’s a 10 minute job. Love Amy in the pink boots.
I can’t believe how dry it is there! Is it always like that in summer?
Jenty’s last blog post..Photohunt: Important
Great photos sweetheart.. Yay I am glad Amy likes the gumboots xxx
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Favourite Photo Friday (on Saturday)
She is too cute! Love the pink boots pic, absolutely precious!
The picture of the still wet apple is superb! Great Weekly Winners!
Rachel’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
Fabulous! I especially like Amy’s boots.
Leslie’s last blog post..Hell Has Frozen Over!
it is so nice when the male helps around the house!
The drops on the fruit are divine!
tommie’s last blog post..Weekly winners
i’m lovin’ the boots … where can i get a pair? 😉
also love the apple shot … and you are a lucky pup to have a housework-doing guy! (mine does it too. isn’t it awesome?)
janet’s last blog post..Weekly Winners: Jan 13-19
Great photos — the rain on the apple is beautiful. I hope the possums don’t get them!
My daughter had bright yellow rain boots when she was Amy’s age. She used to sneak outside wearing nothing but those boots…I would get a phone call or a knock at the back door, informing me my nakie daughter was on the loose again. She always put on the boots, though. I guess she didn’t like being outside barefoot. Bare butt, no problem.
julie’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
Love those flouro pink boots. Immy and Maddy had some too. They loved them SO much they would often wear the gumboots and nothing else.
Tiffany’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
I’m jealous… but that’s what you want us to be huh?
I love the pink boots, absolutely adorable, and that apple, that apple looks delicious!
Jientje’s last blog post..Weekly Winners … Going for a walk
It’s never too early to start appreciating cute shoes!
Tasina’s last blog post..Weekly Winners 01.20.08
I need boots like THAT! Girl’s rocking them.
As for your hubs. Cleans and is a looker. Lucky girl, you! 😉
Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..Weekly Winners X
Excellent! I love that you have apple trees…and I’m a little jealous! That is an awesome photograph – very “Lotus” 🙂
Tara’s last blog post..SNOW!
I love these – the dishwasher is great- I have a great one too and those gumboots rock.The apple shot is superb.
Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..Help us Mummy is a Top Momma contender
So Amy thinks pants are overrated, doesn’t she! I’m so glad you are back in the photo-taking game.
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..I’m Easily Amused
I want some pink gumboots too! They look like more fun that what I wear.
Cinn’s last blog post..Showing Off On Saturday – 2
Love the shot of the apple, and Amy’s getting big!! love her boots!
You are lucky, you and me (Hubs is the cleaner around here too, and gets turned on when I pick up the vacuum 😉
Karen MEG’s last blog post..Prince of hearts
I like the apple shot, I now have the craving for some apple pie! My husband believes that the kitchen is his domain – so it’s the one area that I don’t clean, and I’m ok with that!
Susan’s last blog post..Studio
That first picture looks so much like the view out my window in Abilene, Texas it is a bit spooky..I also loved the apple shot.
HRH’s last blog post..Snow dreams…
Those pink boots are awesome!!
It’s hard to believe it’s summer there with those shots. Great pictures!
Annie’s last blog post..1/20/08 – Weekly Winners
How about BORROW?!? Can he train others? Good heavens, the last time hubby picked up anything off from the floor, was…..heck, never!
Love that pic of the apple! Looks de-lish…and your daughter’s boots too 🙂
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Experiment, Magic Pills, Distraction, Dusted
I love the apple picture! We’re planning a small apple orchard & love your bit of inspiration 🙂
HappyCampers’s last blog post..Weekly Winner Time!
I love it when men do things around the house.
Nathan absolutely loves cooking and wont even let me have a turn! I come home to a house full of nice smells after work. There is a catch though, I clean up afterwards.
Tanya’s last blog post..Jordonology
LOL..mine cleaned the kitchen today 🙂
I love Amy’s pink boots..has to be my ultra fav!! Great shot!
mp’s last blog post..Sunday Weekly Winners
Great pictures! Love the pink boots.
Jeanette’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
I LOVE THOSE PINK BOOTS!!!! OMG, I would wear those if I could find them in my size!!!! And my daughter is also obsessed with shoes. We have to hide her cowboy boots and her snow boots or she will insist on wearing them to BED! 🙂
Marlee’s last blog post..Jackass Quote of the Week
Oh, good job at getting the man that already does those things. It’s taken John AGES to finally get trained properly. 😉
And I am constantly laughing at the weird coincidences with our kids. I JUST bought Braden some rubber rain boots like the ones Amy has (different color, though). And we have the same shoe scene! Right by the back door, in the kitchen, all of our shoes are lined up. Everyday, several times, he drags them all out, and then I put them all back. Fun times!
And. The appled picture is GREAT! 🙂
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Jan13 – Jan19
I love your apple picture and those gumboots are pretty. So’s your little girl. 😀
Gumboots and apples – my favs! Come by mine when you have a chance and see my first batch 🙂
rhonda’s last blog post..Weekly Winners! (Fav Fotos of the Week)
OK, some part of me knew it was summer on the other side of the world, but if you had asked me 5 minutes ago, I would not have won the Final Jeopardy question. That is SO COOL.
Candy’s last blog post..The Crazy
Look at that fruit picture! ((blogging envy!))
those boots are the best! I need adult sized ones! haha. She’s a cutie!
Amanda’s last blog post..Random Confessions About Myself (Read ‘em and Weep)