Weekly Winners! And I Have No Internets


Well hopefully the move went well. I am posting this Saturday morning in my last bit of internet time. I don’t know how I am going to cope!

The house on Friday was THE most disgustingly dirty house I have ever had the misfortune to be in. Luckily, with a team of workers (family, thanks guys!) we got the house pretty spotless.

No photos yet because the camera cord is still packed. So today, I have photos my Nan took on Tuesday.


Amy wants pizza!


Amy has pizza!

Hopefully I will see you all when I emerge from the other side of this move. Will have photos and horror stories aplenty.

Loves you! Mwah!


30 responses to “Weekly Winners! And I Have No Internets”

  1. lceel Avatar

    And we loves you too, sweetheart.

    lceel’s last blog post..Strange day

  2. Anja Avatar

    Aww, she’s beautiful. No wonder you’re so mad keen on giving Amy a playmate.

    Hope your first night in your home was wonderful, and I’m looking forward to all the pics and inevitable horror stories about moving.

    Stay happy, honey. πŸ™‚

    Anja’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday

  3. Taz Avatar

    what cute pics you have there..

    i can see you in Amy now..

    hope all is well..

    Taz’s last blog post..18 weeks old

  4. Tiffany Avatar

    Awww cute.

    Amy can haz pizzah ( Dave’s little add on to my comment)

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Weekly Winners.

  5. river Avatar

    Clever Amy, climbing Mt.Cupboard and reaching the pizza, then climbing Mt.Highchair to eat.

  6. Gabriel Avatar

    What a mischievous look that beautiful girl has!

    Loved the pics.

    Have a great day!

    (My post)

    Gabriel’s last blog post..Social Canada – Funerals (1/2)

  7. Maggie Avatar

    Awesome pair of pictures, so cute! Hope the other side of the move is treating you well!

  8. Tasina Avatar

    Love that big pizza grin. Hope your surviving without teh internets.

    Tasina’s last blog post..Weekly Winners 03.02.08

  9. Jientje Avatar

    Happiness is a pizza for Amy …
    Lovely picture, and good luck in the new house!

    Jientje’s last blog post..Weekly Winners … Locked up in Prison

  10. Trish Avatar

    Beautiful ? little Amy and her pizza
    Hope it all went smoothly and you are back online soon
    Can’t wait to see the new house pics

    My WW is up
    My Little Drummer boys

    Trish’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  11. Trish Avatar

    My hearts don’t work if i type & hearts – so I will say it again I ? Amy’s smile !

  12. Scylla Avatar

    Great shots! She is so cute!

    Good luck, I abhor moving.

    Scylla’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  13. Secret Agent Mama Avatar

    Much Love to you, too, VICTORIA! HAHAHAHHAHA!! Just kidding, babe!!

    Amy’s ever the most adorable.

    Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..Weekly Winners XVI

  14. zoe Avatar

    mmmmmm pizza! hope it’s going well!

    zoe’s last blog post..Thank you-Come again!

  15. Kellyology Avatar

    Now that’s a big smile! Too cute.

    Have a good one!

    Kellyology’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  16. laura Avatar

    Aw! What a little sweetie. Did she say “thank you”? I’ll be checking in for those moving updates. πŸ˜‰ Good luck!

  17. Marylin Avatar

    aww great pics! Hope you’re settling in ok at your new place πŸ™‚

    Marylin’s last blog post..Just cause I can…

  18. HRH Avatar

    Yeah for pizza! Hope all is settling well…as in the house, not the pizza–well, I hope that is settling well too…forget it! Great pics.

    HRH’s last blog post..This is what happened and I took pictures…

  19. Jenty Avatar

    OMW that’s one cheesy smile πŸ™‚

    Jenty’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #8

  20. Leslie Avatar

    Oh, that smile is just adorable! What a cutie!

    Leslie’s last blog post..Motherhood According To Suz

  21. Karen Avatar

    So glad that you got it cleaned up and moved in. We’ll be waiting to hear from you!

    Karen’s last blog post..This Week’s Business

  22. Just Jinny Avatar

    She is the cutest thing ever! Love her hair cut, she is so trendy.

    Just Jinny’s last blog post..A Sunday MeMe

  23. Anja Avatar

    A little something for you is on my blog.

    Hope you’re settling in well.

    Anja’s last blog post..More pretties!

  24. HappyCampers Avatar

    What sweet pictures! Good luck with the move…can’t wait to see pics. Hope it goes smoothly πŸ™‚

    HappyCampers’s last blog post..Weekly Winners: Let’s Visit The Park! Edition

  25. Punk Rock Mom Avatar

    Hope the move was as smooth as silk! And you have to love the kiddies love for the pizza!

    Punk Rock Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Weiners

  26. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    That kid is adorable.

    Can’t wait to see pics of you guys in your new house. πŸ˜€

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Feb24 – Mar1

  27. Nicole Avatar

    What a cutie pie!
    And thanks, now I’m graving Pizza…..for breakfast, sigh…..

  28. faboo mama Avatar

    She looks so little in that highchair!

    faboo mama’s last blog post..No disco for you!

  29. elektroseyir Avatar

    amy looking sweat:)

    elektroseyir’s last blog post..ZÜLFÜ L?VANEL?-EY Γ–ZGÜRLÜK!!

  30. LaskiGal Avatar

    Oh goodness . . . look at that adorable face!

    LaskiGal’s last blog post..American Idol: The Results Show