
So contrary to what we were all hoping, I haven’t had this baby yet.

No, you read that right, I am still freaking pregnant.

Lets have a look at the stats.

10 days of bloody show.

3 days of contractions.

35C heat yesterday and similar forecast for today.

1.5cm dilated

And finally…

A baby that is estimated to be about 6lb6oz. Not huge in any way, but still a very healthy weight.

So that’s where we’re at.

I’d just like to clear up for the record, that when I say contractions, I don’t mean the painless/slightly uncormfortable Braxton Hicks contractions that I was having before. No, these are ohmyholymotherfuckingod honest to goodness painful contractions.

That get to about 3 minutes apart and 1 minute long and then STOP.

I’m tired. I’m hot. I’m getting frustrated.

I know that eventually things will ramp up and this little one will arrive, but really, I would prefer to not be exhausted mentally and physically when that happens.

So, that’s where we’re at.


42 responses to “Well.”

  1. Jenn Avatar

    Well if you are at five you will be having that baby one way or the other very soon !

    Jenns last blog post..Hello All You Lurkers !

  2. Tracey Avatar

    35 degrees in Tassie? Evidence of global warming? Oh, love, as one who was pregnant throughout Feb and Mar, I feel your pain.

  3. Andi Avatar

    It can’t be much longer, right? I hope it’s soon!!

    Andis last blog post..Life, or something like it

  4. Toni Avatar

    Be careful. If you’re having that many contractions, you could go very fast when the time is ready 🙂

    Tonis last blog post..Crafty is back

  5. Tanya Avatar

    lol I was checking in to see what was happening. He just wants to have a huge buildup to his birth!!!

    This heat would be hell for you…it was 39 here yesterday. I sat inside with the heatpump on the ‘icy’ 17 degrees setting. Then Nathan made me go to a friends house for tea. Have you tried those cyclone icypoles? If you are near the shop, grab one if you can eat it because they are really good at cooling you down…so yummy and juicy. If you were closer I would have brought one up to you.

  6. Ninja Mom Avatar

    Oh man, that’s how it was with The Babe. Days and days and DAYS of real labor. Stuck at 6cm for two days. SUCKED. He was born the day after the hottest day of the year. But despite all the grief he gave me getting here, he’s really a fabulous baby.

    Yours will be here soon! swearz!

  7. Talina Avatar

    I tweeted you asking how many weeks you were… Just out of curiosity.
    I think this little one is going to be a drama Queen (er King) I mean. Sorry it is taking so long and that you are so drained. Sleep when you can babe. We are all thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way.

    Remember when I were dieing to get pregnant? Now you can’t want to pop the little guy out… It is a boy right?

    Talinas last blog post..Some insect ate my face and we had fun sightseeing in Tennessee!

  8. Jenn FL Avatar

    My sis was the same way with her second one. She said she got up in the middle of the night to pee and just gave an extra little push and her water broke…….

    Just a thought.


    Jenn FLs last blog post..Pecans

  9. badness jones Avatar

    Veronica – I think that this child is going to be giving you a run for your money! I hope he comes soon.


  10. badness jones Avatar

    And if you can stand it, sex really did bring on my labor the second time. I just told Hubs “no foreplay! This isn’t supposed to be FUN…just do it, and lets get this baby going already!” I know, romantic, huh?

    badness joness last blog post..Do tampons go bad?

  11. Mrs. C Avatar

    Oh, I’m so sorry to see you posting today… :[

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Today’s Schedule.

  12. lceel Avatar

    Have SEX!!! I’m telling you you’ll have the child in no time!

    lceels last blog post..Tuesday Tale – The Hackney Dragon

  13. Sarah Avatar

    Crap. I was hoping to see photos of the new baby already. Hang in there, and other assorted words of encouragement that are probably not going to help at all!

    Sarahs last blog post..

  14. Catriona Avatar

    Oh my! I really hope you have the baby soon for your sake. I can say I know a little of what your feeling…I’ve been having contractions too, only they are so irratic and my are they painful and all in my back!! Plus, I’m not even dilated. ugh. Luckily, it’s not hot here.

    ((big hugs))

  15. Mr Lady Avatar

    Early labour can suck my dick, yo. The good thing is all those early ones make the later ones come faster and easier. Milk it for all it’s worth, sister.

    Mr Ladys last blog post..Double Whammy

  16. myst Avatar

    I can highly recommend castor oil and orange juice!


    mysts last blog post..Embarrasing Photos For Jen!

  17. Taz Avatar

    best of luck hun.. 🙂

    Tazs last blog post..64 Weeks Old and 6 Weeks Old..

  18. M & B Avatar

    If having sex right now like Lou suggested, is not on your agenda! Try nipple stimulation!!!

    M & Bs last blog post..I don’t like you Mister Ruschman!

  19. Ali Avatar

    Oh babe, I’m sorry you’re getting so fed up. I have only had one of mine in Summer and it sucked arse. As for all the contractions without result, just think that they are all doing excellent work getting bubba into a good , position and everything ready to go. When it does happen I bet it will be quick and to the point! Sending all of my good birthing vibes your way.

    Alis last blog post..Guitar Hero, Pharyngeal Tour

  20. river Avatar

    1. Have sex.
    2. Join Amy jumping on the trampoline for about a half hour.
    3. Rinse and repeat as necessary.
    4. Head to the hospital.

  21. Janet B Avatar

    OMG! He really is teaching ALL of us a lesson in patience. Hang in there girl!

    Janet Bs last blog post..Wordless Wednesday!

  22. Kat Avatar

    Tell that little boy to stop being so melodramatic! Days of drumroll… enough!
    I had 24 hours of that and it was hard. I can’t imagine. Here’s hoping he straightens up… and comes out. Soon.

    Kats last blog post..Kat’s Kid Says "Bad" Words

  23. Sharon Avatar

    Reluctant little bugger isn’t he?!! No suggestions other than those already given, although maybe not the trampoline unless you fancy delivering him on it….?

    Sending you hugs and wishing you some cooling breezes 🙂

  24. Leslie Avatar

    Everytime I see your icon on Twitter or your blog name in bold letters in my feed reader, I think THIS IS IT. Hopefully soon! I’m thinking of you.

    Leslies last blog post..I Can’t Drive 55. Seriously, I Can’t.

  25. Marylin Avatar

    Aww honey!
    I had Zack during the worst heatwave Dundee had ever seen – it was horrible and that would have been a few degrees less than you’re suffering! (((huge hugs)))

    Just think – in a month’s time you’ll be comfortable in your bed, even if the lil guy won’t let you sleep there!

    Marylins last blog post..I’m free!!

  26. Vic Avatar

    Was hoping that when I didn’t see a post yesterday it would mean good news. Get yourself access to portable aircon – giving birth in that heat is no fun!

  27. nikki Avatar

    Oh I hope that little booger decides to get his butt in gear for your sanity. Will the midwife do anything to help speed things up?

    nikkis last blog post..

  28. Jeanette Avatar

    holy crap I don’t envy you at all!
    It’s when I read blog posts like yours, that I’m thankful I had my babies in SA… the doc’s would have just done a caesar to end it.

    Jeanettes last blog post..The piper leads the way

  29. Megan Avatar

    I hope he comes soon.

    Megans last blog post..And the Verdict

  30. Marie Avatar

    Oh good lord, hurry up baby! You’re wearing Mummy out! You want her to have energy to cuddle and kiss you, right? Quit with the games and come on out!! Besides, the rest of us can’t wait to see pics of you!

  31. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    So he’s ALREADY being stubborn!! hahahahah….

    I’m crossing my fingers that today is the day! (because I’m late and today is a whole new day and probably the middle of the night for you–which is a perfect time to deliver a baby).

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Ode to Youtube

  32. anne nahm Avatar

    imo, where you are right now is the absolute worst part of the whole pregnancy, including that ‘ring of fire’ thing they talk about during birth. Hope you have some contractions soon!

    anne nahms last blog post..Skid Marks on My Clown Shoes

  33. Cat Avatar

    Try to look at the bright side: most definitely, under no circumstances whatsoever, you will NOT be pregnant come Valentine’s Day. You’re welcome.

    Cats last blog post..Is It Just Me? Or Was It a Bad Day?

  34. Kat Avatar

    Oh my. This baby is the biggest tease ever!
    Hang in there! You can’t stay pregnant forever! 😉

    Kats last blog post..I Feel Like I Deserve An Award

  35. Jenni Avatar

    I so totally feel you. But, as you know, he really can’t stay in there forever. I know there is little comfort in that fact when you are a million months pregnant, hot, in pain, and caring for a toddler, but he really does have to come out eventually. You cannot physically be pregnant forever,even though I bet it seems that way right now. Hang in, mamma!

    Jennis last blog post..Wordless Wednesday #5: The Hat

  36. Memarie Lane Avatar

    Sounds like my labor with Max. It made the sleep deprivation that comes with a newborn look like a medically induced coma.

    Memarie Lanes last blog post..Like custard on the pudding of the soul.*

  37. Mistress B Avatar

    get as much rest as is possible love. I had that for four weeks with my middle child.

    Mistress Bs last blog post..Shoot me.

  38. katef Avatar

    argh that sounds sucky… have been thinking of you… hopefully the next time we read your blog it will be decked out with photos of your new boy!

    katefs last blog post..Wordles Wednesday…

  39. Ree Avatar

    Aw, shucks honey. Hang in there, he’ll be here in his own time. And 6/6 isn’t too shabby. 😉

    Tell him that his Aunt Ree in the U.S. is looking forward to meeting him.

    Rees last blog post..When you’re a famous blogger, you get interviewed*

  40. Bobbi Avatar

    From what I’ve heard, sex will supposedly induce labor if you’re close. So ATTACK THE HUBBY!!!

    Bobbis last blog post..Hello? Mama Talkin, Mama Talkin…

  41. zoe Avatar

    damn. i was sure you would have popped by now. nipple stimulation is what this calls for…

    zoes last blog post..Frag this

  42. tiff Avatar

    I’m going to town tomorow, want me to send that ginger beer and castor oil?

    tiffs last blog post..Donating blood…or not.