When your baby stops breathing. Also, she can’t swallow.

Evelyn  almost 12 months old

This is Evelyn, aged almost twelve months old.

Yesterday we saw a speech pathologist for the first time, to discuss Evelyn’s eating difficulties, and her choking episodes.

Last week, Evelyn choked on saliva, and stopped breathing briefly. I did standard first aid, smacking her between the shoulder blades when she truly couldn’t breathe and holding her closely while she wheezed, coughed and finally vomited.

It wasn’t the first time it’s happened, and it wasn’t the last time either.

She can’t swallow lumpy textured food anymore. I don’t know what changed, but something did and bam, the baby can’t swallow. It’s possible her throat is spasming and preventing the swallow, and thus she’s learned not to try. She likes tasting new food, she chews well, she doesn’t have a problem with different textures in her mouth. But she can’t initiate a swallow properly.

The upside here, of course, is that she breastfeeds well still. Although, milk comes out of her nose during the feed, and apparently that’s a bit of an issue.

Our speech pathologist is waiting to consult with our Paediatrician, and then a barium swallow study will be ordered. After that, we’ll work out what to do next, where to go from here.

I’m trying not to think too hard about Evelyn right now, as her body refuses to work the way it should. I’m hoping that time, and therapy, and building muscle strength and memory will help with these issues, but deep down, I am worried about her, and about the new issues that are popping up and seemingly getting worse.

She choked last week and stopped breathing. She. stopped. breathing.

I hope we can get a plan in place ASAP.


24 responses to “When your baby stops breathing. Also, she can’t swallow.”

  1. Marita Avatar

    Oh my love, that is hard. Fingers crossed.

  2. Debyl1 Avatar

    Wishing so hard that a successful plan can be found soon.
    So unfair for you beautiful mama to have to see your little precious one suffer.
    Sending much strength and love your way.xx

  3. Sarah @ fignutmum Avatar
    Sarah @ fignutmum

    Hugs, not much more I can say 🙁

  4. jeanie Avatar

    I don’t know the right things to say, but I certainly hope that before long the medical team do have the right words and a plan for your gorgeous girl.

  5. Happy Elf Mom Avatar

    That’s too scary! I hope the plan gets put into place SOON!

  6. Marylin Avatar

    Oh sweetheart, sending you lots of love and virtual chocolate xxx

  7. eccentricess Avatar

    Too big and scary. *hugs*

  8. Fine Avatar

    I can’t imagine how you might feel – it is already so scary just reading about it. I just hope the medical team finds an answer really soon. Thinking of you, Evelyn and your whole family…

  9. Oculus Mundi Avatar

    Jesus. This is scary stuff. I wish there was something, anything I could do. Can’t even think of anything decent to say.

  10. Ankia Avatar

    So scary…. (((Hugs)))

  11. Dorothy Avatar

    How scary and sucky. I hope you get some answers and strategies soon. Big virtual hugs is all I can offer.

  12. river Avatar

    I hope the testing and plans happen asap, preferably yesterday. The waiting is the hardest part.

  13. Kate Fransham Avatar
    Kate Fransham

    Hello, I don’t know if this is any help but, 41 years ago my daughter was born..same sort of problems. She has severe heavy metal poisoning due to me (mother) having amalgam fillings when 3mths pregnant. Mercury being the worst. Magnesium aspartate very necessary for body to be able to function (e.g. swallow and absorb nutrients) Most Doctors are unaware, but this quite common. Apart from this, take care and hope all goes well.

  14. Rhonda Avatar

    I’m so sorry Veronica.

    I hope you find answers soon.

  15. Sharon @ Funken Wagnel Avatar

    I feel so helpless watching you go through this. All I can say is, with all this going on, you’re doing a really great job, and she’s lucky to have you watching out for her, trying to get help and answers.

  16. Glowless Avatar

    The words barium and baby in the same sentence scare me. I hope they have a nicer flavoured one for her and there are answers soon xxx

  17. Blossom Avatar

    So not fair. Poor sweetie. Hoping you find some answers soon

    Much love xxxxxxx

  18. Trish Avatar

    How terribly scary for you . I hope they find answers. Easy ones.

  19. Kate Avatar

    This breaks my heart. That gorgeous girl. She’s lucky to have you watching out for her.

  20. tiff Avatar

    Sending love – always. I have been so slack of late in commenting but I’m reading. All the time. My heart breaks with your worry. It’s scary and stressful. I hope you have a plan soon xx.

  21. Pamela Avatar

    oh my word! I don’t even know what to say. I would also not want to think about it. Strongs.

  22. Rebecca Avatar

    thinking of you all . . . ((hugs))

  23. Anne Avatar

    Scary stuff. Hope everything will be ok xhugx

  24. Multiblogging Mum Avatar

    oh that is scary .. and I am hearing you on when your baby stops breathing … my youngest did that too .. when she had seizures as a baby ..