Why is fresh food so expensive?

by Veronica on January 14, 2014

in Life

If I tally up my budget, food is our biggest expense. And I’m starting to get despondant about the fact I can buy a weeks worth of processed crap for less than the price of three days of fruit and veg.

It’s ridiculous.

And expensive.

Is it the same where you live? Or is fresh produce cheap?

Read the entire article at Money Circle.

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river January 15, 2014 at 4:10 pm

Supermarkets these days seem to be catering more and more for town or city workers who are able to get there and buy small amounts on a daily basis. When you buy one or two of anything, the price doesn’t seem so bad. They fail to take into account mums who can’t get there every day, so have to buy in bulk. I well remember having the four kids and me to shop for, an apple a day for five is 35 apples per week, add bananas, nectarines, grapes, watermelon and you almost can’t afford vegetables, never mind meat. We lived a lot on mince and cheap sausages for such a long time and I bought frozen veg when it came to cheap stuff like peas and beans because the fresh went bad before the end of the week.
Remember peacharines? That sweet cross between peaches and nectarines? Whatever happened to those? Haven’t seen any for several years now.

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