We’re a week into our gluten challenge.
Can I quit now? Please?
It’s been insane. So insane that I no longer think people are joking when they talk about climbing the walls. Because I think I’ve broken all my fingernails trying to climb mine.
She’s been … insane. It’s horrible. I want my daughter back.
I locked myself in the bathroom this morning, in order to shower alone. When Amy discovered that I’d locked the door, she had a tantrum.
Then, she climbed back into the kitchen and pulled every single key off my laptop keyboard. I got out of the shower to find a little girl, holding my laptop, surrounded in little black keys.
Now, before you yell, yes, I’d put the laptop away.
Isaac is reacting to the big ball of stress that is his sister by squealing. Lots. And screaming in anger when his will is thwarted. And screaming andscreamingandscreaming.
He’s been screaming, quite a lot. Ear piercing, make you want to curl up and hide, make your ears bleed type screaming.
It’s been … stressful. To say the least.
In other news, my floor is all pulled up! And tomorrow, they will be laying the new hardwood underlay and vinyl.
And there will be (everything going well) horses arriving on Saturday. The stable is all cleaned out and things are just about in place.
I’m excited about the floor and horses.
I’ve got no idea how I am going to make it through another 16 days of gluten.
33 responses to “Writing from a corner, where I’ve hidden.”
I’ve got no advice. I’m rocking with you, in empathy.
It’s meltdown week here so there is lots of rocking for myself going on, a bit more for you just means I’ll rock a little faster.
Hugs, almost 15 to go.
Oh dear, hang in there Veronica. You can do it babe, I know you can.xxxx
Aww, I really feel for you. Been there, done that!! At least this time round you know what’s causing the behaviour and that there’s an end in sight. In the meantime, hold on tight and just believe you’ll survive. BTW, so jealous about the horses – enjoy them.
Oh dear! Doesn’t sound like fun at all!
Oh poor you! Hang in there. Even if you have a screaming child at least you’ll have nice floors!
That sounds like FUN!
put those keys back in the right order now!
No useful advice I’m afraid. I woke up this morning feeling like multiple trucks had hit me…bits of gluten have crept into my diet. Which, had I binged on lovely cakey wheaty tastiness would’ve at least been understandable. But I haven’t. Grr! Skin is blistering up on my feet too, does that happen to any of you guys?
Hope it’s over soon & you can get back to gluten free living. BG Xx
3 wks is a long time but not as long as it took YOU (vs drs) to endure and figure out!
what/how many horses? that is so cool 🙂
Oh honey, sending you lots of hugs and love and stress-balls your way. Hope the next two weeks and 2 days go by reeeeally quickly for you xx
Sending you long-distance hugs.
This too shall pass.
Where’s the fast forward button?
I’m sending you vodka.
There is an end and a reason and a potential benefit. Hang on to that. It won’t help, but you can pretend it does, maybe.
And horses! And a new floor! Life is not 100% suck!
Poor you. I think the best way for the US to torture our enemies would be to put them in a house with kids who scream that high pitched squeal. Then again that may be more cruel than water boarding. At least you’re halfway there.
16 more days? This is beyond cruel. Why are they making her and you go thru this? Is it just so they can have a “real” diagnoses? Ugh. Just think though that after tomorrow you and your keyboard can both hide in the bathroom. No need to shower, just lay on the new floor!!
How about on Sunday Nathan and the children come to visit. Its Bathurst, so they could be all blokey in the shed and David and I will put Isaac in the stroller and take him and Amy for a long long walk. You might get 2 or 3 hours alone then sweetheart. I know how terribly important time away from the children is for your own sanity.
Isaac he could squeal for Australia oh and ropes are better for climbing walls, fingernails are totally useless. xox
Are you getting Isaac tested at the same time ? – so you don’t have to do this all over again in two years!
There is a good side to her tantrum – if she’s pulled the keys off your laptop, then she’s unlikely to be able to delete anything 😉
(((HUGS))) This is not a fun time for you. I’m sorry, I wish I could do more for you.
Oh dear, I could not be held responsible for my actions had one of my children pulled the keys from my laptop, fortunately I am so old they were young before they were invented. You could always use the glue for the floor to stick her somewhere for the next couple of weeks!! Only vague idea of help my sister was given for a child with same, was triple up liquid intake (water is best but any beverage will do as long as not high in sugar as apparently that compounds the problem) to flush out the gut. Hope you get the couple of hours on Sunday. Valium sounds good as do alcohol & rescue remedy. I am very stubborn so I think I would keep on locking the bathroom door insisting on personal space for a few moments & severe penalities should destruction of expensive personal items result. I am nice really Veronica honest I am…. You will survive this, you are the grown up.
You have an end day in sight, just keep plodding towards it………… though some ear plugs might help.
You sure you can’t duct tape her to the stable wall?
Horses will get you through these other 16 days.
And wine.
And earplugs.
You need a mantra.
Say it after me – New Carpets and Horsies, New Carpets and Horsies, New Carpets and Horsies….
Then, take a deep breath and reach for the chocolate. And repeat – New Carpets and Horsies, New Carpets and Horsies, New Carpets and Horsies….
If she was older, I’d suggest a daily ration of grog. For you, too.
biggest hugs ever
truly thinking of you.
Oh dear, the tantrums…and there’s really no point in me saying there’s only a couple of weeks to go. I’m not the one who has to live through them. Take advantage of your mum’s offer to have the kids and Nathan for a few hours, you can lay back, de-stress, think of the gluten free future. Perhaps the horses will distract Amy enough times to lessen the problem, if she’s occupied with looking at them, maybe Isaac will scream less?
Velcro might hold her in place and you could stick her with her toys to keep her company.
oh, why does everything happen at once?! Maybe to distract you. Good luck, thinking of you.
Wow, to say not fun is a bit of an understatement. Hang in there. I know that when I have gluten, I feel like sh** for several days. Poor kid, poor you, yay horses! I haven’t had horses in a loong time, I miss it like crazy.
Try to remember to breathe. That’s the only way I got through yesterday (oh tantrums are fun, aren’t they?). *hugs* for you.
You’ve already done a week sweetie, 2 to go. 1/3 of the way there already!
Just think how awesome it will be when Amy is back to normal and you get those test results with a positive outcome. (Thinking good thoughts here!)
Wow, I had no idea dietry issues could make such a difference to behaviour, makes sense though. Why don’t they tell us these things?! Perhaps you have noticed that my comments are often full of spelling errors due to my missing h key? Just one of the many that have been pulled off by tantruming child.
Dell tells me they don’t sell individual keys, I need to buy a whole new keyboard. Anybody selling laptop keys on the blackmarket?
Hang in there. Hopefully you get things sorted after this. I thought it was bad when Zach took one of the keys off our laptop.
ACK! I cannot stand it when people roll their eyes when you say that certain foods are poison to children (for mine it is sugar and food dye). When I say “it makes them insane” I get more eye rolls.
Maybe now that the weather is nicer, Amy can frolic outside for hours at a time and burn off her gluten-induced-crazy???
I bet your floors are LOVELY!!! And done. OH sweet heaven… DONE.
LOL at the keyboard. Mack has done some damage to mine, and I’ve had to order new parts for a one-month-old computer because when he pulled the keys off.. they BROKE. There was a lot of yelling when I got out of the shower (my bad, because I DIDN’T put the computer away).
you are a fucking superhero, that’s how you’ll do it 🙂
My children are sending your children calming thoughts. I am sending you hugs and more virtual chocolate (Kinnertons – Nut, Egg, Dairy and Gluten free – Give me your address and I’ll send you some if you can’t get it there!).