Yellow Booties

Okay okay, I KNOW today is the international blog365 day of rest. But hey! I am a sucker for punishment.

Simply Gorgeous

Because I received the most amazing booties in the mail from Tiff, I just had to post about them. Her Mum knits them to give to women with fertility issues.

I did take my own photos of them (and their gorgeous wrapping) but my camera cord is tucked away in a box somewhere and I am just hoping and praying I can find it (and some internet access) in time for my Weekly Winners.

Tiff says on her post about them

When I was trying to conceive I read about an old wives’ tale. It went something along the lines of; a pair of yellow booties knitted and given to a couple trying to conceive, would bring them good luck in fertility and a pregnancy would occur soon after the gifting.

So there! They work really well according to Tiff. Not this cycle because I am on the pill (yay! sex=fun!) but next month when I stop taking it.

Tiff, thankyou so so much. They made my day when I saw them in the mailbox.

*Photo courtesy of Tiff’s blog.


14 responses to “Yellow Booties”

  1. janethesane Avatar

    What beautiful booties and it was very sweet of her to send them. Good luck on your move and of course next cycle too πŸ™‚

    janethesane’s last blog post..Two Days Until Fiction Friday

  2. Tasina Avatar

    Beautifl booties. I wish I could knit. I tried to teach myself and just wound up with some pretty elaborate cat toys. *sigh*

    Tasina’s last blog post..Pick up a book

  3. Tiffany Avatar

    Fingers crossed they work their magic!
    New house, new baby and all that special magic.

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Ivy update; please proceed to Defcon 3

  4. Dawn Avatar

    that’s fabulous!

    Dawn’s last blog post..Punt Soup Recipe

  5. Bettina Avatar

    aww thats sweet!

    hope they work for you!

    Bettina’s last blog post..Caught!!

  6. Taz Avatar

    best of luck with it..

    maybe i need some yellow booties too.. eventually.. lol..

    hope all is going well for you.. πŸ™‚

    Taz’s last blog post..18 weeks old

  7. Lou Avatar

    Isn’t that part of a song? “tie a yellow bootie ’round an old oak tree” No .. wait a minute … AAWWW, that was RIBBON!! .. Yeah, I mean, why would you want to tie a bootie around a tree, anyway? Unless, of course, you used it as a signal – like “hubby is home!!” or “coast is clear!”. maybe, huh?

    Lou’s last blog post..Strange day

  8. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    they are just a wee bit gorgeous…

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Sucker For Punishment

  9. Marylin Avatar

    aww that is so sweet! I really hope they help with the TTC!

    Marylin’s last blog post..Haiku Friday # 7

  10. Jenty Avatar

    I really hope they work for you! That’s so sweet πŸ™‚

    Jenty’s last blog post..What not to wear

  11. Cat Avatar

    That is such a beautiful gesture. I know they will bring you good luck. I hope the moves goes well and that Amy is feeling better. πŸ™‚

    Cat’s last blog post..A Novel

  12. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    That is so thoughtful and they are gorgeous. πŸ™‚

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..He’s the guy with the mustache and the huge wang.

  13. Leslie Avatar

    Aw, now she is sweet! I hope they work!!!

    Leslie’s last blog post..Motherhood According To Suz

  14. Laura McIntyre Avatar

    So sweet, really hope it works

    Laura McIntyre’s last blog post..All Around The World