Google searchers! I wonder what they were actually looking to find?
Celebrites with big bodies – Why not celebrities with freakishly small bodies? Why do you want to know about large celebrities?
wombat in my yard – I had one too! Messy critter it was.
trying to conceive “got my period” – You and me both. Damn TTC.
bloody POSSUM – Now, why did you feel the need to capitalize the possum bit? Lets just shoot all the possums and then my life would be good.
refusal stories – refusal to do what exactly?!
my toddler refuses to wean – Mine too. Want to be my friend? I swear, my nipples are going to be numb forever.
toddler squeezes moms breast – Yes, mine also twiddles my nipples, pull up my top just to kiss me and then spends ages just checking that everything is the same.
Lotus and Braden – Sweetie, you don’t want me. Here is the lovely lady you were after.
my daughter says no to everything – I am waiting for this stage. I bet I will hate it.
why sleep is important to babies – Because without it their mothers would go insane. Trust me, EVERYONE needs sleep.
Amy Feather Jones – Uh okay?
What is keeping me from going insane – The little voices in your head saying it is a bad idea.
feather tickling stories – I’m not gonna ask. But I promise you won’t find it here.
he was wearing a dress – I dressed my little brother up in a dress and makeup once. He wouldn’t let me take photos of it *sigh* such a pity, he was such a pretty girl. He was 5.
Looking up dresses in public – Just don’t do it. Someone will kick you eventually!
I am a teenager and my daddy makes me sit in a trolley at the supermarket – That is just creepy.
Photo saggy breasts – I have them, but I am not going to photograph them.
How to catch a possum – Well, you could always try sprinkling salt on it’s tail…
14 responses to “You Were Looking For What?”
Taz’s last blog post..17 weeks old
Heh, I love that you once dressed your little brother as a girl. I have a photo of my youngest when he was three. The girls dressed him up and he was such a pretty thing. Looked like a little girl dressing up in mummy’s hat and shoes.
strange searches! what sort of teenager would actually still FIT in a trolley?!
Marylin’s last blog post..Haiku Friday #6
I love mining the search terms, because you just can’t help wondering what kind of creepazoid typed them in.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Duh
my ex sis in law ended up putting that horrid tasting stuff you use to stop your kids biting their fingernails on her nipples to convince her tot that breastfeeding was no longer an option lol
Have a pressie for you at my blog
Bettina’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday!
I was going to do this today…. so I had to commit murder in my bathtub to come up with a different post.
Now where is my whine…. I mean wine.
Yours are so much more tame than mine though!
Kelley’s last blog post..Just call me Nadia. Or Ms Comaneci.
Ha ha! I love the Google searches.
My number one search, far and away, has been “Nobody likes me.” I’m not sure if my blog will make them feel better for worse.
Leslie’s last blog post..How I Feel When I Look At The 200 Plus Unread Blogs In My Feed Reader And My ‘Things That Must Be Done Before Baby Comes’ List
In the last two days:
milfs abuse boys 1
“your poor balls” 1 1
hold pee
Dawn’s last blog post..Showin’ off
I’m soooo with you on the creepy one. Yikes.
Ree’s last blog post..A Funny For You
Looking up dresses in public!!!?!!?! Ahhh! There are some crazy creepy peeps out there 🙁
What is up with shoving a teen in a trolley? Strange….
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..I Don’t Think We’re Alone…
Mine are mostly boring — the photos of the bald eagles in Alaska, and the valley fever in dogs shows up a lot, but one was “how to give laboratory rats cancer” to which I had two thoughts — mean, and feed them twinkies? (Do you have twinkies in Australia — those nasty plasticky yellow cakes with the frosting in the middle?)
julie’s last blog post..Hedonistic Pretzel Club!
Weird, seriously weird. It’s amazing some of the stuff people will search for.
And how the heck does someone get a teenager in a trolley?
Looking up dresses in public? So the dipshits haven’t heard ‘upskirt’? So much easier to type.
Anja’s last blog post..In praise of women.
i need to know how to do that….
zoe’s last blog post..Kiss Kiss!!
Gotta love em!
Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Bad Pile Up