All she needs is a goat and a sense of humour

I get a lot of really weird and crappy pitches to host guest posts on Sleepless Nights. Normally, I either send a polite email back, explaining why their post won’t fit, or I ignore them. Last night however, I couldn’t help myself and this exchange ensued, leaving me amused.

Subject: Proposal for a guest post for your blog


I am Kate and I work for I’m trying to grow it by reaching out to other bloggers. I’ve been reading your site some time and I’m a big fan. I’m interested in writing a guest post for you — something you’ve never posted on — and I have some ideas that I think your readers would love:

1.       Over parenting or Attached parenting: Which one would you choose?
2.       Change your child from spoiled to disciplined
3.       Make your toddler get down of your nerves

I know you’re busy, so I can write everything up and send it to you in one document, which you can drop right into WordPress. I’ll handle all editing, bylines, etc (feel free to edit) so this is super-easy for you. Plus I can give you 2-3 articles per month if that’s okay with your end as well.

All I want is li’l credit in terms of two do follow backlinks in author’s bio and no link would be embedded anywhere in the content.
Let me know what you think of the same.


Re: Proposal for a guest post for your blog

Hi Kate,

How do you get toddlers to get down off your nerves? I have a lot of trouble with my toddler climbing my nerves and I’m not sure how safe a ladder they make.

I’d also be interested in what you consider disciplined. I’m currently aiming to teach my children how to argue effectively, because I’m certain that a future in politics is the only possible choice for a female who insists that she is right all of the time and everyone else knows nothing.


Re:Re: Proposal for a guest post for your blog

Hey Veronica,

I don’t have a toddler of my own yet. But yes my cousin has 2 of them. So I get to learn a lot from her like the way she handles them.
So if you want I can send you some of the tips in the form of an articlE.

What say ???

Re:Re:Re: Proposal for a guest post for your blog.

Hi Kate,

I’m not quite sure how you can write articles about toddlers if you don’t have any of your own. They’re an acquired taste, like oysters, or avocado. They smell worse though and have a tendency to leak bodily fluids everywhere.

Maybe you could babysit and toilet train a small goat for a month and then write about that? It would give you a crash course in managing a toddler and child services wouldn’t mind I don’t think. I think my readers would be fascinated by your goat experience.


So far there is no word on the goat experiment. I can only assume that she loved my idea so much, she is out there right now looking for a goat to babysit, so that she can report back.

{img source}


33 responses to “All she needs is a goat and a sense of humour”

  1. Melissa Avatar

    Love your response 🙂 I wonder how she goes with the goat…

  2. Angela Avatar

    OMG!! So funny!

  3. Kathy Avatar

    That was worth waiting for 🙂

  4. Sarah @fignutmum Avatar

    Too funny, love it
    Well done

  5. Dorothy Avatar

    Oh, dear! I don’t think the English language is one of her strong points….? Bit odd for a blogger…

  6. Amanda - purely4kids Avatar

    That is hysterical – such a witty response – love it

  7. Natalie Avatar

    LMAO! Remind me to enlist your expertise when I need to write a tetchy email!

  8. Johanna Baker-Dowdell Avatar
    Johanna Baker-Dowdell

    Superb V. You’ve made my week 🙂

  9. Tanya Avatar

    Awesome 🙂

  10. Alison Dennehy Avatar
    Alison Dennehy

    Loved it, even did the lol thing for real 🙂

  11. Belinda Avatar

    ha ha very witty 🙂

  12. Kellie @ Three Li'l Princesses Avatar

    LOL! Love it, V.
    I’m tending to take the “ignore” path these days. Far too many to bother wasting my time with. Although, I might try your tactic on the odd occasion, just to amuse myself! 🙂

  13. Zelda Avatar

    Once again you win the internets.

  14. Becky Avatar

    Veronica, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    That goat is much cuter and probably much better behaved than a toddler. In addition, I imagine the goat probably eats what you set before it, unlike a toddler. You’ve gone and given the woman a completely inaccurate picture of what parenting is truly like, and you’ve no one to blame but yourself.

    By the way, you’re welcome for the comment. Please repay me for the favor by linking to my blog. Twice. Kindly obey, as I do have a good lawyer.

    Many thanks,
    Becky Bean

    1. Alyce {Blossom Heart} Avatar

      Oh to have toddlers that would eat anything!! Maybe I’ll swap them for goats via the Oxfam gift cards…

  15. Dannie (A Dose of Dannie) Avatar

    Gold love it!!! I had something similar ,i always ignore:-)
    But i am and will be waiting for this goat story sounds ace lol

  16. Tenille Avatar

    Oh but that goat is so cute! I think I’m going to have to run out and look for one. Wonder if I can barter a swap for a toddler?

  17. Toni Avatar

    LAUGHING my CHOPS off!!!

  18. Glowless Avatar

    Kids are kids, be they goat or human 😛

  19. Anne Avatar


  20. Louisa Avatar


  21. Ro Avatar

    I hear goats are way easier to toilet train than kids….

  22. Grit Avatar

    mignon !!

  23. river Avatar

    Good comeback Veronica and that’s the cutest baby goat I ever saw!

  24. Dad Blog Tork Avatar

    You crazy cat 🙂

  25. Marylin Avatar

    Also… OMG baby goat is sooo cute! 😉

  26. Alexandra Avatar

    That made me like you. A lot.

    I have always wanted to do that, but I just ignore.

    They are so pushy, aren’t they???

    THUREE articles a month? THUREE?

    Please…and no, thank you.

  27. edenland Avatar


    What say?

  28. Tat Avatar

    That’s a very cute goat 😉 Or maybe not so cute, if you have to babysit her for a month. Or is it a him?

  29. kebeni Avatar

    catching up on blog reading and had to leave a comment. This just cracked me up (i may have even peed a little). I really want to know ALL her tips!!