Twitter and Tasmanian Politics and I was blocked for the very first time.

by Veronica on February 12, 2010

in Soapbox

I don’t get political here very often, although there is no doubt I am green at heart.

It recently came to my attention that there is a law in place silencing discussion of the upcoming Tasmanian election by people on blogs and twitter. We’re not allowed to write about them anonymously, or comment on them anonymously. And in this case, anonymous means not having your full name and home address at the bottom of every single post or comment. For clarification, this is the definition of the ambiguous ‘electoral matter’.

This same law recently caused outrage in South Australia – why are we not seeing the same outrage in Tasmania? This law, it’s been in place for SIX YEARS.

Six years.

Of course, this is the first election where the Internet and social media are in heavy use by the voting population and it seems that no one actually knows what the precedent is.

But you tell me, if you’re making comment about our election, do you really want to have to add your full name and home address at the bottom of that comment?

No. Me either.

It’s a safety issue for one.

I don’t see our esteemed Premier, Mr David Bartlett giving out the address where his children live.

Why should I have to?

Don’t worry though, the writs aren’t in place for another 5 days, so for now, I’m safe.

I’m half tempted to write about the election anyway, just because I can.

I should clarify first, before you read the rest of this post, that this is not David Bartlett’s law. He didn’t create it and pass it and he wasn’t Premier when it went through.


On twitter, I follow a lot of our political leaders and enjoy having the backwards and forwards with the politicians. It’s my opinion that having to answer to us personally on twitter keeps them honest.

However, I clicked over to see what our Premier was up to today and discovered I wasn’t following him anymore.

Strange I thought, and pressed follow.

Oh you can guess what happened next.

Remember, this is our Premier. The leader of our state. The man who makes all the decisions that impact on me personally.

And he blocked me. On twitter.

I thought you had to have a thick skin to get into politics?

Not be a wussy cry baby who worries about twitter and being made accountable.

Now to be fair, I have disagreed with him. The state of the midland highway is atrocious and I wanted him to answer me as to why it was left looking unfinished. I heard nothing from him by the way.

I have questioned his policies, but then, I assumed that as Premier of Tasmania, questioning his policies would be something he was used to.

And yet, he blocked me.

What a sook.

Feel free to tell him what a sook he is if you like.

Heh. Appears my soapbox is getting a bit of work lately. I might just keep it out, just in case.

The Almighty (aka GOD) February 12, 2010 at 8:11 pm

Do you want me to send a thunderbolt his way? He sounds like he needs a darn good Smiting.

Brenda February 12, 2010 at 8:11 pm

I cannot believe he actually blocked you. How old is he? 12?

Geez, Mr Bartlettt, if you’re reading this “MAN UP” will you?

Veronica February 12, 2010 at 8:14 pm

The Almighty – you can if you want. Or you can just let him know that blocking voters is bad form.

Brenda – hahahaa.

frogpondsrock February 12, 2010 at 8:23 pm

Shame David Bartlett shame.

Sharon February 12, 2010 at 8:42 pm

You must have been a very naughty girl Veronica. Keep up the good work!

What a wuss though. Him, not you, obviously 😉

PlanningQueen February 12, 2010 at 8:43 pm

I had not heard of these laws at all. They are completely outrageous and I cannot believe that they managed to pass quietly. I hate seeing our democratic rights being eroded away.

Veronica February 12, 2010 at 8:44 pm

Sharon all I did was tweet at him about the Midland Highway and then he was included on some political tweets when he blocked another Tasmanian earlier.

Veronica February 12, 2010 at 8:47 pm

PlanningQueen – my thoughts exactly.

Renee February 12, 2010 at 9:11 pm

Wussy cry baby…. LOVE IT!! LMAO

WarsawMommy February 13, 2010 at 1:37 am

Oh, my… really? I find this whole thing absolutely insane.

First, isn’t this law a constraint on freedom of expression? I mean, if newspapers and online news sites are allowed to write about and discuss the election, why not individuals? I am missing something, I think, because I really don’t see how this can even be legal.

Second, he BLOCKED YOU? Wow – that’s immature and silly. If I were you, I’d shout it to the world!

Catriona February 13, 2010 at 1:43 am

I thought it was funny on his website he says “I’ll always listen”…..ha.

Mrs. C February 13, 2010 at 1:45 am

That is absolutely outrageous!!!! Even if your Premier **DID** publish his name and address after each post, I’m thinking he has a whole lot more protection from kookaburras than you do in the event an angry reader has an extra gun or two.

As it is, I think you are very brave to write your full name including surname on the blogs. You do it even though you don’t have to. Yet.

Kristin February 13, 2010 at 1:49 am

If it makes you feel any better I just went in and blocked him from following me.

Miss Ash February 13, 2010 at 3:33 am

Oh. My. God.

I am amazed. Utterly.

(about the laws, not necessarily about the Twitter)

(although the Twitter thing? he’s a Twat.)

Karin February 13, 2010 at 4:40 am

Veronica, I really admire you for standing up for what you believe in and not being afraid to speak up. You rock! And yes, he is a sook.

achelois February 13, 2010 at 1:36 pm

Veronica – I shouldn’t comment on the man himself as know absolutely nothing about him or his politics. However my defence being that I am in the UK I am prepared to comment on him blocking you. How very dare he. Does this mean he closes his ears to everything he doesn’t want to hear? How arrogant. Its could be an over vigilant press officer of course mmmm I wonder if he even knows of this? How embarrasing should he not know.I wonder whether the Press are aware that this is happening.

I like it that you stand up for that which you believe in always retaining your dignity.

Ali February 13, 2010 at 5:20 pm

He is a widdle sooky baby. How pathetic can a pollie get.

Missy Boo February 14, 2010 at 1:28 am

LOL! Sorry I’m laughing with disbelief that he would block you on twitter!!!

Barbara February 14, 2010 at 3:34 am

Oh for heavens sake. How old is he? In the spirit of 12 year oldness, and following Kristen’s lead, I’ve blocked him too. It actually made me feel quite good. I might go and block some of our own politicians

Michelle February 14, 2010 at 8:21 pm

Oh my how statesman like. You are obviously a very dangerous woman and must be silenced.

It’s the equivalent of him covering his ears chanting “can’t hear you, can’t hear you” like my children do when I am telling them something they don’t want to hear.

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