Phew! after the fallout from my post admonishing Domino’s for false advertising, I think I need something shiny and pretty to talk about.
Or maybe a unicorn. Actually, if I could be bothered, I could try and stick a horn on one of the horses, but I doubt they’d be impressed and I’m not really sure I’m prepared to chase horses around the paddock all day with a camera.
It’s been a hard week, this last week. I’m due for my period, my joints keep forgetting that they’re meant to attach to each other and sleep has been restless and broken.
Nan’s house sold and new people moved in. I thought I was fine with that, but it turns out, seeing their car in her driveway was a bit too much to bear. I cried a lot that day.
I miss her. So much. I would have liked to hear her perspective on Domino’s and I know she would have been watching the comments as closely as I was.
I watched a documentary on Palliative care last night. Brilliantly done. It follows four patients through their end of life journey. I cried the whole way through it, but if you’re interested, you can view it online here.
The lady with breast cancer, her attitude reminds me of Nan so much.
I miss her.
My children play well together. Except when they don’t, and then I fear for my own safety as I wade into the fray of hair pulling and toy throwing to separate them. The house is in a permanent state of disarray, but we’re all having fun. Except for Nathan, the mess makes him twitch.
Susie is settling in well. She’s such a smart puppy and she learns so fast, that aside from normal puppy behaviours, we’ve not had any issues.
We just won’t talk about her penchant for chewing books.
Naughty dog.
Again on the Domino’s thing – I rang the ACCC and the government body who deals with food safety and labelling. They’re very interested in Domino’s; as the ACCC says, it’s deceptive advertising to call something Gluten Free and then add a disclaimer that it might not be completely gluten free.
Please forgive me for not knowing which government department exactly I was speaking to, I was passed through 4-5 before I got the right people. It’s someone in the Health Department and they deal with food labelling laws and issues arising from mislabelled food.
Anyway, the guy I spoke to at the Health Department, he says that Domino’s cannot have it both ways and agrees that yes, they are breaking the law in claiming Gluten Free, but then adding a disclaimer. He was lovely and we discussed the issue, including the response I got from the Coeliac Society and Domino’s.
So I can let it go, at least on the internet.
It’s being investigated by the relevant officials now.
35 responses to “Unicorns and faerie dust and all that.”
Gorgeous photos sweety. I like the idea of unicorns they would go well with the dragon eggs I am making. xox
I don’t think Emma or Belle would be impressed with me putting a horn on their forehead though, do you? Although, Belle prances enough, I could probably get away with sprinkling glitter over her.
Oh that pic of Susie melts my heart! I just love that photo, as well as your sweeties playing.
I’m so sorry it was a tough week. *hugs* to you.
Oh thank you Veronica, as you know I love the photo’s. I am beginning to feel like a distant relative living in exile in foreign lands waiting patiently for kiddie updates. (with the EDS gene’s no doubt there may be truth in that). Am going back tomorrow to read the post properly as medication is making my brain mushy and can;t get the unicorn thingy! The photo’s are brilliant its as though the family is in the room. I am simply so jealous of your puppy. They bring joy to a family.
EDS and hormones just sucks big time. So sending you a big virtual hug, thankfully they are gentle that way for hurting bendy bodies.
I am going to pinch your theme for my next post after my blogging mojo loss and having just posted loads of angst will endeavour to make the next one all shiny!!!
I’m very pleased that the relevant authorities are paying attention. I’m sorry about your joints. My hormones affect me too. It’s a club I’d rather not belong to. Stupid bodies. Why do ours not know they are wrong? Your kids are so beautiful. Also, I’m a sucker for a springer!
Way to go Veronica! Hopefully the relevant Governmental Dept will be able to sort out the mess created at Domino’s and the misleading claims will be removed very quickly. An apology from Domino’s wouldn’t come amiss either!
Sorry the sale of Nan’s house brought you more tears.
Love the pictures and it’s so true about how well siblings play together until they don’t lol!
My symathies to Nathan. Kiddie mess used to drive me nuts too. To the point where I taught them how to play the game “sweep the toys into the other room”. Ha Ha. Hey- they thought it was fun….
Glad you got some satisfaction on the Domino’s issue, now maybe they’ll really do a totally gluten free pizza.
Photos are beautiful, I love the one of Amy and Isaac cuddling. They are cuddling, right? She’s not doing a vampire thing on his neck?
River – she was actually kissing him! And I don’t think she was trying to go all vampiric on his neck, hehe.
I love the ACCC, they are always helpful!
The story on palliative care last night struck a nerve with me as well. The older lady with bowel cancer reminded me so much of my Grandma who passed away last year – she wore lipstick and had her nails painted right until the end. I was actually moved enough to write about it.
Good on you Veronica for not letting bloody Dominos off the hook. We are with you all the way, baby!
ps. would have really loved to see those unicorns. tehehe.
I think you are brilliant for following up on Dominos, its completely wrong for them to tap into a market without doing adequate research beforehand. Do they think gluten free is some kind of diet fad like vegetarianism? Come on corporations, catch a wake up!
PS please chase your horse around the paddock to stick a horn on her and sprinkle her with glitter. I think we all need a good unicorn photo every now and again!
Your nan sounds like a very special lady!
Susie is a beauty! I very nearly adopted a similar looking pup from the SPCA two weeks ago!
So glad to hear you’ve got a decent response from the government departments, at the very least! And aw…. your kids are gorgeous!
Loving those photos V.
Hope that things start to look shinier soon.
good luck with dominos
sorry to hear about being sad big hugs…
kids and puppy are cute..
i thought you gave Belle away?
Glad you got someone to listen to you at the health department!
Gorgeous photos. I would watch the program, but I’m all cried out at the mo – had a bit of a wobbly the other night about Max and generally feeling like it’s my fault for not doing enough. Luckily Dean was there to snap me out of it!
I’m really glad the thing with Dominos is being looked into. Well done you!
Also? STOP MAKING ME JEALOUS OF YOUR DOGGY!! When can we see a pic of both Susie and Seven together? Photography assignment – GO! 😛
Oh yeah I meant to add… if Nat’s that bothered about the mess he could always try cleaning it up himself? 😉
Beautiful photos. I love Susie.
I still think you should go to Today Tonight with it. They can run through the back of Dominos with a camera shouting at the manager,
‘Excuse me, EXCUSE ME????’
Veronica, the way you were treated in that Domino’s post was absolutely uncalled for. I’m thinking some folks need to either say they disagree, disagree with a little *snark,* or move on. (I’ve done all three at one time or another in blogland!)
I don’t think I’d have let some of those comments stand, but then I know that you believe in a greater freedom of speech on your own and other people’s blogs. I have to respect the fact that you allowed the (stupid, hateful) comments to stand. Well, you have shown that you are a consistent thinker under fire.
God bless ya, hon. I truly hope the new neighbours are awesome.
I love the photos – Isaac’s hair in the vampire photo is gorgeous… I love fly-away hair on babies and toddlers (like sleeping with one’s mouth open, it’s one of those things one must be a toddler in order to pull off with any aplomb).
I just caught up on the whole Domino’s thing and read all the comments as well. Yeesh! Suffice it to say, I am on your side – false advertising is unacceptable.
If people knew what people with Celiac Disease go through when they mistakenly eat gluten and that it can lead to cancers in them, I think they would be a little more understanding. You go girl!
Yay, you advocate, you! Well done.
Jim doesn’t like the mess either. Which is why I let him clean.
I’m curious of your spelling of fairy, very ye olde worlde!
And for what it’s worth, gluten or no gluten, I think domino’s pizza tastes like absolute shit.
maybe you could put a horn on Suzie – she looks game for it and would make a beautiful if slightly fluffy unicorn.
Love your pics and hope your week gets better.
Glad to hear the relevant authorities are on the case 🙂
awww what a cute puppy!! Good pictures too.
I want a unicorn. 😛
Wynnie went to a birthday party once that had Unicorn Rides! Yes it was a pony with a bridle with a cone stuck to it… but it was a UNICORN!!
I am pleased as punch you got the response you did from the ACCC! I would love to know the outcome.
Your photos are amazing. Beautiful. Hard not to want to smooch those precious babies to pieces.
I hope at some point you can find peace with somebody else living in your Nan’s house. It must be so hard. I’m sorry for that.
I’m lovin’ the photos. I can’t believe how big Amy and Isaac are! I hope you can find a glimmer of peace and hope later this week. (HUGS)
Firstly, stunning photo of the dog, you should enter it into Pioneer Woman’s assignment this week with shallow DoF 🙂
Well done on the Domino’s issue!! Glad that someone is investigating it now
unicorns shit chocolate you know. Might be worth your while…
Aww what cute kids, and that picture of the puppy is precious!
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what beautiful pictures.
Nice looking kids, hopefully they grow up to be as discerning as your are. How did the ACCC deal with the issue of Dominos false advertising, out of curiosity?