19 weeks. Honestly, where does the time go?
The little one is an active little bug, although not as active as Amy was. I can feel it wiggle and squirm, as well as bounce on my bladder.
[Side note to baby: Dear baby, I would like to not have to pee every 5 minutes. I would like for you to not flump down onto my bladder every single time I stand up. I would like to have some pelvic floor muscles that I can actually use at the end of this pregnancy. Haven’t you read the same pregnancy books I have? You are meant to move UP from my bladder at about 12 weeks. Hmmph. Love, Mum.]
I feel a little strange blogging about this pregnancy. It still feels a little unreal you know? I think it will feel a bit more real once we (hopefully) find out the sex. [Scan booked for September 11]
And stretchmarks? I has them. We can all blame my poor genetics for that. (Thanks MUM).
My belly button is trying to poke out. I am tired constantly. I am gestating a tiny human.
I am so freaking thankful.
Naked photo. For the pervs. Notice how I am hiding the worst of the stretchmarks?
A few people have asked how I am doing in myself and you know, it’s hard. I don’t find pregnancy a time of butterflies and sunbeams, more likely a time of vomiting, exhaustion and constipation. Mum sent me a link to a site that explains what living with a long term illness is like. You can read it here if you are interested. Keep in mind that my CFS, while it isn’t Lupus, presents with almost identical symptoms to it, so much so that I have been tested for Lupus almost twice a year for the last 6 and a half years.
21 weeks left. Bring on January baby.
31 responses to “19 weeks”
You could absolutely model pregnancy gear.
Not in a pervy way, well, maybe a little, but I reckon that is how every bird would fancy themselves to look at this stage.
Lovely progress.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Dos & don’ts
What a beautiful belly!
Yep, the exhaustion has me wiped and for the past 1.5 weeks the big brother isn’t taking nap time any more which means no nap for me ๐
Hang in there! You are doing wonderfully!
You actually look skinnier, minus the belly. All my stretch marks are on top this time, this baby is higher than the other two were. At least I think they’re all on top, I can’t exactly see the bottom. ๐
Memarie Lanes last blog post..Making Memaries
Wow, I’m jealous! Your stretchmarks are nothing in comparison to mine – my whole stomach looks like an inner-city road map!
You look beautiful. Just beautiful. You also look too thin. Except, of course, where that big bump is.
lceels last blog post..Wordy Wednesday – Tribute – One Week Gone
Almost half way there and looking lovely.
I’m the proud owner of MANY stretch marks as well. I got so large with Oscar I even got them on the top of my belly. But as you said, I’m so grateful.
Funny thing, at 25.5 weeks, I’m acually NOT feeling as huge as I was early in my pregnancy. Possibly because my maternity clothes fit properly now?
Jennis last blog post..What Comes After No?
Beautiful!! What a wonderful blog. ๐
You really have such beautiful skin! Very ivory looking… stretch marks? They are a small price for the gift you are getting ๐ and in a few years they WILL fade off to near non-noticeable problems.
I was thinking you looked thinner as well, but perhaps it is because you aren’t modelling a sweater this time. Looking forward to hearing the results of your scan!
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Elf Will Never Sleep Again.
You have such a beautiful bump ๐ You look stunning!! And that is not a naked photo LOL!
Can’t wait to hear whether it’s a blue or pink bump ๐
Jentys last blog post..Some inspiration
xxx mum
frogpondsrocks last blog post..I needed cheering up a bit.
*LOVE* the pics!
time surely does fly..
i am a day off of 26 weeks..
i am still going with a girl.. ๐
thinking of ya..
Tazs last blog post..Wordless Wednesday..
Aw, look at your little preggo self. XXOO
Rees last blog post..Purposeless is Another Word for Randomโฆ
You look great! I’d kill for those skinny little arms 2 years post partum. Thank goodness I can’t reach you, because I’d be begging to touch that belly!
Nice tummy!
I was rollin’ with the jelly belly flub by 16 weeks with each bub lol.
Stretch marks? I had Highway 1 running all over the expanding mass of flesh ๐
Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History August 28
cool. The page wouldn’t load for me, only the title so I was really peeved off. But it finally loaded.
Beautiful photos and a beautiful flattering top as well. It would look good with your black hair.
I think its a girl too.
Looking good.
You are awsome! Growing a tiny human like that is truly amazing and your belly looks beautiful.
I still place bets for a boy.
tiffs last blog post..The girl who doesnโt belong.
I’m betting that bump is a boy. You look beautiful. Is Amy getting excited yet? Has she felt the baby kick?
WOW. 19 weeks already?
Give that baby an extra rub from me K?
Kelleys last blog post..Hello Mrs XXXX! How are you today????
Bettinas last blog post..Hot Hunk Thursday
Aww. That is such a cute little baby bump!
Kathryns last blog post..WW- The Last of Summer
Love the belly! And you have seen The Shape of a Mother, right? Beautiful women with beautiful stretch marks…made me feel TONS better about all of my own tiger stripes. =)
SusanBs last blog post..Thirty Years Later…
Aww – what a cute little bump!
I do know what you mean about CFS and Lupus, having been told I have Lupus based on symptoms alone – and I now disagree with that diagnosis (think they just told me that to shut me up). Now having a son with CFS, plus my own experience I do understand what you must go through – with a toddler and pregant too it must be very difficult for you. You’re doing great!
mysts last blog post..I WASN’T paranoid…
Aw, such a lovely bump. ๐
Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Psssssssstโฆ
So. Effing. Cute. Love the pictures.
You know, when I was pregnant, I realized that all that crap people spew about pregnant women being cute? Was complete bullshit.
There is nothing cute about getting fat, stretch marks, peeing every 5 minutes – sometimes in your panties, being unable to sleep, vomiting, constant nausea, constipation, exhaustion, having to take 5 gallons of horse pill vitamins every day, huge underwear, painful boobs, weird cramps, waddling, swelling feet, and the prospect of pushing a watermelon through a key-hole after hours of the singularly worst pain imaginable.
Its worth it. But its not fucking cute.
KATs last blog post..I Have a Brother
I read somewhere that we should look at our stretch marks as our battle wounds to remember pregnancy. I call bullshit. Stretch marks blow.
January will be here before you know it.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
maggie, dammits last blog post..Gustav
I didn’t have very nice pregnancies either and it doesn’t matter how BADLY you want the baby – the pregnancy bit still SUCKS. At least you know it’ll have an end date. Unlike CFS (which I was diagnosed with at 18) which seems to enjoy coming and going as it likes.
All this to say, I know something of what you’re going through (even though everyone’s experience is different).
Lightenings last blog post..The Best Laid Plans
My second was like that. My mom says when they do their best to crush your bladder and ruin your pelvic floor muscles, it’s a boy.